Chapter 16

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(Tatsu's pov)

Everything hurts. My head feels as if it was banged against the wall and my body has pins and needles all over it. I can't move anything, just trying to wiggle my fingers hurts. I opened my eyes and nearly cried as I realized that I was back in the room and chained to a table, naked. The cold air nipped at my skin as I groaned in pain.

  The door was suddenly slammed open as Jace stomped in angrily. He slammed the door shut as he made his way over to me, pulled out a chair and sat on it. He then folded his arms and stared into my eyes, his cold blue eyes bore holes into my red ones.

"Want to explain why I found you in the middle of the hallway knocked out?" He asked me calmly, too calmly.

Wait, I wasn't in a hallway though. I was in that room....

"Well?" He asked me impatiently, his face contorting into that of an pissed off one.

"Since you don't have anything to say I'm going to tell you what's going to happen now. We're going to go pay your family a visit and give them a nice surprise." He said as then then unchained me from the table, the moment he touched me I flinched away in pain.

"Start moving, whore!" He yelled at me as he then handcuffed my hands behind my back and forced me to stand on wobbly legs. I cried as he then dragged into the room they were in. He opened the door and I didn't know where to look. Their faces looked skinnier and I was starting to notice that their clothes seemed a little big. And the stench.... it was unbearable. What has he done to them?

He forced me to sit down next to the table on the floor as eyes looked down at my naked body in pity. Jake then went and got a bottle and some packets and put them on the table. I watched as he then stood up and grabbed something from his pocket. A key. He swung it around his fingers as he looked at each of my siblings, almost as if he were studying them.

"I'm going to give you a choice. Tatsu, I've noticed that you don't seem to like your new home, so I've decided to let you choose which one of your family members should leave. After all, a birds got to leave the nest someday." He said while chuckling.

What? That wasn't the right way to use that analogy, but that doesn't matter right now. Right now, he's letting me choose who I can set free. This doesn't sound like something that he would do. He must be up to something. But..... this may be the only chance I'll get to have at least one of them live their lives. I made a promise, and I need to make sure that I can try and save him before it's too late. I know that so far I've done everything wrong and that I've made him endure the worst things imaginable, along with the rest of the family. But I owe him this, and I'm sure that everyone else would agree.

"Wataru." I said as I looked over at him, his dark dirty hair was in his face as he looked at me shocked. I could see him start to tear up as he realized what I've said.

"Good choice," Jace chuckled as he let Wataru out of his shackles. He shakily stepped foot on the ground and walked over to me, enveloping ourselves into a hug full of tears, blood, and love.

  "I'm so sorry Wataru, I love you so much, I never meant for any of this to happen." I cried into his shoulder as he cried into mine. I suddenly heard clapping. I tried to grab Wataru's hand but I couldn't because of the shackles. Jace has something planned, and whatever it is, it isn't good.

  "How sweet, you must be so happy..... Wataru? Look I might not remember your name, but there's something you have to know kid." He then bent down and pulled on Wataru's clothing, forcing him to look at him.

  "If you want your freedom you have to do something for me." He said to him with a malicious look in his eyes.

  Oh no. No, no, no, no, no! Shit! This can't be happening! What have I done? Do I only made things worse for Wataru? I'm a horrible sister. He doesn't deserve this, any of this. I shouldn't have became a part of this family, I should have just stayed on tour and pretend that none of them existed. Maybe then things wouldn't have ended up this way. Maybe then..... they could have all been happy. They would have had Ema and she would've taken care of them. She'd make them food, give them good advice, she'd do anything for them. Meanwhile I'm just some slut that's there for a good fucking. They don't deserve this. None of them deserve this. My eyes started to water as I wondered what life could have been like for them if they didn't meet me. They would have been a perfect family, and they'd be happy, like all families should be.

  "If you want your freedom you need to abuse your sister."


  I couldn't hold them in any more, the tears started to burst out of my eyes and I could hear some of my family members muffled voices.

  "Shut up! Unless you's want to do it!" That instantly  silenced them, they knew that if Wataru didn't do it he might not be freed. But, this could just be a trap and he might not be freed even if he does do it.

  "What are you going to do kid? I don't have all day." Jace said impatiently.

  Wataru looked at the faces of his family, silently asking them what he should do but not getting a response. This is his decision to make, and no one dared to tell him what to do, except for me.


    hit me."
  Sup? Been forever since the last update, but here it is. I made this short for a reason (and no, it's not because I'm lazy). This is the very near end chapter, so this book shall be completed soon. I'd say in about one or two more chapters, so make sure to look for any new updates! I will update again tomorrow, so be prepared! Go get your box of tissues now and go buy some popcorn, because shit's about to go down.

Thank you for 12 thousands reads, I love you guys!

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