The Maidens Part 1

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Author: So i'm trying my new-er writing style that i used to write my newest story. Tell me what you think if ye'd like.

(Character: Y/N)

We've been moving around a lot as of recent since Eule's gift is still hazy and hard to control. From what i had been able to gather each persons magic feels different but it all comes from the same source. I'd also asked Oz why i can't feel the other relics. He told me it was because they weren't in this existence, it confused me but i looked past it. There's one maiden that i have been feeling frequently...Or as close as you could get to frequently with this. Its like a flickering light. You never know when it'll go out.

I was able to track a maiden back to Atlas which was lucky since that place would be easier to move through than most places. our travels were not easy though, but they weren't hard either. Most nights were awkward and cold. While others were full of memories of my past. Well not my past but...I sighed and shook my head as i went inside, we were staying at a small hotel inside Atlas. Some of there soldiers were kind enough to lead us here.

I was about to head to sleep but a knock on my door stopped me.

"Y/N!" Said the voice that i recognized as Qrow. "Can i come in?" I groaned knowing full well that this was not going to be a friendly or kind visit.

"Sure" I said. He opened the door and saw me laying on my bed, this caused him to chuckle slightly. "What do you need?" I asked in a quiet tone.

His gaze seemed to wander around the room before he looked at me. "Y/N...I've been wondering if you're okay" He stumbled out. Something was obviously bothering him. But what? I don't know.

"Yeah" I said in a friendly tone "I'm okay" He frowned as he nodded his head. We sat silently before he shut his eyes.

"Alright kid. I just wanted to check up on ya, if everything is good, then i should be heading out. See ya" He said as he got up, shutting the door behind him. I looked around with confused eyes. I decided to turn in for the night. When i awoke i headed downstairs to meet with the others. We regrouped and decided to head for the streets of Atlas. First we had to get a lead. So i activated Eule's gift and felt that the maiden was near central Atlas. So we ran as fast as we could, since we had to avoid all airships and the main streets. We may be allies but seeing a group of huntsmen who were last spotted at an attack on Haven academy would not fare well with the media, or the general public.

I reactivated Eule's gift and saw that the person was moving quickly. The power i felt was as bright as the sun. "Whoever this maiden is...They are using their power right now...And alot of it" I said astonished by how clear i could feel the power.

"Lead the way" Ruby voiced what everyone was thinking. I smiled as we ran in the direction of the Maiden. The closer we got the more worried Weiss became. I didn't understand why she was so worried until we were almost right next to the maiden's power. I saw airships flying to a mansion-like compound. I knew this place was Weiss's home once i saw the look on her face. I saw Weiss's team surround her as they spoke. I walked next to Oz who gave me a look that i nodded to.

"Qrow, Y/N, lets go. Everyone else stay here" Oz demanded in a kind tone while still being assertive. They looked at Oz but nodded even though i could tell they didn't want to. We headed to the mansion seeing broken and frozen robotic Atlas soldiers as well as Atlas grade mechs destroyed. "Be careful. This is a maiden, they have a lot of power at there disposal." He advised. We nodded as we came upon genuine human soldiers lying on the ground. Qrow checked there pulses and made sure that they were alive, luckily they were meaning whoever this maiden is, isn't here to kill innocent people.

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