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Jon hadn’t been sleeping well the past few nights and Daenerys was worried for him. Her husband did have a tendency to brood too much, worrying about everything. He looked so tired, with circles under his eyes and his posture so tense. At least, the situation with the grains had been resolved. Ships would now sail from Essos bringing the grains to the Seven Kingdoms, hopefully enough to feed the realm. At first Jon was irritated that she would keep it from him. That she had gold, gold she had taken with her from the Slave cities when she sacked them and had brought to Dragonstone.

“How much gold is there?” Jon asked her, eyes almost glaring.

“More than the remaining dragonglass…” Daenerys replied.

“And you never thought to tell me?” Jon asked.

“Honestly it hadn’t crossed my mind till Varys mentioned about the lack of grains.” She sighed and looked at her husband.

“My Love I am sorry but you must know we were all preoccupied with the War and then the children…”

“Dany, I don’t like you keeping secrets from me.” He told her with a groan.

“I didn’t keep it from you, I forgot about it.” She said.

“I’m not a fool!” Jon cried out. “It is obvious you choose not to tell me!”

“You don’t tell me everything either!” Daenerys suddenly yelled and immediately regretted it.

Jon’s eyes flashed angrily and he clenched his fist. She watched as he breathed deeply. Daenerys grew quiet, realising that maybe yelling at her husband the King was not a good idea, especially when he’s easily irritable from not having enough sleep.

“We need to be honest with each other….” Jon said and sighed. He looked at her and his face mellowed. Daenerys looked at him and nodded.

“The gold is ours Jon. For our children.” She said to him. “And I’m sorry I kept it from you and you’re right. We should be honest with each other.”

“We will need to use some of it to feed the people and rebuild the country.” Jon told her.

“I know…” She breathed. The country needed the gold more. 

Daenerys went to embrace him, feeling better as she cuddled closer to his chest while Jon’s arms wrapped around her. She looked up at him, nuzzling his nose with hers and Jon kissed her lips softly. She hated that they had argued. It was just awful. Tyrion had always told her that her dragon temper would get the best of her. 

“I love you…” Daenerys told Jon as she looked up into his deep dark pools. Almost as if she needed reassurances. That he still loved her too. That nothing has changed between them. That he’d love her despite everything and accept her, flaws and all. 

“I know.” Jon responded, holding her close, kissing the top of her silver head. 

I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone this much…You’re the Love of my life Jon Targaryen. You and our children…You’re what I live for.

“You need to sleep Darling…” She said softly and kissed his lips. 

She took his hand and led him to the bed, knowing a technique that was sure to work. Daenerys pushed him softly down on the bed and he smiled at her. She sat on the bed and pulled his head on her lap. She started humming some tune she had heard before, ‘The Bear and the Maiden Fair’ and started running her fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp gently. Daenerys heard Jon’s soft snores after a while and she leaned back against the head board watching as her husband slept peacefully, his tired head on her lap.

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