Loss Of Hope

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(Character: Ozpin)

For the next few weeks i kept my eye on Y/N, his grades fell drastically and he fell into this almost catatonic state. He stopped talking to others and rarely ate...And when he did it wasn't with others. I even heard that he didn't attend the dance even though his team helped plan it along with team RWBY and JNPR. I can't help but feel guilty, this all happened after i forced him to speak with Tai...I sighed as i watched him slowly walk back to his dorm room. I have to do something to change this...But what? What could i do...

(Character: Stein)

"Hey Stein, how's Y/N doing?" Asked Blake in a caring manner. We started talking to her after the day that Y/N stopped being Y/N..."He's doing..." "Well he's doing bad" Rei said interrupting me. I was okay with it though, since this topic hits really close to home. "Have you tried talking to him?" Blake said, i was gonna respond but Azure did in an oddly cold tone, which was odd and out of character for him. 

"Have YOU tried talking to him? It doesn't work, he's depressed and empty looking. I wish he'd get over it already...We got 3 years ahead of us and if our leader gets kicked out then we might as well kiss our careers goodbye" He wasn't wrong though...Even if he said it harshly... I sighed thinking that whatever has him down won't be easy to fix...

(Character: Ruby)

I watched as my brother gloomily wandered the halls of Beacon heading to his room. It made me sad to see him like this...But Yang told me not to approach him since he didn't want us near him. So i played it off like i didn't see him and walked by not knowing how he felt or why he's like the way he is.

(Character: Ozpin)

I called Y/N down to my office for a chat, since i wanted to try and do everything i could for him. So when he arrived i saw his hair was longer than ever and went over his eyes, his body looked malnourished. "Hello Y/N...Its good that you came to see me...I'd like to talk to you about your state...Would you like a counselor? I'd like to do everything in my power to help you if you let me." He didn't seem to care or maybe he just didn't hear me...Either way it looks as if all the life had been sucked out of him. 

But to my surprise he picked his head up and looked at me, and when i saw his eyes they looked empty. "I'm fine...Can i go now?" He said unemotionally as he turned around and walked out, knowing or just not caring if i said yes or not. Poor kid...I sighed as i watched him leave knowing that his state is somewhat my fault.

(Character: Stein)

It was now the day of the Vytal festival and Y/N hasn't changed at all...Actually i'd say he got worse...I remember seeing him go to the Headmaster's office...Maybe that has something to do with it...Either way i need to find a way to cheer him up or he might not make it through the next few years. So i decided to find Y/N and talk to him no matter what. When i found him he was laying down, alone in library for some reason. "Hey Y/N...So the Vytal festival is today and i was wondering if you're going to watch it?" I asked him as i laid down next to him, he looked at me me strangely before sighing. "No thanks...I'm just...Just not in the mood, so if you'll excuse me i'm just gonna rest, i'm tired." He said as he closed his eyes but i wouldn't let him...I know he was just going to sleep but it felt like he was asking much more than just that.

"No Y/N! I won't let you throw away your life just cause of some stupid...Some stupid reasoning that you got in your head! There are people who care! People who NEED you to care as well. I need you, my brother back! Rei needs you, her partner back. And Azure he- well maybe not him... BUT every damn citizen of this kingdom needs you! You're suppose to be there protector and here you are moping because of something in the past!? Y-you need to move on Y/N..." I said as i began to cry, so i got up and left not knowing if i made a difference... But i knew what i said mattered to me. 

Cat-atonic State: Rwby x Abused ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now