Life goes on

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I stand next to my brother’s stoned sarcophagus. It will finally be put to rest in his grand tomb, with dragons carved on it. The story of his birth and life in High Valyrian. Here lies the Prince of princes, Daeron Eddard Targaryen, born in a snowstorm during the Long Winter. Beloved son of Jon and Daenerys Targaryen. A short poem Rhaelle had written, chiseled in the stone. 

’Rest Sweet Prince, for Day is gone and you shalt now and forever belong to the stars and the heavens above…’

My sister has a way with words for someone who does not speak much. I sigh and touch Daeron’s sarcophagus. Soon Brother, I will be back. I promise... I will be Prince of Dragonstone and take my seat here with my new bride and my son shall be named Daeron and another named Jon after my father. And Lynnie and I will make this stone fortress our home and tell our children of our families’ histories. The Starks and Targaryens and the Hornwoods of her father’s side. And read to them the Great bound book Grand Maester Samwell Tarly had written. 

He showed it to me before I left for Dragonstone. It was supposed to be a wedding gift for me and Lynnie and our children after us. He titled it,“A Song of Ice and Fire”, a history of my parents and what they have done and everything that make them who they are.

I hear footsteps and turn. My father stands there and I give a bow. “Your Grace…”

“Your mother’s resting…” He says quietly.

“She is getting better.” I say and Father nods. He sighs and look at Daeron’s stoned sarcophagus.

“What do you think he’ll think of this? Your brother?” Father asks me.

“Dark…” I reply as I look at the tomb. “Daeron never liked it here.”

“Your Mama insisted. A grand tomb in the crypt of her ancestors.” Father tells me.

“I know…” I breathe. Father just wants to make my mother comfortable. He would do anything to make her happy and she has been in mourning for her beloved son for months.

“We could put more candles in here.” I suggest to Father and he agrees, nodding.

“You should rest,” Father says. “We sail for the Capital tomorrow.”

I keep quiet and Father taps my shoulder before he leaves. My father isn’t a man of many words and like me, he has a tendency to be stoic. But I know he cares. He has always been affectionate with my mother and my sisters but with my brother and I, we don’t get hugs as we grow older. We are men after all, princes who may one day be kings. Father doesn’t want us too coddled. So maybe Lord Tyrion was right, that I’m more like my Father than any of his children and because of it, I understand him. I finally get why he is the way he is. What moulded him to be such a man. The book that the Grand Maester wrote helped me in knowing my father, the King and maybe even love him more for it.


He watched as his son Aemon wed Catelyn, Sansa’s only daughter in front of the Heart tree that night in Red Keep. They make quite a pair. Both good looking, tall and smiling. Aemon looked happy and Jon was pleased. His son rarely smiles but this night he was all smiles when he looked at his beautiful bride. To wed for love is a rarity, rarer still when you fall in love with someone your parents had chosen. Jon held Daenerys’ hand tight throughout the ceremony. They weren’t wed through the Old Ways but by a Septon of the Faith. The Old gods wouldn’t bless their union some of the Northern Lords had said. Best to get the new gods then. As if they were interchangeable…

Jon went and hugged his new daughter and his son after the ceremony. There would be a feast in the ballroom. It would be a Northern one since the Hornwoods and some, quite a number actually of Stark bannermen had came to the Capital. Most never venture South of the Trident so it was all new to them, going to fancy Southron lands and seeing the grand big red castle and cast their eyes on that ugly iron chair that their King sits. So while everyone celebrated inside, Jon and his Queen watched the stars on the bed in the terrace outside the King’s chambers. They value their privacy greatly and spent most of their time in each other’s company.

“She looks beautiful doesn’t she?” Daenerys commented.

“Aye she does. She looks like her mother.” Jon said as he thought of Lynnie.

“Aemon looks very happy…” Daenerys said and smiled at him. Jon smiled back and held her hand.

“I’m happy too…” She sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder. “I’m happy for him. I’m happy for both of them. They’re really in love.”

“He’s going to be fine, Dany. Lyanna will be fine and so will Rhaelle….” He kissed his wife’s head.

“I don’t think Daeron wants me to be sad all the time…” Daenerys said after a pause and looked at him. Jon nodded hearing it.

“No he wouldn’t.” Jon spoke and thought of his firstborn and Daeron’s effervescent smile. “He would never want that.”

“We’ll be alright won’t we Jon?” Daenerys asked him. Her eyes looking at him, hopeful and vulnerable.

“We will be my Love…” He said and kissed her lips gently. As long as we’re together. We’ll be just fine. We’ll get through anything. Together….

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