Breaking Point

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(Character: Y/N)

It was another day at Beacon Academy and i was in the annoying class known as Goodwitch's class aka Combat class. "Mr. Summer, choose your opponent" Goodwitch said while staring directly at me. I sighed knowing that this day would come, i had been avoiding participating. But who do i choose... I looked around the room and got an idea. I've seen the leader of CRDL choose to fight that blond haired kid alot... So i'll do what he did. "I cho-" I said while pointing at blond boy, but somebody interrupted me and raised his hand. "I volunteer" The cocky sounding voice said. "Very well, Y/N Locke Summer vs Cardin Winchester. Go get your combat gear and prepare for combat" Glynda says in her usual strict and unwavering voice.

I get ready for combat and stand opposite to Cardin who's looking at me with killer intent. Good thing i see him as a threat... Cause now all i have to do is let my semblance take full control... "Cardin... Don't whine when i beat you" I say in an annoyed voice. Cardin looks at me with those killer eyes while readying his mace. "Shut up freak, and get ready to die" His voice was as cold as his eyes. This made me smile as i breathed in letting all my control go. "Match st-" Goodwitch tried to say but i rushed Cardin and he had no objections and ran at me swinging his mace like a barbarian. I dodged and sliced him 3 times on his chest before he was ready to swing again. And when he did he tried to hit me in the head and only ended up hitting the wall and setting off a mini explosion. Probably a part of his weapon since i don't see any other reason why it'd blow up. His weapon ended up getting stuck in the wall so i kicked him in the shin and charged my dagger making it shock. But my body had other plans, instead of using it on him i placed the blade against Cardin's weapon shocking his hand, forcing him to let go and then shooting him with it. His aura was rapidly dropping after this, probably the after shock from electricity being sent through his body.

I walked away slowly since i knew the after shock would take care of his aura. As i walked away i heard him say something and rush for his weapon. I turned only to see him slam it against the ground sending an explosion straight at me. Luckily for me and unluckily for him i dodged it and ran straight at him. I was able to regain control at a crucial moment as i was about to slit his throat. This worked out in my favor cause now i had a blade to his neck and him on his knees. "Don't try that again birdie, or you'll be my dinner" I said in an annoyed tone before going to sit back down at my seat. "We have time for 1 more match. Any volunteers?" After that i tuned out for the rest of the class. Seeing as it's hard to keep control over my semblance, it's not like it takes over me. It's just strange... Its as if i'm not in control but no one else is at the same time...

It was lunch time now and i sat with my usual group, my team and team CFVY. We were eating our food when i heard it in the background. "Hey girls! What are we talking about, better not be boys" The familiar voice said. I looked up and saw him... Tai...TAI! What's going on... My teeth were now visible as i was baring them like a predator in the wild, and my eyes were wide open staring directly at him. My body was holding me back now... My friends saw this look as well as a hidden faunus at there table. She saw the look on my face and looked to where i was looking and saw Tai. Her face had it written all over her. She finally understood that i wasn't avoiding Weiss, just Ruby and Yang. 

"I need to go" Is all i could muster through my shut teeth as i got up and tried to leave. But i was stopped by Stein. "I've known you for the longest out of anyone here, and in all my time i've NEVER seen you like this. There are times where i see you scared and sad. And those nightmares you told Altin you had-" He said in a caring tone, but i didn't care. I turned around and stared down at him with my empty eyes, all signs of life are gone. Even though he just saw me staring at Tai with murderous intent. "Let go, or i'll force you to!" I screamed grabbing his arm which caused his partner to get up. "I don't know what's gotten into you, but i will stop you. He is my partner" This would've surprised me if i hadn't lost my temper. At this point i didn't notice but we had made quite the scene. I didn't take time to look around. I ran away as fast as i could, not caring to look back. As i was running i ran into someone i didn't expect to run into. Glynda Goodwitch. "S-sorry" Was all i could muster as i got up and tried running, but i was stopped by an invisible force. "I can't let you run. Tell me, why are you running from your past?" She asked, her normal strict demeanor has disappeared. I looked at her "I-its to hard to face, i can't...I" My mind went back to the time when my father told me that running from the past will only make it harder to face...That i have to hit it first and harder..."I...I don't know how to face it..." I said shamefully until i heard a voice from behind. "Glynda you're dismissed, and Y/N...No one ever said the past would be easy to face. Or that you had to face it ever... But it might bring you some clarity and closure on certain things...It could do you some good" The voice that had calmed me when i first arrived...It was Ozpin. I turned to see him with a friendly smile on his face.

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