The Maidens Part 2

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(Character Y/N)

"So these other maidens, they're just like me?" Silvia asked. Oz was answering all her questions while Qrow and i just sat, avoiding eye contact. The person who owned the hotel that we were staying in knocked on the door. Letting us know that it was last call if we wanted anything to eat or drink. Qrow got up and headed out to most likely drink. I decided to turn in for the night, closing my eyes and laying back on my bed. I quickly fell asleep but was awoken randomly in the middle of the night. I looked around and saw Silvia and Oz sleeping soundly in there beds. So i headed for the balcony as silently as i could.

I looked around Atlas seeing the militarized Hunter academy in the distance. "So close to the end, i can almost feel it" I muttered to myself. "But what happens in the end. Will the grimm disappear? Will the leader act as a martyr? So many different outcomes..." I heard someone gulp something from above me and sigh as they jumped from the balcony above me.

"Kid, thinking about this isn't gonna make you feel better. You'll just have questions plaguing your mind, and no answers." Qrow said as he drank the rest of his flask. "Just do what i do. It'll make things a lot easier" He went to open the balcony door and walk back inside.

"You mean drink your problems away?" I joked. He only turned his head revealing a slight smirk.

"Its healthier than hiding behind someone else's emotions" He hinted, as if it was directly aimed at me. I could tell it was just the alcohol talking. But was he wrong? I thought to myself as i turned back to the open sky. Staring at the stars until i grew tired. After being able to fall asleep for two or three hours i was awoken by everyone talking and getting ready.

"Morning already?" I pouted in a sarcastic tone. Silvia seemed to smile, showing that she's making an attempt at being friendly. We headed out after grabbing some breakfast and made way for the academy. Luckily we were able to avoid sight of most people on our way there. But on arrival we were spotted by solders, and lots of them.

"What is your business here?" One of the solders asked, trying to intimidate us.

"We need to speak with the general. It's a matter of security" Oz told them. They looked around before one of them put his off hand to his ear. This calmed Oz and Qrow, while Silvia and i were left confused. The solder continued to speak to someone, luckily i was a faunus, so i could hear what he was saying. It wasn't sounding good for us until it sounded like he mentioned that it was a group of four odd looking characters. Then he began to describe each of us, his voice started to sound surprised and he turned to us, gesturing for everyone to let us pass.

"We're sorry for the inconvenience" The solder apologized. "Follow me" We did so, since we wanted to get the artifact and leave this bomb shell of a kingdom as soon as possible. We walked through the halls until we arrived at the Headmaster- or as this kingdom calls it, the General's office. General Ironwood dismissed the solders and offered us seats. All of us except for Silvia of course.

"I can guess why you're here" He said "But why should i give it to you?" He posed. Leaving us all looking at him until Silvia grew impatient.

"It belongs to me. That's why, i am the Winter maiden that mea-"

"That means nothing, you do not own the relic. It was given to us to safeguard." He claimed. "And even if the maiden had claim over it... I would never give it to such a reckless and childish maiden" The General barked. It looked as if Ironwood and Silvia were having their own fight through a staring contest.

"Fine, but give it to us because its safer with us" Oz interjected. Ironwood looked surprised at him.

"What makes it safer with you?" Ironwood scoffed. "Its safer here. Where there are solders surrounding it at all times."

"The maidens are stronger!" I yelled before realizing it. "Look..." I sighed. "We know that they know that each relic is hidden in each of the kingdoms academies." I stated that fact, which he couldn't argue with. "And once we have all the relics, this war is over" The general held a hand to his forehead as he looked in deep thought. 

"I shouldn't have even thought about giving it to you..." He cursed. "But you are right. That...Maiden should have been proof enough" He uttered. "Follow me" We heard those hopeful words yet again. We were led to hidden shooting range that sat beneath his office. Upon arrival he pressed a code into a keypad, which revealed targets on the shooting range. He pulled out his pistol and shot each one between the eyes without any trouble. That made the keypad ding. He put in yet another code, opening a door inside the shooting range. "You have ten minutes. Get your relic and go" He warned and we had no objections as we made way inside. The place was cold, filled with snow, ice stalactites clouding the ceiling, and slanted ice stalagmites protruding from the floor around us. At the end was a door covered in snow and ice. But we could see glowing hieroglyphs beyond the snow. 

Silvia began to look in some sort of trance as she walked up to the door and pressed her hands against it, the door glowed as it opened: Inside the floor was pure ice, it looked as if it was a never ending blizzard.

I looked back to Oz who smiled and nodded. I then looked to Qrow who shook his head, stepping back. That earned a small chuckle out me as i entered. The second i entered i wasn't cold. It felt as if winter meant nothing. I could still see my breathe, but i wasn't cold. I looked around since i had no idea what the relic was. Then i saw it, a giant tree like no other. It had no snow on it, but it was under and around it. I walked up to it and one of its branches extended out to me like a hand. I instinctively placed my hand under it. I felt aura pass from the tree onto my hand, until it took the form of a seed. The tree began to vanish like it was never there. The place where it sat was covered in snow. I ran back to Oz and everyone with a look of confusion. One seed could be a relic? Something so important is in the palm of my hand. After i left the door shut behind me automatically.

"Do you have it?" Oz asked in a worried tone. I opened my palm, revealing the small seed, gaining a sigh of relief from him. "The relic of creation. The ever-living tree of life. It is said that the tree will only give itself to one with pure intentions." He stated as if he was reading a passage from a book. "That's a good sign" He joked as he let me hold onto it. We ran out like we just robbed the place. After leaving his humble military camp we ran out of the kingdom, happy to leave that annoying place.

"So where to next?" Oz asked me. I activated Eule's gift. I felt no signs of any maidens, well besides Silvia of course. It's not like their power isn't out there. It's more like Silvia's power is blocking out the other maidens. I knew what had to be done but i hated it. I clenched my fist as i looked at her.

"I can't see them" I said regretfully. Oz didn't understand as he seemed to look worried now.

"Well of course you can't see them." Silvia joked not understanding the power i have.

"No, not physically see them" I retorted. "I have an ability that lets me sense the Maidens power. It's how we found you." I told her and she nodded now knowing how we found her. "But..." I started with regret "It would seem that your magic is blocking out the other maidens magic." She looked down sadly.

"Well then we have an easy fix. I just have to go and you all can continue on your journey to collect the other relics" She stated the obvious. Ignoring the fact that people will be after her. "Well i guess this is where we part ways! I have been meaning to see the world anyways." She began to leave but i grabbed her arm.

"Head to Beacon. Tell whoever is in charge that Oz said to stay there. Its the safest place and we'll be able to regroup with you once we get the others" I offered her, trying to make it sound like an order. She nodded, knowing where Beacon was. Now it was just Oz, Qrow, and me.

"Look's like its back to the trio" Qrow joked as he took a swig from his flask. I waited until Silvia's power felt far enough away to truly focus. I got a small hint of power to our south east. While getting a stronger feeling to our west.

"I guess we're heading to Vacuo"

Author: That's the end of The Maidens Part 2. Tell me what you think if ye'd like o7

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