Heavy is the Head

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He walked into the Throne Room and saw the King sitting on the Iron Throne. The Hound stood silently by the pillar several feet away. The large hall was empty after most nobles had left court for the day. Still King Jon wore a distant sad look on his face as he stared ahead.

“Heavy is the head who wears the crown…” Tyrion said quietly and sighed. He then looked at his King.

“You’re brooding again Your Grace. You’ve been doing that a lot lately. The courtiers have noticed. You’d be pleased to know that they’ve coined a nickname for you, King Jon the Brood...”

Jon then frowned at the Hand. Tyrion only smiled. One of his favourite things was to try to get under the King’s skin. Hopefully he would still have his head in tact.

“I’m beginning to understand why my wife doesn’t want to sit here….” Jon said and let out a loud heave.

“She’s more of a Conqueror. The Queen is not suited to sit on a throne.”

“And you think that I am?” Jon snapped back. It was obvious to the Hand that the King was more than just annoyed. He looked utterly miserable.

“Well you did get her pregnant again. You can’t expect her to carry a child, raise the heir, rule and rebuild a country recovering from the ravages of War. All at the same time…” Tyrion told him pointedly.

“Too much even for the Great Daenerys Stormborn.”

“You’re right. I love the Queen too much to let her take on all the burdens on her own…” Jon said and smiled slightly at his Hand. 

“I know it is not easy. Being King,” Tyrion spoke and looked at the King. The man looked really tired and Tyrion wanted to reassure him. 

“But a great many people look to you now to lead them. Not just the North, the whole country in fact, all Seven Kingdoms. And you know you have the support of all the noble Houses.”

“Aye…” Jon said quietly. “The Stormlands is secure now that my sister, Arya is there.”

The King then handed a note to Tyrion. The Hand read the contents. It was sent from Storm’s End, written by Ser Davos himself. King Jon had send him there to help his sister and the new Lord of the Stormlands.

“What about Lord Baratheon?” Tyrion asked him.

“He’s not one for ruling and lets her make the decisions. They’re building up their forces there.”

“So a marriage is in order?” Tyrion asked. Jon laughed hearing that and Tyrion wondered what was funny.

“You clearly don’t know my sister. Lord Baratheon has proposed many times and she has rejected him at every turn.” 

“But they are together aren’t they?” Tyrion asked.

“I can’t force my sister if she doesn’t want to marry the man.” The King said.

Jon then stood up and walked down the steps. Tyrion only watched as the King headed back to his chambers accompanied by a few King’s guards. The Hound beside him. 

He’s going to see his wife. Tyrion thought and shook his head. 

This is what Love does. Even the Great Jon Snow, who defeated the Wildling army in Castle Black, the Boltons, the Night King and the Dead and won the war against the Lannisters for the throne. At the end of the day, he just wants to go home to his wife. Tyrion couldn’t blame the King though. Anyone with a wife as beautiful as Queen Daenerys would want to hurry home to her every single day.


She never realised that being a Queen consort to the King was quite a luxury. All the privileges of royalty and not a lot of the heavy duties and responsibilities that followed. Especially since she had already birthed two healthy baby boys. The Heir, her precious Daeron and another dragon prince, The Spare as Lord Tyrion dubbed her Sweet Aemon, a nickname which Daenerys did not appreciate. She had fulfilled a very important part of her obligations, ensuring that the royal bloodline would continue for the future of House Targaryen.

I should have done this long ago. Just sit and lie on my chaise lounge, eat cakes and listen to palace gossip while my babies play. No rebellions to deal with or some rude Lord to discipline or trade to be negotiated with some foreign prince, no tedious meetings with the Small Council. 

Of course Missandei and Varys still reported to her on the happenings in court.

“And how goes the Small Council?” Daenerys asked when they came to see her at mid day. 

“Many things needs to be done. There isn’t enough grains to feed people in the Capital and well the Reach has no more food left to give.” Varys told her.

“Tell the King that he can buy grains from the Free Cities.”

“With what gold Your Grace?” Varys asked. “Cersei Lannister plundered the entire Treasury to pay for the Golden Company and lets not forget the huge loan she took out from the Iron Bank. A loan that we are still paying interest on.”

“The Hound is right…” Daenerys commented. “She really is a nasty Cunt.”

Daenerys looked at Missandei and both of them exchanged looks, looks that Vary noticed. “What is it?” He asked.

Daenerys nodded to Missandei, allowing her to tell Varys.

“We have gold in Dragonstone.” Missandei informed him. 

“We kept it in the caves after the dragonglass was mined in case we need it.” Missandei then paused. “A form of insurance.”

“So that’s why your dragon flies there every now and then, to guard the gold.” Varys said sounding surprised.

“Does the King know?” Varys asked the Queen.

“No I haven’t mentioned it to him yet.” Daenerys said and gave a quick smile.

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