Memories Of Another Life

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(Character: Y/N)

I just left my mind and when i awoke everything felt different, not just my body but my mind and soul, it felt strange. Something i can't pin down to just one feeling...I looked around and saw that i was inside a building, i then remembered my fight against Abaddon. But i also remember so much more...The things i remember are not my memories...I decided to ignore that, get up, and look in the mirror. I saw that i had a white cloak and a silver eye that's covered by my red tipped H/C hair.

When i went downstairs i saw a man cleaning some glasses as he looks towards me he stops. "Ahh, the comatose patient walks! Your friends are out right now, no idea when they'll be back." I was confused since last i remember i was alone, but before that i was with Oz. As i was forcing myself to remember stuff i got a small headache and a flashback.


"Hey team! So who's up for some sparring?" I asked my team, the black haired boy who i knew stood up and pets me, "Rosebud, you ask that everyday...Think you're a little battle hungry?" He said which made me look down a little. A raven haired girl stood up from her bed and sighed. "Qrow, she's right... Its better to hone our skills than sit around here doing nothing."

(End Flashback)

I saw someone waving a hand in front of me while speaking. "Hey buddy! You in there?" He said as i shook my head. "Y-yeah...Sorry about that, guess i just blanked out for a second" I told him which made him look at me in confusion, nodding. "Right...Well, your friends will be back later... And first drink is on the house for comatose patients" He jokingly said as i walked and sat down at the bar table, he poured a drink and slid it over to me. I took a drink and it tasted bad, not only that but it feels like my tolerance went down and my body doesn't like it. Then i felt another headache coming.


I was sitting in my room in Beacon with my team and took a drink out of something Qrow gave me, once it touched my tongue i spat it out. "What is that?" I asked him causing him to roll over and laugh as Raven rolled her eyes. Tai took the drink out of my hand and took a sip. "Alcohol, really Qrow?" He sounded annoyed, Qrow ignored him as he laughed which annoyed Raven as she walked over to her brother and slapped him in the back of the head.

(End Flashback)

I decided to finish the drink and head up to the room and wait for whoever brought me here. It felt like i waited for hours so i got impatient and went downstairs. "Do you remember anything they said before they left?" I asked him which made him think, he looked like he remembered something and looked to me. "They said something about heading to Haven. Maybe if you head out now you could catch up" Once he was finished speaking i thanked him and ran outside and asked the first person i saw which way Haven was. I began my journey to catch up with whoever it was that found me.


I was running through the halls of Beacon to get to class and bumped into someone, when i looked at there face i saw it was our headmaster. "Sorry Headmaster Ozpin" I said as i helped him up. He dusted himself off before looking at me. "Its alright Ms Rose, i should have been watching where i was going" He said, i was in a hurry so i apologized then thanked him before going back to running to class.

(End Flashback)

During my time running i saw a couple airships fly over which worried me so i decided to get one of there attentions, luckily it worked and they landed. "Need a lift?" The person asked, i looked at them and recognized the outfit as the Mistral police. "Yeah, i need you to take me to Haven academy" They looked at me strangely before one of them spoke up as i was boarding. "That's where we're heading, lets go" I looked around and saw someone who didn't look like Mistral police at all, so i walked over to them and greeted them. "Nice to meet you, i'm Y/N Rose" I said before i realized what i said...Afterwards i felt confused but the stranger sighed in relief as they looked to me. "My names Kali Belladonna, nice to meet you. I heard you were heading to Haven, why is that?" She said squinting at me as if she was sizing me up. "Truth be told that's where some people who saved me were heading, so i want to go meet them to thank them" I said telling a half lie, she bought it and smiled as we made small talk for the rest of our journey. I knew i recognized her, she's the mother of Blake.

Cat-atonic State: Rwby x Abused ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now