The Beginning

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After the Wars. Kids are all young adults/late teens.

The story starts with the four princes and princesses of the realm. All of whom were loved and cherished by their parents since the day they were born.

The eldest son and heir is Daeron Targaryen. Valiant and a strong warrior like his father, King Jon, the Prince of Dragonstone has his father’s dark hair and dark eyes. Prince Daeron was conceived when his parents were preparing for the Great War of Dawn. It was rumoured to be on board a ship on the way to White Harbour but nobody could confirm it. It was said he kicked his mother’s womb hard when Queen Daenerys rode Drogon while battling Euron Greyjoy and the Iron fleet, the fierce black dragon felt it and rained even more fire on the enemy and that sparked the legend that the Crown Prince was already a brave warrior even before he was born. The prince was born in Winterfell during the coldest winter night. His father, the King never left the room when he was born choosing to be by the Queen’s side and the newborn babe. Daeron has a mischievous streak and a charming smile. The prince is well loved by the smallfolk and is popular with the people.

 The prince is well loved by the smallfolk and is popular with the people

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Prince Aemon Targaryen is a year younger than his brother the heir. He has the Targaryen gold silver hair and dark violet eyes. He chose a gold dragon as his personal coat of arms on his 15th Name Day. Unlike his amiable, easygoing and charismatic older brother, Aemon is serious and studious, preferring the solitude than being among crowds of people. Like his father he has a strong sense of honour and justice. Like his mother, he can be ruthless when dealing with his enemies. He is especially close to his youngest sister Rhaelle whom he adores and his brother, Daeron who is more like a twin to him. Prince Daeron had said that his brother Aemon would be his Hand when the time comes.

Princess Lyanna Targaryen, like her namesake has the dark hair and dark eyes of her father

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Princess Lyanna Targaryen, like her namesake has the dark hair and dark eyes of her father. Despite her strong Stark features, Lyanna inherited the infamous dragon temper of her mother. The princess has a wildness to her that cannot be tamed. She is headstrong and possessed a keen mind and a love for politics. As a child, she often spends time with the Hand Lord Tyrion, interested to know more about ruling. She is determined to rule along side her brother Daeron when he becomes King. Lyanna is rumored to be the King’s favourite child. She would sit on her father’s lap as a child, listening in while people come to meet the King with their various petitions and grievances and even voiced her own opinions.

 She would sit on her father’s lap as a child, listening in while people come to meet the King with their various petitions and grievances and even voiced her own opinions

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The youngest, Princess Rhaelle Targaryen, nicknamed the Delicate Dragon, inherited her mother’s platinum hair and light violet eyes. She is known to be gentle and kind. The princess often visits the orphanage in Flea Bottom and gives alms to the poor. Soft spoken and sweet tempered, she is loved by all who knew her. Rhaelle also has a love for music and plays the harp beautifully. The Queen had an extremely difficult birth when Rhaelle was born, King Jon was overwrought with worry when the maesters told him, both mother and child could be in danger. Rhaelle was born ten years after the War of Dawn was won on the eve of Summer. Bells rang through out the capital when news that the Princess was born and both the Queen and the new baby were safe. A Grand Tourney was held months later after the Queen had ended her confinement and the new princess was presented to the public.

 A Grand Tourney was held months later after the Queen had ended her confinement and the new princess was presented to the public

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I’ll be a good king like my Father and I’ll make my Queen mother proud and all the Targaryens that come before them. The dragon’s blood runs deep in me. Aemon will be my Hand there’s no one I trust more than my own brother. He is of my blood and after me, he is my heir. Lord Tyrion says that I’m too lenient with those who slighted me. A future King must be strong and firm. He doesn’t know that Aemon is the one who will demand for whatever wrongs be made right. He keeps a list of courtiers and noblemen whom he doesn’t trusts and shares it with me. I smile graciously as I stand next to my brooding, serious younger brother during the royal banquet celebrating twenty years after the victory of the Great War for Dawn. We drink and toast and I smile but the both of us are observing the court, sizing our enemies and their intentions, knowing that if they dare make a wrong move, we’d weed them out. The Dragon always knows… - Daeron

Prince Aemon isn’t one to make friends easily, he broods too much. Everyone seems to love his brother more and he is fine with it. But he’s skilled with swords like the King was in his prime. You can’t tell a lie to him, the prince will know it. Like a wolf sniffing the lie off your skin. They say he’ll make a fine Hand when his brother is crowned King. He’ll sniff out the traitors and snakes and beheads them right away with his father’s mighty Valyrian steel sword. His brother won’t say a word against it for he trusts Aemon with his life and he trusts Aemon’s judgment. And all in the Seven Kingdoms know that Aemon is fiercely loyal to the Crown Prince.- from the personal journal of Grand Maester Samwell Tarly

My beloved sister wants to be Queen ever since she knew what the word meant. There is nothing Lyanna wanted more. She is clever and sharp and she’ll make a great Queen like Mother is. It’s a pity she is born a woman and a third child. She may end up marrying a Lord and be a Lady instead. But Lyanna never settles, it is not her way. “Too much of the wolf’s blood in her,” my dearest Mother would say. “You forget Mama, that I am a dragon too…” Lyanna would answer with a smile and kissed Her Grace’s cheek before greeting our Father, the King the same way. - Rhaelle

Sometimes when I fall asleep I have dreams of Winterfell and my father’s beloved white wolf. I can feel the snow beneath my feet and smell the trees in the godswood. I dream of the ancient weirwood tree that still stands beyond the Broken Wall. I touched its face and my eyes had gone all white and I hear a voice calling me. It sounds familiar. It’s my uncle Bran. He visits me in my dreams and speaks to me, he shows me things that had long passed. I saw Father being stabbed by men dressed in black leathers. I saw Mama coming out naked from a hut engulfed in flames in the East. I saw the Night King and his army of corpses.

“Don’t look at him Rhaelle…” Uncle Bran tells me. “Don’t look into his eyes.”

“But he’s dead…Father killed him. Mama too. They killed him.”

"Time is like a loop,” My uncle sighs. “No ending or beginning…”- Rhaelle

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