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He was enjoying his hot bath that evening, the feel of warm water on his skin made his muscles relaxed and he cupped some of the hot water and washed his face with it. His wife walked in and Jon smiled. She was dressed in her robe, her long silver tresses unbound, flowed down, almost to her thighs.

“Do you want some company my King?” Daenerys asked him, violet eyes shining, her voice soft and coy. A teasing come hither smile on her beautiful face.

Jon grinned and nodded his head. He watched as she took her robe off. Daenerys stood naked before him, the silk pooled at her feet. He’d never get sick of looking at her. Seeing her naked body, her perfectly shaped breasts that had grown heavier since his son’s, Daeron’s birth, the gentle swell of her tummy, the curves of her waist and even the dawny silver hair covering her mound and her shapely thighs and legs. Jon moved closer and took her hand, pulling her into the tub gently. Daenerys gasped and wrapped her arms around him. Jon kissed her lips tenderly. 

“I missed you today…” She murmured and leaned against him.

“I was only gone a few hours..” Jon told her and held her closer.

“I know… but I hate being away from you.” Daenerys said softly. She looked into his eyes and sighed. Jon kissed her again. 

He knew exactly how Daenerys felt. Jon hated being away from her too. Jon needed her by his side, it was strange to describe it but it started to physically hurt when he’s away from her. Like a phantom pain in his heart and he could still feel it. His heart aches when she’s not there for him to touch. Even his Hand had realised it. The King could not go a few hours without seeing his wife and having some form of physical contact with her. He would get distracted his thoughts far away, thinking of his Queen, acting like a lovesick boy who was still obsessing over his lover despite the four years being married to her. 

“Lord Tyrion thinks its not natural, being this close to one’s spouse….” Jon said and Daenerys snorted.

“What does Lord Tyrion know?” She asked in a dismissive tone. “He is not married.”

“He was married before. Twice in fact.” Jon informed her. 

“He thinks I’m too dependent on you.” Jon told her.

“I am your wife Jon. I should think that’s what marriage is, two people in love, depending on each other.” Daenerys said. She leaned against his chest and he kissed her shoulder blade, burying his nose in her silver hair, inhaling the scent.

“Maybe we really do love each other too much Dany…” Jon uttered and kissed her nape.

Daenerys turned and looked at him, the water sloshing in the tub. 

“Is that a bad thing Jon?” She asked him, wide violet eyes staring right at him.

“No my Love…it’s not a bad thing. How can it be?” Jon said and held her beautiful face, gently caressing her cheek before kissing her again.

Fuck…you’re beautiful…you’re so beautiful. Sometimes I wonder what I ever do to deserve you?


Lyanna came screaming into the world in their fifth year of marriage. Daenerys remembered Lyanna was a difficult baby when she was carrying her. The Queen was having all sorts of cravings when she was with child. For strawberries dipped in cream, honeyed pudding, spiced pork sausages lightly seared by the fire and boiled quails eggs in herbs and butter. 

She grew tired very easily and her moods were quite erratic even. Her boys were much calmer babies when they were inside her. Daenerys was easily annoyed by the little things and she found herself clinging to Jon more. Her dearest husband was so patient with her, kissing her to calm her down and letting her rest in his arms all day if necessary.

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