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She was more than happy to perform her wifely duties. Anything to please her beloved husband. Since coming out of confinement after Aemon’s birth. Daenerys felt herself getting more lustful. She even wondered if it was the fine Arbor wines she had been drinking as her sexual appetite had grown stronger. When Jon was away during the day, she would think of him, smelling his scent on the pillow and she would touch herself while she lied in bed.

Daenerys moaned as she closed her eyes, thinking of Jon’s dark eyes and his rough husky, Northern voice that always made her tremble slightly hearing it. The way he would hold her close while he fucked her hard. She started fingering herself, her thumb on her nub. All she wanted was to come and come again with the thoughts of Jon fucking her. 

Can love, passion and lust exist at the same time for the same person? She did wonder. Sexually she was very attracted to Jon and they were very compatible. There were no complaints. She enjoyed coupling with him. It was a crazy, passionate kind of love. Then at times, after the heavy passionate coupling, when it was all late and quiet, they would just lie in each other’s arms. Gently touching and kissing each other till they get too sleepy to do anything else. She felt safe and warm with his body wrapped around her. She would go to sleep, her ear pressed against his chest where the hooked scar was, listening to the gentle beating of his heart.


Daenerys heard her husband calling her and she turned around. The King was standing in the room looking at her. Jon was staring, dark brown eyes looking right at her and she knew those heated stares all too well. It always ended with their clothes strewn on the floor, bodies slapping passionately against each other, heavy moans and screams of pleasure filling the room. Jon walked to where she was resting in a few strides and pulled her up from the chaise lounge. She gasped when Jon kissed her hungrily. He needed her and her heart soared while her cunt throbbed with wetness. She felt his hard length and touched it, causing Jon to groan.

“Can we do it rough again like last time?” Jon asked her softly, pressing kisses on her neck.

Daenerys thought it was sweet that Jon would ask. She was his wife afterall. Most men would just take what they want but then she remembered her husband was not like most men. He was better than all of them. The one most deserving of her heart. Daenerys smiled at Jon and nodded. 

“Take me anyway you want to my Love…” She whispered before kissing him. “I’m yours Jon…All yours….”


He watched as his wife slept soundly beside him. Gods….She’s beautiful, probably the most beautiful thing Jon had ever seen in all his life. Daenerys was breathing softly and Jon smiled, watching the rise and fall of her chest. He moved closer and traced his fingers down to her heavy breast to her nipple. He touched it and watched it pebbled and the droplets of milk formed. She was still nursing both his sons. Jon let a drop touched his finger and brought to his lips. It tasted strange unlike cow’s or goat’s milk, a bit sweet and watery.

He moved closer and nuzzled his nose on her neck, breathing in her scent. Jon couldn’t remember being this obsessed with anyone or anything before. Though Davos and Tyrion did joke that he was once too obsessed with mining dragonglass and the Army of the Dead to even desire the Queen in the past. A folly on his part for sure. Things are different now, and Jon was beginning to realise how much he needed his wife’s presence. A few hours away from her and his mood would start to sour. He would get all broody. 

The only thing to brighten his mood was that he could see her after he had gone through the stresses of the day. Jon would go straight to his chambers where he knew Daenerys would wait for him, often lying on the chaise lounge, dressed in her furlined silk dresses. Jon always thought they weren’t warm enough but his wife liked the smooth fabric. He’d pull her in his arms and kissed her lips, feeling all better that she was there. Like a soothing balm to his tired, restless soul. Sometimes they would just talk and have supper before sleep, other times it would lead to more passionate encounters and perhaps both of them preferred the later.

His insomniac thoughts drifted away to his days in the Nights Watch, the vows he had taken. Wear no crown, father no children and take no wife. It didn’t matter anymore of course. Jon died when he was betrayed, stabbed by his own men. His Watch was over he had told Edd. Now with the Broken Wall, (though it was only breached at Eastwatch, the rest of the Wall was still in tact)as King, Jon had decided that The Nights Watch should not be disbanded after the Great War. Men were still needed to patrol the border just in case of any attacks made by anyone or anything, living or dead. And there needs to be a place to send hardened criminals away, where they could at least be put to good use.

Most of the surviving Wildlings whom Jon had let pass the Wall settled in the far reaches of The North. They mostly minded their own business, not bothering to assimilate and continued their way of life of hunting, fishing and trapping, and selling fur pelts in the market place. Tormund was still their leader and he agreed to bide by the terms set by Sansa Stark the Wardeness of the North. The Wildlings could settle in peace in Northern lands so long as they do not attack the Northerners and break any laws. So far there wasn’t any conflict between the two groups. Winter hadn’t shown any signs of receding into Spring and the King was worried for his people. They needed grains and firewood. Winterfell was already full with people seeking sanctuary from the harsh weather. Peace times proved to be just as challenging as times of war.

I should be there with my people. Then he remembered what Tyrion had said to him earlier. Jon is not just King in the North anymore but King of all the Seven Kingdoms. And that made him even more worrisome as he lied in bed next to his sleeping wife. Not one but seven kingdoms to rule. It is no wonder that Aerys went mad and Robert Baratheon drank himself to an early grave.

Jon sighed softly and let his head fall back on the pillow. There’s no use worrying when you can do something about it. Daenerys stirred in her sleep and moved closer, seeking his warmth. He enveloped her in his arms and pulled the furs to cover them both. He felt better that she was there with him. 

“Together my Love,” Daenerys had said whenever Jon felt too overwhelmed. “We’ll go through it together…”

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