A King shouldn't be without his Queen

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He spilled his seed inside her but he made sure she came first. He mouthed her name, whispering words of endearments. Telling her he loved her over and over again. Daenerys rolled away still cold and angry, and moved to the edge of the bed, her back facing him. His wife still hadn’t said a word and Jon touched her back, letting his finger trail down her spine to the cleft between her buttocks. She looked like a goddess even from behind. His goddess, His Queen, His wife. His.

He never really had anything or anyone who was truly his. Ghost was his faithful direwolf but Jon never felt like he owned the furred creature and Ygritte though she was possessive of him, Jon never really thought of the Wildling the same way. He loved her but he was still loyal to the Nights Watch. He remembered waking up next to Ygritte and yet he still felt alone. But with Daenerys, she broke the mould. Ah…she really did. With her dragons and her silver hair, violet eyes and her power, there’s no one like her. He had told her that much during the inauspicious meeting in the Dragonpit of King’s Landing years and years ago. How sweet she was then, smiling at him. Of course Jon knew after thirteen years of marriage, Daenerys had quite the dragon temper as well.

“I’m sorry my Love…” He said softly and moved behind her in the bed, kissing her neck gently, hoping he could assuage her.

“You don’t mean it…” Daenerys said quietly after a while.

“I’m sorry that I hurt you. I never wanted that.” Jon told her. He gently held her shoulders and turned her so she would face him.

“I love you so much Dany…when you say you hate me…” Jon breathed, a hitch in his voice.

“It just…I don’t know. I don’t like it. It makes me feel small, as if I’m still the Bastard of Winterfell who doesn’t deserve anything good. It’s worse even, because I don’t care about being a bastard but if you don’t love me anymore….”

“You broke my heart Jon.” She said softly and Jon stared at her.

“When I yelled at the boys?” Jon asked her, surprised she said such a thing.

Daenerys shook her head. “Not then. I mean years ago, right here…”

“What?” He was lost. What did she mean by that?

“Before we were married,” She told him. “You ignored me for days and told me what we did was a mistake and that it can never happen again. Then you forced me to marry you because you didn’t want our son to be born a Bastard, not because you wanted me…”

“Dany…” Jon groaned softly. “I love you, you know this. Even then I was crazily in love with you.”

“You looked like you were ashamed Jon, like what we did was a crime. Did you ever think about my feelings? I didn’t plan on meeting you and falling in love with you. And I didn’t know that you are Rhaegar’s son.” Daenerys said sadly to him.

“And you came to me that night on the ship. I wasn’t the one who went to your cabin and seduced you.“

“That happened years ago….” Jon covered his face with both hands in frustration. He couldn’t believe they were having an argument about what had happened thirteen years ago. “We’re all passed that now.”

“I don’t know Jon…” Daenerys muttered and moved away from his touch. “Being here in Winterfell again, it just brings all the bad memories back.”

He watched as his wife got up and put on her long robe.

“Where are you going?” Jon asked her.

“I’m going to sleep with the children tonight,” Daenerys replied as she pulled her thick, silver hair into a low ponytail.


He kept staring up at the ceiling that night. The bed felt cold without her. The whole fight was ridiculous. His wife was being too overprotective of the boys and there was the sudden mention of the past that had soured everything else. Jon hated himself even. He didn’t mean to make Daenerys upset and he shouldn’t have pushed for the trip to Winterfell but Sansa and her husband Evan had invited them and it had been too long since he had been up North. He is still King there after all. And he missed his family. He missed his sister Sansa and his brother Bran, and the fresh Northern air that is Home.

It never occurred to Jon that he had broken Daenerys’ heart all those years ago. Maybe it was because she had been quite restrained with her feelings towards him in those early days and never showed much. He knew that she loved him then but it wasn’t as emotional and as passionate as she had been since they had gotten married. He barely knew her then. A month or so while he was in Dragonstone and then the few weeks traveling up home to Winterfell to get The North ready for the Great War. But still he was in love with her, a whirlwinded love affair right in the middle of a Great War. 

“They will write songs about you and the Queen. A great love story for the ages,” the Hand, Tyrion Lannister had sarcastically said. He didn’t approve of what Jon and Daenerys were doing, calling it reckless. He was proven right of course.

When Jon found out that he was in fact a son of Rhaegar and that he had accidentally fallen in love with and even had carnal relations with his aunt by blood. He had to admit that it was a jarring revelation. If he had been too full, he would have probably vomited right there and then. Incest is a horrible thing, that was what he was taught. The Old gods frowned upon it and he remembered how disgusted he was by Craster and also the illicit affair between Cersei and Jaime Lannister. People had made jokes about them and he didn’t want anyone to make such lewd jokes about Daenerys and him. Then he found out that she was with child and Jon had to do the right thing. He groaned when he remembered the testy conversation he had with Daenerys all those years ago. How volatile it was then.

“I do not want to marry you Jon Snow.” She said coldly, even though she knew his real name.

“I will not have my child be born a Bastard.” Jon said to her. His tone had gotten harsh. 

“Maybe it’s not even yours…” Daenerys had said in that nonchalant tone.

And Jon remembered being angered by it. The way she provoked him then, same as she did just a few nights ago when she told him she hated him. Daenerys had the power to hurt him with just mere words. He didn’t believe her of course. He knew she was’t some trollop who slept around with different men at the same time.

“You will marry me Your Grace, even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming into the godswood.” Jon told her and she was shocked hearing it. He left her guest chamber hurriedly and headed to his own rooms, his fist clenching in frustration.


This is not right. A wife should be with her husband, a Queen with her King.

Jon had had enough time thinking by himself. He would now act. He got out of bed and headed straight to the room where the children were sleeping. Daenerys was sleeping next to Rhaelle and Lyanna while Aemon and Daeron slept in separate beds across the room. He smiled, seeing his wife’s sleeping form. She looked so beautiful and he sighed as he bent and lifted Daenerys up into his arms. 

Lyanna stirred in bed and blinked her bleary eyes open.

“Father?” She called him and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

“Shh… it’s night time Sweetling. Time to sleep,” He said to her.

Lyanna smiled and yawned. “Mama says she misses you.”

“I know I miss her too…” Jon said and smiled at his daughter. Lyanna had closed her eyes and fallen back to sleep.

Jon carried his sleeping wife, the Queen back into the King’s chambers and gently laid her down in the large bed. He got in and pulled her in his arms. It felt right again when Daenerys was there, with him hugging her from behind. He had grown too used to her warmth and the feel of her soft, lithe body. Jon stifled a yawn and felt his wife snuggling closer, leaning back against his chest. She took his hand and rubbed it tenderly against her arm.

“I love you Jon…” Daenerys whispered softly and Jon smiled when he heard that. He closed his eyes and had a fitful night’s sleep, one he hadn’t had in days.

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