Chapter 12

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  When I woke up, I couldn't see anything. I could feel that I had my bra and panties on, but this didn't calm me down. I started to move my arms and legs but I couldn't. I started to panic and move my body around when a stabbing pain coursed through my leg making me scream as I then heard a door open.

  I felt something being taken off of my face and I could see again. I looked around and saw that the walls were adorned with medicine bottles and needles, and there were metal tables holding similar things on them. I then looked at my wrists and ankles and saw them chained to the table. But one figure stood out from all of this.

  A man.

  He has long blond hair that reached his shoulders, and light blue eyes. He wore a white doctors coat, with a dress shirt and pants under it. He had a watch on and a cross with some earring on.

  "Who are you?" I whispered out as he looked at me.

  He chuckled as he then started to grab some things from one of the metal tables.

  "I'm your doctor, and hair dye remover." He said as he started to move the table with a flick of a button and it started to tilt my head downwards.

  "What are you doing?" I asked him as he placed a bucket underneath my head.

  "It's time for the world to see your real hair color." He said as he then started to take out my blue hair, and make me see my white hair again.

. . .

I cried as the table started to move back the way it was. My scalp hurt me, my entire head did.

"Why are you crying? You should be happy, your finally going to see your real hair color again." He said as he started to play with it. I tried to move away from him only to hear him sigh and let it go.

"I've got to say, I feel sorry for you." He said while looking at me with pity.

"Then why won't you help me? My family? Or call the cops?" I said as I started to cry again.

He looked at me with an unreadable face and lifted my chin for me to look at him.

"Because. . . I'm already helping you." He said as he then let go of my chin and started to mess with some of the stuff on the table. When he was done I saw that there was a timer on it.

"This timer is very special, it will tell you how much time you have to leave this room, get your family, and escape." He started to mess with it again and it was set for an hour.

"Wait here for a second." He said as he left the room but came back with a little tv on a cart. I looked at it and saw that it was showing me the security cameras, but only one of them caught my attention.

I saw Jace leaving the building.

"Your time starts now." He said as he then placed a key on the table and left the room.

I started to pull on the chains with all of my strength, a strong feeling of hope came to me as I thought about all of this ending soon. About me seeing my family again. About me going back to work. I need to do this!

   I started to push harder and harder, and within ten minutes, I knew that I wasn't getting out of these without a key, unless. . .

  I stopped and looked at the chains. In what way are these attached to the chair? I started to move my arms again only to find out that their not connected to the table, but to each other, but there's something keeping them in place.

I tried doing the same thing to my feet and saw that they are in the same predicament.

If I move my arms up and down, I might be able to get myself free. I started to do that and heard something. I grabbed part of the chain with both hands, and moved my arms up. I started to see the chain at the end of the table.

When my hands were finally free, I did the same thing to my legs and looked at the timer. I only have forty minutes left. I shakily stood up and grabbed the key.

This must unlock my family's chains.

I opened the door only to met the pitch black hallway, where I could easily get lost. The only bright thing on there being a note on the floor. I picked it up and read it.

If your reading this congratulations, you've made it past the first obstacle. As you can already see, you'll have many more, and you won't possibly escape today, but don't worry, you'll have other chances. But I'd want to escape quickly if I were you, after all, time isn't really in your favor.

There's a clue hidden in this note, find it and you'll move on.

-Your Doctor

What clue? This doesn't make sense. I looked at the timer as I started to cry out of frustration.

Wait. . . Time!

I went over to the timer and picked it up, and underneath it was a note.

You sure are clever, now follow these instructions.

Don't turn left, but don't go straight, keep your head down and you'll be safe, look under the table and open the drawer, take the wig and go to Explore!

  What? Is he just speaking in rhymes now?

  I sighed as I looked under the table and pulled out a wig and a doctors coat. I guess I have to go in a disguise.

  I put on the wig and coat, and started to walk into the dark hallway. I turned right, and came to a fork in the road. I can either go straight or right, and the note said not to go straight. I went left and walked a little bit until I was at a dead end.

  If it were a normal dead end then I would have been cursing out about what this doctor said, but it wasn't a normal dead end.

  Instead it has one way glass as a wall, and on the other side is my family, but the single word Explore was written above it.

  I started to pound on it, to at lest try and make a noise for them to hear, but they didn't even look my way.

  I started to cry as I looked at them.

  They all have tear stained faces with bits of blood on them, and their chains where holding them still as they all looked at the floor.

  But the one face that broke my heart the most.


  I started to cry as I looked at him.

  His usual light salmon colored hair was now a dark pink that almost made it look purple. His clothes were ripped all over, and his socks had holes all over them. His wrists were red with little traces of blood on them from pulling on the chains. His face had black smudge marks on them, and little cuts surrounded them. But his eyes. . . It made my heart break to just look at them.

  His eyes that were usually a cheerful brown, that could light up any mood, now have a dull, lifeless hue in them, making me cry as I looked at him.

  When a loud alarm went off.

  I saw my family look around in confusion.


  My hour must be up.

  "Stay where you are, if you move he'll find you. I'm coming for you." I heard the doctor say through the loudspeaker.

  I kept my gaze locked on Wataru's helpless body until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked behind me and saw the doctor. He smiled at me.

"You did good, now you've got to do better next time." He said as he led me back to the doctors room, taking the wig and coat from me.

He chained me back on the table and was about to leave me until I shouted for him to wait. He turned around and looked at me.

"What? I have other things to do you know." He said as he looked at his watch.

"When can I try again?" I asked him curiously.

He chuckled at what I said.

"Soon, real soon. But if I were you, I'd start getting ready for a punishment from him." He said as he left me alone to wait for the bastard to come and get me.

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