So What's The Deal?

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(Character: Y/N) (Age: 15)

I woke up in my room, but it felt different...It smelt of blood and rotten food. But not just felt sad i jolted up and opened my eyes wide and looked around. I saw that i was in my room, i wasn't calm though i felt nervous and afraid. Something was wrong and i had to know what it was... I got up but not do to my own volition, i-i couldn't control my own body. Actually now that i think about it... it didn't feel like it was my body, it felt like i was watching without a choice. 

I watched as i opened the door and walked into the kitchen and saw the Xiao Longs and Roses all gathered at a table. They weren't moving nor did they take notice to my presence. I was confused as i moved closer and when i did i saw something their eyes were trained onto mine, not watching me, just staring into my eyes. They never moved, looked away, or even blink. They just... sat there, like dolls. That's when i looked towards the door and saw Qrow just standing doing the exact same thing, staring into my eyes, not moving... I went to look back to the table and saw that Ruby was gone. It was just Tai, Summer, and Yang. I walked backwards slowly but something stopped me and told me to turn i did and i was met with the sight of Ruby's eyes staring into mine still, only now her eyes were pure black! My heart was racing so much that i seemed to ignore the fact that i wasn't running or doing anything i just stood there until i heard a giggle and i turned back to the table and saw it was just Tai and Summer now... I didn't want to be here anymore so much that i just started screaming... b-but i couldn't something was stopping me. When i looked back to the table Tai was gone, it was just Summer. No one was around anymore... Just her and me... I walked slowly to the table, when i got close it felt like something was stopping me. So i looked at her in a desperate attempt and she smiled before getting up and walking towards the door, when i looked over i saw the entire family by the door smiling this psychotic grin as they all left, Summer was the last one to leave. She looked at me and shook her head in disgust before shutting the door behind her... Everything went black, i was trapped until i heard a desperate cry. "Y/N...Y/N...Y/N!!!"

I jolted up and scanned my surroundings and remembered where i was. I sighed in relief and remembered that someone called my name and saw my father Locke. "Oh... Hey father...Sorry, did i wake you?" He had a look of fear on his face that quickly changed to relief and confusion. "You honestly have no idea what you were doing in your sleep do you?" He sighed as i gave him a look of confusion now. "You were rolling around hyperventilating, scared me half to death you did..." I smiled and gave him a pat on the shoulder "Thanks, and sorry for that..." He smiled and gave me a hug "Don't be sorry... I know you can't help it"

That's right... I told him my history, that i was a slave... I told him everything i went through, every memory i could recall... He said it could help me to talk about it, and honestly... It did.
I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't so i got up an went out for some fresh air. 

When i got outside i heard someone running through the town out of breath. "Excuse me! Do you need help?" I asked the person, when i got a better look at him he looked to be around my age he wore a white royal like clothing and has silver hair along with having golden highlights in his hair. "Hmph, you commoner, have you by chance seen a kitten, his name is Charles and he is my pet, he has white puffy fur while having 1 black eye and 1 white eye. And if you do by chance find him... I can reward you, with lets say... 50,000 lien?

Author: Sidenote. Have no idea how lien works... :P

I looked around and used my enhanced senses to try and hear for any movement and looked at the ground for any tracks of the cat, i saw some hair. I was about to accept when i remembered something my father has told me. Always bargain and try to get a better price. I looked at the fancy guy's outfit again and smiled. "I'll find your cat, on one condition though... 60,000 lien AND you get me one of those fancy outfits" He looked angrily at me before remembering where we were. In a small village outside of all huntsmen's reach. "Tch, fine...You will get your outfit and your lien once i get my beautiful Charles" 

Cat-atonic State: Rwby x Abused ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now