My Life's Beginning

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(Character: Y/N)

Author: This is my second ever attempt at a story, so please be patient, you don't need to be kind. Being new is no excuse for being bad, but it is an excuse for not understanding how to write or an idea for a story :)

I was 7 years old at the time, i woke up in my room inside the Rose/Xiao Long house again. I guess i should give some context to how i got here. I remember it, even though i shouldn't... It was 3 years ago, when i was 4. I was a child inside the human trade, of course i am a faunus. Families would buy me and try to use me as a slave but would see how useless i was quickly and throw me out, until one day someone busted in smelling of booze, i fully expected them to lose against my family since they were in the human- or should i say faunus trade business. It may be illegal... but what human would care? Let's be honest, none of the would... I watched as this drunken man pulled out his sword and quickly took "care" of my owners. When he walked over to me he looked at me with sympathetic eyes...i would soon learn that wasn't sympathy at all... that was pity. When he "saved" me he took me to a place on a little island called Patch, he took me to a small house near the woods, their was a family waiting outside. A father, mother, and 2 daughters. I learned that their names were Taiyang Xiao Long, Summer Rose, Ruby Rose, and lastly Yang Xiao Long. They all looked happy, but it wasn't for me, it was for the drunkard that saved me. His name was Qrow. And that's the story of how i was forced from one owner to the next...

But now were in the present, no need to dwindle on the past. I got up out of bed smelling the same smell of spoiled food, and stained blood. It's not that i was beaten alot, it's that they wouldn't let me clean my clothes... said it was only fitting for an animal like me to wear rags... I walked down stairs to my family and heard the father say "Hey Y/N! Get over here and do the dishes! You know what i told you about being late to waking up!" He then proceeded to grab me by the hair and took me over to the sink, i was of course to short to reach it so he had a little stool that i would stand on to wash the dishes. My owner had 2 daughters, the younger one would leave me alone and not look at me most of the time, when she did she would call me disgusting. But the older one... She's the meanest of them all... She was starting training this year so she practiced on me at random times, and this morning was one of those times... She tried to sneak out of her seat to me but like they say... i'm an animal... My cat ears picked up the sound of her walking to me... I grew more scared with each step... then i felt the stool being pulled from beneath my feel and i fell to the ground smashing a plate on my way down. My owner's wife looked at me and sighed before she got up and grabbed me, dragging me outside. The whole time i begged for her not to hurt me, that it wasn't my fault.

But when we got outside...she didn't hit me? She just told me to quiet down by putting a pointer finger over her lips. Then she spoke to me in a whisper "Good, good... Don't worry, i'm not going to hurt you. Okay? I would never do that." I was oddly calmed by her words. But i didn't fully believe her. I did believe her a little bit, since she never did hurt me.

 We got to speaking, and i actually enjoyed talking to her. Then we went inside and it was back to her having to ignore me. My owner would force me to do chores for the rest of the day till i couldn't move anymore. I was so confused as to why he was so rude to me if he had 2 kids of his own... "Hey Y/N! You're done! Get out of my sight before i make you!" I knew better than to disobey, so i quickly ran back to room. Luckily i was a cat faunus, so i was quick.

For the next few weeks i would frequently hang out with Summer in secret, but for some reason we switched up our meeting spot multiple times. She never did tell me, but one day she did something mean to me for no reason. It was when my "savior" was visiting us.

I was doing the laundry while the kids were practicing outside with their father, mother, and uncle. I wanted to watch so i could possibly learn how to defend myself, but i was a fool... I walked outside, the second i stepped outside my owner looked at me angrily, while Summer had some emotion i couldn't understand. She quickly ran over to me and slapped me and yelled at me to get back in my room.

On my way back to my room, using my heightened senses i heard the drunk say something i couldn't understand, but i tried to listen closely "muffled, Why'd muffled hit him? muffled muffled muffled" That's all i could understand. They started talking but i lost interest quickly and returned to my room.

Days later my only friend in the family gave me some real food to eat that wasn't rotten or close to spoiling. I was thankful to be able to enjoy real food since they like to joke and give me cat food and call me an animal. It was probably just an apology for hurting me. I accepted the apology, since she was the only one who even tries to show me real kindness... even if it is in secret. We kept up our private meetings for the next 5-6 months until she disappeared without a trace. They believed she died... i believed she ran away. That's when things got much worse... The father turned like his eldest daughter and hit me for no reason, probably just to vent his anger and sadness... Now most days my shirts weren't the only thing stained with blood... my room was as well. That was until they all left for one of the daughters birthdays. They all went out for food. Of course i had already learned that in front of Qrow, they wouldn't do anything to me. I still believe its his fault... he's the only reason i'm here. He's the only reason i get beat for no reason and the only reason i cared for someone...then she had to go and disappear on me... I started crying from all my thoughts. I was free to walk around the house so i did. I went and made food, real food. I knew i'd get hurt, but i didn't care... I was use to it by this time.

When i saw them coming close to the house i rushed to my room and bashed my knee against the door. It hurt a lot, but i didn't care i needed to be in there. I heard there laughter and saw a note on the floor of my room. It had Summer's name on it. So i opened it and proceeded to read it. Of course i am a child...


"Hello Y/N, if you're reading this it means that i believe i am going away for a long time. It means i have something for you as well. I have hidden it inside your bed, it's a going away present. I hope you can find people who can love you, who can take care of you, i wish only for you to be happy. To get away from us. I know we weren't the best to you. But i do have a favor to ask of you... if you ever find my daughter after you leave, do you think you could save her? If she's ever in trouble, please save her. I know you can never forgive us for what we've done to you. I won't ask for forgiveness. Now please be safe on your journey Y/N. I will always love you. 

~Sincerely Summer Rose.

(Letter End)

After reading the letter i began to cry, i was going to look inside the bed but i didn't have claws or any sharp objects in reach. So i would have to wait until everyone was asleep. Or... I started smiling deviously. If the uncle is still here, i could just go down there and ask for one from him. I walked downstairs and it would seem luck was smiling on me today, since they were all laughing and having fun with the uncle. So i walked over to him and poked his shoulder. He turned towards me and smiled. "Oh hello Y/N, its a shame you weren't able to join us at Ruby's party again. You need to learn to listen to the rules" He said, i didn't get angry. I couldn't get angry this was my one chance at escape. I needed that knife. So i looked him in the eyes and gave a fake laugh. "Haha, sorry U-uncle Qrow, i guess i'm more like you than i thought! B-but do you think i could borrow a knife? I want to try something" My owner looked so angry i almost thought he was about to explode. But Qrow thought nothing of it and handed me a small pocket knife, which i thanked him for and ran upstairs and proceeded to cut open my bed. What i saw inside was a Satchel packed with snacks which have expired by now, not that i cared. Along with water and money, a decent amount of it...i think. Along with a jagged dagger that had a white handle with a gold jewel at the bottom with a golden engraved blade.

I picked up the satchel and put the dagger and its sheath on my waist and hopped out the window. Not leaving a note or anything behind, not even Summer's note... They don't deserve it.
I headed into the forest unknowing what could happen, but not caring. Anywhere-no anyTHING would be better than being there any longer. Cause this is...This is my story! This is where my life begins!

Author: Tell me what you think if ye'd like. I'm also writing an original story if you like that kind of stuff. Chapter 1 kinda sucks, but i got a better writing style in chapter 2...See ya o7

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