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He still hadn’t gotten used to the Capital despite being there for several months since the Lannister forces surrendered. Jon sighed as he looked around the large Throne Room in Red Keep. That iron chair stood there, on top of the dais, empty but soon it will have a new occupant.

“Normally the Kings will be crowned in the Sept of Baelor Your Grace, but that’s not possible now…” Qyburn had informed him softly.

Jon gave a nod as he listened close. He had to meet with Qyburn to go through the plans for the coronation. They had spared the former Hand to Cersei Lannister during the Surrender. Qyburn pledged allegiance to House Targaryen and he would serve as a Maester as well as a palace official to the new regime. Tyrion had found Qyburn to be quite useful and resourceful and they would need all the help they can get to rebuild the country once Winter has passed.

“The High Septon will usually be the one to put the crown on your head and officiate the ceremony…Have you decided on who the new High Septon will be Your Grace?” Qyburn asked Jon in that calm voice of his.

“The Queen will be the one to crown me…” Jon said and gave a small smile. “It is hers to give…”

“Oh…” Qyburn uttered and gave a nod. “In that case, I will have to inform the master of ceremonies…”

“Have you given any thought about your Name Your Grace?” Qyburn asked him.

“My name?” Jon was surprised. What a strange question to ask.

“Your regnal name.” Qyburn continued.

“Will it be Aegon, the Sixth of His Name?” Qyburn inquired.

“No…” Jon shook his head and sighed. “I will go with my own name, Jon.”

“Jon…” Qyburn nodded and gave a small smile. “The First of his Name.”

“We will need more braziers in the halls to keep the coronation attendees warm Your Grace. Usually coronations are held in the Spring. But the circumstances are a bit different now. You will be the first King to be crowned in Winter…” Qyburn continued.

Jon walked around more and looked up at the high vaulted ceilings, the arches and grand pillars. It was bigger than the Great Hall of Winterfell and even Dragonstone’s Throne Room. The Throne Room of Red Keep and its history seemed to overwhelm the King in the North at that moment. He realised then that he would soon be King of all Seven Kingdoms.

“It does take some getting used to,” Qyburn commented. “But this palace has served the former Targaryen kings well and will continue to do so.”

“Thank you Maester Qyburn,” Jon said gratefully.

“I should make my leave Your Grace to prepare for the coronation.” Qyburn said with a bow and left.

Jon stood there for a while and stared at the Iron Throne. It looked menacing with the swords and was probably uncomfortable to sit on. He thought of what the throne represented. Absolute Power and what people would do for it.

“Fucking ugly chair…” A familiar voice spat.

Jon turned around and smiled when he heard the Hound’s gruff voice.

“Your Grace,” Sandor Clegane said and bowed.

The Hound had chosen to stay in the Capital to serve the new King and Queen. He didn’t know where else to go after the war ended. Might as well make himself useful and serve a King who was worth serving. One who was not a raging Cunt.

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