Tipping Point

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(Character: Y/N)

Ever since i beat up CRDL i haven't had an excuse to avoid coming to lunch with my team. They know i'm stronger than them and they're afraid. Now they mainly bully a blond kid who's friends with Ruby. Since they know us faunus are protecting eachother. My team and i were eating our lunch with team CFVY who were our friends ever since Velvet and i have been watching out for eachother. "So Y/N there's a dance coming up... And i wondered who you were taking?" A flirtatious voice that i had come to know as Coco asked me. I was going to answer but Stein interrupted me "Well i was thinking about asking Weiss Schnee or Pyrrha Nikos. Since both of them have outstanding grades and are well known, as well as being pretty cute. And Weiss is working on planning the event along with her team from what i heard." Stein said as he stared at them. I snapped my fingers in front of him "Hey? You still in there?" He shook his head rapidly before looking to me. "Huh? Oh, yeah sorry. Anyways who are you taking Y/N?" He asked with a devious smile. And yet again before i could answer i was interrupted by my partner "Well Y/N... Has many choices, he has Velvet, Blonde, and Red over there who keep glancing at him" I looked over and saw that Ruby and Yang looked at me every now and then which upset my body making me lose my appetite.

"I'm not going, not a fan of crowds or dancing. Now if you'll excuse me" I said in a familiar cold voice and left the room. As i left i heard another set of footsteps behind me. "Hey wait! What's with you? Every time one of us looks at you, you seem to get angry and run away? Do you have a problem with us?" The voice said, it sounded snobby. I was going to tell her off but my ears twitched when i heard 3 more set of feet behind her. Probably Ruby, Yang, and black bow. So i let it be and started walking away. "Hey! You can't run when i'm talking to you!" Her feet were getting more rapid and sounded as if she was stomping. Like a coddled princess. "Listen girl, i don't have the time of day for you. So lay off" I sad straining my voice which seemed to put her in her place as she stopped following. But now a familiar voice spoke "What's wrong with you? We're just trying to talk to you!" Yang sounded furious now. "We just want to talk and you've done everything in your power to avoid us? When we've done nothing to you!"

This set me off, i wanted nothing more than to strangle her where she stood. But i had to hold back, i will respect Summer's last wish to me before she ran away, which was to save her daughter if she was in trouble. Now she's in trouble... With me. I sighed before i stared directly into Yang's lilac eyes with my E/C eyes. Of course i was wearing a hood which luckily hid most of my features from them. "Listen to me, if you don't leave something regrettable will happen. So please leave. I knew Yang was to stubborn to listen to reason so i stared at the one who has shown me that she has sympathy. The black bow girl. She saw the look in my eyes and sighed "Lets just go... No reason to try to be friends with someone who doesn't want to be your friend" She said which surprised her team for some reason, luckily for me they listened as i left. That was close. Too close for comfort.

That day i went to Vale just to get away from Beacon for obvious reasons. As i was walking around Vale i encountered a blond guy with a tail. "Hey, Blake wants to talk to you and she seemed worried. So you mind coming with me?" He asked with care in his voice. But who's Blake? "Sorry but i don't know a Blake. So if you'll excuse me" I tried to pass by him but he stopped me. "Blake, black bow, wears alot of black and has amber eyes?" He stated. Black bow... Yeah i knew who he was talking about now. She was friends with Ruby and Yang, but she did get them off my back... I sighed out of confusion. What to do... What to do... "Fine, but i won't see her teammates. So have her meet me here" I pulled out my scroll showing him the coordinates of the Shepherd inn. He looked at it and nodded "Alright, i'll tell her" He ran away and i went to the Shepherd inn to wait for her arrival. This... Was going to be stressful.

(Character: Qrow Branwen)

I was back in Patch heading to visit Tai and ask him what he did to Y/N. And if he did anything... I fear for his life, i don't think Ozpin will be forgiving. I walked up to his house and knocked on the door receiving no response. "Tai it's me! We need to talk" I yelled and heard Tai walk to the door and open it in his pajamas. I guess he was sleeping all day, i guess raising 2 girls alone for some years could do that to you. And losing a son. But if the look that kid gave me when i saw him told me anything is that he never saw any of us as family. But he was going under the name Y/N Locke Summer... Nevermind that. "Hey Tai can we talk?" I asked and he moved out of the door way gesturing to the couch.

"Sorry we don't have any alcohol, but knowing you, you probably have some on you" He chuckled sitting on the couch looking at me and his face turned to one of worry. "Oh please tell me Yang and Ruby are okay? They are right?" His face looked so fatherly... Could he really have been a monster? "Tai... Tell me, when Y/N lived here. Did you do anything to him even once?" I said straight to the point not wanting to waste time. He looked at me and started sweating. I knew then and there that he must've done something. "I-i do-" I saw the look on his face, he was about to lie to me. So i walked over to him and grabbed him by the neck throwing him off the couch and into a wall knocking over a photo. And when i looked at the entire wall there was not a single picture of the boy. Nothing existed to remember him by. "TAI! What! Did! You! DO!" I said without a hint of holding back my anger. The only thing i can see is the memory from when i gave Y/N a pocket knife. He called me uncle, but when i think about it. His voice seemed so strained and his face looked so hurt. I should've seen it sooner...

Tai's face was full of tears as he tried to get up i kicked him back down. "You don't get to run from this Tai. You will answer me, here and now" I yelled grabbing his collar and pulling his face to meet mine. My red eyes staring into his blue eyes full of hate. My semblance kicked in and all the crooked photos on the wall started cracking and falling down. "I don't know what g-got into me Qrow. I-i'm sorry okay! I know what i did was wrong! And i didn't do anything good for that boy! If there was anyway for me to make it up to him i would. But i can't...He's gone" He said looking pitiful, so i let go of him and got up. I was about to speak when my semblance kicked in stronger than ever and i saw where i threw Tai into there was a cracked wall that started cracking and breaking faster. The wall collapsed in, but lucky... Or unluckily i was able to grab Tai and get him outside. "Th-thank you" He said as he sits on the ground in a blubbering mess. "I didn't do it for you. I did it for the memory of Summer." When i look back on it i remember seeing her hit him once. I can't believe she was a monster just like Tai... But Ruby and Yang seem different than him. I got a thought that i hoped was wrong. "Tai, were Ruby and Yang in on it? Did they also hurt Y/N?" I said and he looked down shamefully. I knew from that look on his face i was correct. They were a part of his torture.

I turned into a Crow and flew my way back to Beacon to deliver the news to Ozpin. That Tai, Summer, Yang, And Ruby were all abusive to Y/N and that i was... I was blind to it all. How stupid can one person be.

(Character: Y/N)

I was sitting at a table in a corner waiting for Blake to come meet me. Just left to my own devices while Cynthia tried to have small talk with me every now and then. But i wasn't in the mood. I saw a black bowed girl walk in "I'm here to see Y/N?" She said and Shay pointed her over to my table. I waved at her giving her a fake smile which she obviously knew was fake cause she looked sad for a split second but walked over to me and sat down. "It's nice to finally have a civil conversation with you" She smiled

Author: And that's the end of this chapter. Tell me what you think if ye'd want o7

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