A Familiar Face

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(Character: Y/N) (Age: 16)

I was heading into the kingdom of Vale's capital to pick up a shipment of dust, for some reason the village chose me to be the errand boy... But it's fine i guess it gets me out of the village for a bit. I just gotta head to the harbor, find the shipment and pick it up. On my way there i heard lots of whispering and got lots of looks from people since i don't hide my ears, but it won't bother me. They can hate me all they want.

Once i got close to the harbor i saw some other faunus, they seemed to be unloading some crates, so i decided to ask if they have a shipment of dust for my village "Excuse me! D-do you have a shipment of dust for Akirameta? The faunus people looked at me and saw my ears and smiled. I guess my ears are good when i need to talk to others of my species. One of them spoke up "Sorry, this ship only contains dust from the Schnee Dust Company. So unless your village bought it from there i don't think we have your shipment"

I look at the note my father gave me and it read.

You are to head to the capital of Vale and pick up our shipment of dust, cause in the last grimm attack we used most of our supply. We need it quickly so please be quick and safe.

I needed to get my shipment but they didn't tell me which ship it would be on! This...was gonna be alot harder than i was hoping for...I sigh and walk over to the crates and read the labels on them which obviously upset the residence since they got uneasy with a faunus looking at the crates. I still hate humans...The only ones i'm okay with live at Akirameta.

I saw another supply boat coming in and ran over to where it was docking. "Excuse me! Do you have any shipments of dust?" I said hopeful that they'd just have it. The people on the ship looked at me before looking at eachother "Let me check for you kid, but your village would have had to order the shipment beforehand" one of them said.

"We did, our village is called Akirameta!" I said in a desperate tone, i looked around only to see more humans coming to pick up shipments of dust. "Alright we'll look, in the meantime you wait there" One of the people on the ship in front of me said, bringing my attention back to them. I waited for what felt like hours, honestly it was only minutes though since the suns position did not change much.

One of the workers on the ship come back to the side of the ship and look down on the port to me "We found a crate with your towns name on it, paid in advance so no paperwork needed" He then takes the crate and comes over to me and opens it revealing 5 briefcases inside. "Dust crystals, meaning be careful when you take this back alright?"

I knew what happened when you weren't careful with dust. I mean i have an experimental dust type of weapon that doesn't exist..."Tha-thank you, i'll be extra careful" I said as i took the crate and started to walk back home. I got many strange looks but no one tried to attack me, i believe its because of my outfit and dagger. This is the home to a Huntsmen and Huntress academy, so it would only make sense to assume i went there.

It would take me a day to get back, i was fine with it though. As i was getting closer to the village it reached sunset and i stepped on something that cracked and made a squishing sound. I looked down and saw a dead bird. Ewww, who would just kill a bird and leave it there? I decided to try ignoring it and as i got closer i saw maybe 5-6 birds before it reached nightfall. I started to here the hooting of an owl.

This scared me, probably cause of all the dead birds i saw on my way here- that's when the owl landed on my left shoulder and started hooting at me. I started laughing cause it was funny for some reason "Are you trying to speak to me?" i asked the owl stupidly before it chirped at me which surprised me since i didn't know owls could do that. I started to continue my walk back to the village and the owl started making some sort of whistling sound, i ignored it but it kept up. What's confusing me the most is that its not scared of me, i have cat ears. Cats eat birds... But i'm not a cat i'm a faunus.

Once i was close enough to the town the owl made a screeching sound and i started to smell blood and fire. But no screaming? I rushed in afraid that the grimm had attacked, i was pleasantly surprised when i saw people standing, there were many fallen and of course that smell of blood but if people were still alive then maybe so was my father. "Hey! Are all the grimm gone!" I yelled towards the first person i saw as i ran closer and closer. What i didn't pay attention to was the fact that the closer i got the louder the owls screeching got.

The person i yelled to looked over to me, he was wielding a sword, stained with blood? But wait... The grimm don't bleed! Now that i look at the bodies there aren't any claw marks or bite marks, just slashes and stabs along with severed limbs. I began feeling sickly as i vomited in front of the person. He looked at me and smiled before saying "Looks like you came into town at a bad time kid" then he raised his sword at me to slice, i was overwhelmed with so much sadness that i was just gonna let it hit me. But it never came i felt that familiar strangeness in my body. It was moving on its own, but not defensively, in an offensive manner. I was attacking the man in front of me without trying to. I noticed that my dagger wasn't charging though? So i tried to concentrate my aura into the gem again and it started to spark.

The murderer i was attacking tried to block my strike but with the blade sparking the electricity ran down his blade and shocked him whenever i made contact with it, this forced him to try dodging my attacks now that he couldn't block. Other murderers heard the fight and came to assist. When they got close i fired the shock out if it, but it was different. It was like pure lightning this time and struck multiple enemies, knocking them to the ground.

That surprised them but one of the murderers saw me wielding the weapon and smiled before speaking "I guess that confirms her death...Meaning you're her killer? You don't seem like much to me" Who's killer? I didn't kill anyone. Is she talking about Summer? 

When i came to this realization i grew angry and looked at the person who said it. She was wearing all red with a sword with a red blade in her hand, her face was covered by a grimm-like mask. I gritted my teeth together and looked at her "I've never killed anyone! Unlike you murderers" The hood to my outfit fell down do to the direction the wind was blowing revealing my ears to everyone. The murderers looked at each other "A faunus in a human village? Haha, so you were there slave! That's it, you lived cause they sent you to go get that crate. What perfect timing" One of the bandits said while laughing which made others laugh as the masked female grew impatient with them "Enough! We're leaving, spare the child... Not like he has anything left, and the grimm will arrive. Soon he'll be dead"

All of the bandits listened and they disappeared into the darkness, leaving me to sit in a burning town by myself. Waiting for certain death, grimm were growing closer. I could hear the movement and the growls... But i also heard something else, it sounded like a certain bird i've been hearing all day. I turned to see the owl hooting and pointing its head towards the direction i came from. In that direction i saw 2 bullheads coming. I lied down tired of it, tired of the sadness, pain, and suffering i've had to endure my entire life. I waited for the sweet release from it all. But of course... It never came, i heard voices of huntsmen around and a certain face came into view, it was a white haired male. He and his guards took care of most of the grimm, they had a medical staff with them as i saw some of them run over to me and pick me up and take me to there bullheads.

I guess this world just has other plans for me... I looked around the ship and saw the owl came inside with me and sat next to me. That's when i grew to tired of this and fell asleep.

Author: That's the end of A Familiar Face. Were you expecting a family member? I originally had it written to be a family member, but didn't like how it turned out. So if ye want ye can tell me what ye think. o7

Cat-atonic State: Rwby x Abused ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now