That's Not True At All

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(Character: Y/N) (Age: 10)

I wandered through a forest inside of Vale. making sure to stick to the shadows and keep to the trees, luckily for me...i'm a cat faunus, so it's pretty easy to stay hidden in the trees. As i was wandering through the forest aimlessly i saw a familiar type of grimm, it was a bull grimm. I grabbed my dagger that i had named Lost Light and aimed the jagged blade at the bull grimm and prayed that it would hit as i activated my aura and focused it on the golden gem at the bottom of the handle. It lit up and the blade started to spark before it sent a blast of lightning that made all the hairs on my body stand up and i wince and look away. When i looked back towards the grimm i see its head falling while the rest of it lies on the ground disintegrating into nothing. When i walk over to the head to harvest the horns which for some reason don't disappear after they are extracted from the body i hear bushes move and in seconds i'm surrounded by beowolves. I wonder how i'll get out of this alive, my mind started to think so many things at once that i lost focus of where i was, just for a moment though. I was brought back to reality by the sound of snarling getting closer as one lashes at me from behind, my body moves on its own and dodges it instantly which confused me cause i didn't make my body do that. After that they all closed in trying to claw and bite at me but for some reason none of them connect, i can't attack or even run... My body just keeps moving out of the way each time.

I start falling back, not by my doing though. Just because the beowolves keep coming at me. My body reacts on its own and jumps on the snout of the closest one and uses it to jump into the trees and i start jumping from the trees to get away. W-what's my body doing? Why can't i control it? I'm afraid of what's happening to me... As i kept running away my mind started to fade and i fell unconscious.

When i awoke i was next to a small waterfall. I looked around and saw that my tattered rags were no where to be found, i was left naked...but with my satchel and my Lost Light. What thief takes a kids blooded rags but not his weapon? I come to my senses and check my satchel and find all my money inside of it, i haven't spent a single lien of the money Summer gave me. Mainly because i don't do being around people... They aren't good, never have been... especially humans.

As i sat thinking what i should do i heard a persons voice from above it sounded like they said cannonball? Wait...CANNONBALL? I look towards the top of the waterfall and see a person jump into the river, i ran behind a nearby rock and peaked out to see if the person was still alive. Seconds later they surfaced and looks at me and smile before laughing and getting out. "Sorry for startling you! Just wanted to try jumping in, and i'd say it was a bad idea" They say as they rub their back before looking back at me and smiling. I don't like how carefree this person is, so i pull out my dagger and start charging it and aim it at him. "T-tell me who you are! R-right now or i'll...i'll blast you to dust!.. and where are my clothes!"

He looks at my knife and sees it starting to spark, water seems to drip off his forehead. "O-ok look kid, my names Locke, i just saw you passed out back in the woods so i took you to this waterfall, and for the second one. You were wearing rags that had holes all over them, so they kinda fell apart on our way could you turn off the uhh knife?"

I try concentrating on making the charge go away but it doesn't. "Uh oh...DUCK!" I yell as i move the dagger out of his direction, he leaped back into the river as i fire the shot into the tree which made the trees leaves all fall out and a hole appear in the tree. Locke looked over at the tree and turned back to me wide eyed in surprise. "Well that's a strong dagger..." He says as he gets out on the other side of the river. He heads behind a rock and comes back into view with a bag in his hand. "I uh, i have some extra clothes in here if you want them. They might be a bit to big though" he chuckles as he pulls them out, and i take them and put them on. And by a bit to big... he really meant way too big. "I...thanks..." I mumble out as i start walking back into the forest. I hear his voice as i walk back in but i don't pay attention until i hear feet behind me. He goes to grab my shoulder but i lose control again and move out of the way tripping him. He falls straight onto his face. "Oww... that hurt, i'd like to know why you want to go back into the forest? It's dangerous, no place for kids...h-how about you let me take you back to your family?"

Of course he'd ask that...I sigh before looking at him emotionless "I don't have a family" I say before trying to walk away from him but he gets up and grabs my shoulder. But for some reason... My body didn't move on its own this time. I look back to the man who helped me "W-well how about you come with me, i can be your new family. I don't have much but...i've always wanted a kid of my own, and we both don't have families so... Can't we become each others? I looked at the man surprised. Is it really that easy to find someone to care? If so why? Why couldn't someone show up sooner? Or is this all just a trick? I...i don't know what to think anymore! I started crying which seemed to sadden the man in front of me. "Don't my son" He said as he pulled me into a hug. I didn't feel any sadness anymore. Why? I think... i think i can trust him... "I-i accept your offer! B-but...just so you know...i'll be the biggest burden you'll ever i'm sorry..." He looked at me and smiled but placed a hand on my cheek then pet me, at that point i saw...he was... a human? Before i had time to react he spoke "Don't worry my boy, that's not true at all...if anyone's the burden it'll be me" He chuckled as he picked me up.

Author: That's this chapter. Tell me your opinions if ye'd like o7

Cat-atonic State: Rwby x Abused ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now