Hello. . . Again

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Hey guys,

  I know, you all must be like, Gigi, if you have time to write a useless authors note then you can write a new chapter, right?

  Well. . . I have even more news!

  I am going to be editing this book tonight, I have no idea if I'm going to finish it tonight, but I just thought I'd let you all know. I don't think I'm going to do anything major, but I know I'm going to be putting in spaces, and fixing grammar and spelling. It's not that big of a deal, but I just thought I should let you all know.

  Also, you know how between the last couple of chapters I've been having a lot of viewer specials? Well, I'm only going to do it for the ones that really matter now, for instance, if we make it to 5k, maybe even 10k I'll do a viewer special, but please do remember, if you want lemons you can go to my lemon book and tell me or you could text me if your embarrassed.

  And because this isn't a chapter, and because I haven't uploaded one of my corny pictures for a while, you shall get pictures!

  And because this isn't a chapter, and because I haven't uploaded one of my corny pictures for a while, you shall get pictures!

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