The Northerners

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My sister is annoyed. Our cousin Robbie is staring at her again and she rolls her eyes and looks away. Lyanna has been trying to avoid seeing him but he’s always around. My parents are gone. They are in Dragonstone now where my brother Daeron’s stone sarcophagus will be put to rest in his grand tomb. Aemon will sail there soon while my sister and I are needed in Red Keep. We have to keep Cousin Lynnie company. I like Lynnie a lot, everyone does. She is a sweet, delightful person. She loves to explore the city and see the sights. Growing up in Winterfell she hasn’t really been anywhere so it’s all new to her, traveling South to the Capital.

My Aunt Sansa is extremely protective of her only daughter. My aunt’s childhood and youth had been marked by tragedy and I know it wasn’t easy for her but now she has entrusted her only daughter into House Targaryen’s care. Father had assured Aunt Sansa that Lynnie will be well cared for, like any royal princess for she will be a future Queen. Aunt Sansa being a cautious woman that she is, sent her son and heir Robbie down to chaperone his sister and they didn’t come alone. A battalion of Stark soldiers and bannermen as well as relatives of House Hornwood rode with them to the Capital.

It must have given the citizens of King’s Landing a fright thinking that a great Northern army has come to lay siege on their city. Then they remember their beloved King, Jon the Great as he is known, is still King in the North. There was nothing to be afraid of. The Starks and Northerners have made themselves at home in Red Keep and Lyanna grows frustrated with their loud, boisterous ways. She finds them uncouth and I only sigh. Lyanna forgets that she is a Northerner too. My father’s blood runs in her veins, Stark blood. Still the people in court are unaccustomed to the Northern culture. Their songs, dances and the way they dress. And how they prefer ale to wine.

“Why are they wearing furs?” Lyanna complains while they have supper with us in Red Keep’s grand ballroom. “It’s too hot for furs…”

“Well it is their way,” I say with a smile.

“Silly ways…” She grumbles. She looks straight and sees cousin Robbie walking to our table.

“Oh the gods…” Lyanna groans knowing he wants to speak to her.

“I think he wants to dance with you.” I tell my sister.

“I don’t want to! I don’t want to touch him or be anywhere near the man!” Lyanna whispers in my ear. “I can’t stand him.”

That’s too bad, I thought with a sigh. Because you’ll end up falling crazily in love with him, running away to be married in secret in a godswood like our grandmother did and Father will be annoyed with you…

“What did you say?” Lyanna asks me as I look at her.

“Huh?” I am stumped.

“You said that Father will be annoyed with me…”

Seven Hells…Did I say that out loud? My visions…. I should have zipped my mouth. Uncle Bran did warn me. People don’t really want to know what their future brings. They say that they do, but in reality they don’t.

My sister frowns and she looks upset. “Tell me Rhaelle…what did you see??”

“He’s coming over Sister…” I tell her and smile. “You should start coughing and pretend to be ill…”

Lyanna turns and Robbie is standing there. She then starts coughing loudly.

“Are you alright Your Highness?” He asks her, suddenly concerned.

“I’m not feeling well…” She says and coughs. Lyanna pulls me to her and we stand up from our seats.

“Come with me…” Lyanna whispers and hold my arm as we walk away. She continues with her fake coughs all the way to the grand staircase.

“I’ll call a Maester for you Your Highness…” Robbie says and Lyanna just walks faster, thinking that she can outrun what is already destined for her.

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