Eye Opening Talk

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(Character: Qrow Branwen)

I had finally gotten a meeting set up with my dear twin sister. I walked into the restaurant and felt nostalgia rush over me like a bad night of drinking would. I walked in and saw my sister sitting just where i thought she'd be. At a corner table. "This place brings back memories doesn't it Raven?" I said with a fake happy tone as i sat down on the opposite side of her. "What's the matter? Can't handle bad memories? Well then its probably a bad idea to have this meeting in the first place Qrow" She scoffed. "So what is the point of this meeting?"

"Oh, you don't know. Not that you really know anything about OUR family" I said leaning in. "You attacked a village a few years back. Its name was Akirameta" My tone was now serious and no longer joking around. "Yes, we did attack them. They were weak. The strong live and the weak die. That is our way or it would be OUR way. If you hadn't abandoned your duties to the tribe!" She said in a whisper shout.

"If we're talking about abandoning our duties then you take the crown. The cold, bitter, heartless crown. You do remember you have a daughter right? And an ex husband. A brother. And a duty as a huntress." I pulled out my flask but a waiter came over "I'm sorry sir but you aren't suppose to bring any drinks in. You need to order drinks" He said looking at us 2 and taking the hint. "U-uh please call for me when you're ready to order" He says scampering away.

"If you won't tell me why you called me here, then i'll just leave." She starts to get up but i grab her hand. "Akirameta, there was a boy there. You spared his life... Why?" I asked which made her grin slightly. "Oh Qrow, you call me cold and bitter while you're either both of those things and more, or you're stupid. I saw every time you visited Summer and her daughter at Tai's house. Do you ever remember playing with that boy? Remember even talking to him? Or even seeing him smile, laugh, or do anything that a normal child would do? No i didn't think so. When i didn't kill that boy at Akirameta. That wasn't sparing him out of kindness. He wasn't weak like the people of that village. He is strong and with the right training he can become even stronger. And i have no doubt that boy will come after all of you. But here you are asking about him. Meaning he probably already has tried coming after you" Raven got up and walked into the backroom which someone yelled at her not to but when they followed they obviously found no one inside.

Tai... Just what did you do to that boy? I thought to myself as i got up and left heading out for Patch.

(Character: Y/N)

I woke up in a room in a random building with a headache. I groaned as i got up and walked out of the room and saw people eating. I fell asleep in a restaurant? I was about to head downstairs but a girl stopped me and came to me with a drink in her hand. "Here you go, it's a hangover cure." She said with a caring tone. "Thanks..." Was all i was able to muster or care to say. My brain was pounding. I drank the thing it tasted strong and really sweet. If i had to say that was 99% sugar. But it was working cause i felt myself being able to think straight as i looked to the girl who helped me. She had a bar maid outfit and when i got a good look at her i was horn-like things protruding from her head. She noticed me staring at them and covered them up. I was confused as to why she would do this at first until i remembered. "Oh, sorry i didn't mean to stare... But don't worry i'm a faunus to" I say pointing to my ears trying to reassure her. It worked cause she gave a sigh of relief and let go of her ears "Sorry. I'm just used to hiding them when people stare" She said wistfully.

"Anyways, thanks for the place to stay and hangover cure" I walked downstairs to the innkeeper and saw he had the same horns as the girl. But he was burly with a big grin on his face. He reminded me of Locke so i began to smile subconsciously. "Hey, sorry for anything i did last night. But how much do i owe you for the trouble?" I said reaching for my bag, but remembering i left it in my room and sighed. Then i saw the girl from before bringing it to me. "No need to worry about the payment, if you were a human, sure. If you were an adult faunus. sure. But you're just a kid. So if you want to pay me back. Don't drink under aged!" He said getting in my face but still keeping that grin of his. I knew he was just like Locke... He always means well. "Thank you for your hospitality. And thank you for that cure. Even if it was really really-" "Sweet?" She says finishing my sentence. "My name is Cynthia Shepherd. And the man who you just spoke to is my father. Shay Shepherd." She says. I thanked them maybe 10 more times before i left. I pulled out my scroll and saw that i had messages from not only my team but my teachers, i even had one from Ozpin. I read through them all and they basically all said they were worried about me since i missed classes and where i was. Well besides Goodwitch, hers was more formal and strict. Then there's Ozpin's which was him apologizing about what happened and whenever i needed a ride back to Beacon he would get a bullhead for me.

I thought about it for maybe 30 minutes. Was i ready to go back? Did i really want to go back? I never wanted to be a huntsmen in the first place. But then i remember the reason i'm doing this. For revenge... And to use the assets to find Summer. I sent Ozpin a message saying i was ready to come back and i was sorry for running away. He sent a message almost immediately saying the bullhead is coming my way. But wait... How did he know where i was? When i was picked up by the bullhead it was a quiet and long ride. Longer than any other ride... But when i arrived at Beacon i was escorted to the headmaster's office by Goodwitch. She scolded me the entire way until we reached his office, that's when the scoldings stopped and she left.

"Its good to see you Y/N, thank you for returning to us, you don't know how sorry i am for what happened. I didn't know. If i had i wouldn't have brought Qrow here. But you have my word. From now on i'll do whatever i can to make you feel comfortable" He said sincerely and completely genuine. "Sorry i can not make you safe. You are becoming a huntsmen after all. Safety is not in the job description" He said jokingly. I sighed "So you know what happened to me? Qrow told you?" Ozpin looked down again. "No, i don't believe Qrow had any idea of what was happening to you. I only know from what you said. That something terrible and unbearable happened to you. If it's to hard to talk about. I understand, i will not force you to do this" His voice still sincere and genuine which brought a smile to my face.

"I would like to go see my friends if that's okay" I said and he jolted up "Of course! Ahem. Sorry about that... Yes you may go... And Y/N? Its good to have you back" When i looked at his eyes i saw bags starting to form under them. Was he really that worried? I know this is bad, but when i saw that i felt oddly warmed that someone who i haven't even spoken to much cared that much that he couldn't sleep.

When i made it to the class they were in everyone turned to me. CRDL looked at me with anger while my team looked relieved. Ruby and Yang saw me as well but the teacher got a message almost instantly on her scroll and looked up to me then back at the entire class. She seemed like she was doing everything in her power to keep the attention focused on the class. No doubt because of Ozpin. I went to my seat next to my partner. "Hey Y/N! Where were you?" She asked with a worried tone. "You don't need to know..." I said with a hint of bitterness in my voice. Then i saw her smelling me. "You smell of alcohol, were you out drinking?" She said with a smile now which kind of frightened me. I didn't answer her and instead ignored it.

For the rest of that day people looked at me with a weird look. Probably cause the overwhelming smell of alcohol. But it didn't mean anything cause of course i was getting looks anyways...

Author: Still no Ruby and Yang encounter :P Anyways. Tell me what you thought if ye'd like o7

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