All is Well

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They had decided to go for a hunt. It had been planned for quite a while. The woods outside King’s Landing was known to have plenty of game. Now that Spring has arrived, there would be plenty of wildlife coming out of hibernation. The whole royal court would join them. The boys were excited to try out their new arrows and bows made from fine weirwood that Sansa had sent as gifts from Winterfell for her nephews.

“Do you think we’ll get a Stag Mama?” Daeron asked her and she smiled. He sounded so excited. He had been looking forward to the hunt for several days, even practicing his archery with his brother Aemon in the palace’s courtyard. Daeron looked on as his father, the King got down from his horse.

Daenerys smiled as Jon walked to her. He had ridden in front while she and the children sat in the carriage. He pulled her in his arms and kissed her deeply. It left her breathless when they pulled away.

“I missed you…” Jon murmured, nuzzling her face lovingly as he held her.

“You just saw me.” She smiled.

“Aye, in the carriage.” Jon nodded. “But next time you have to ride with me Your Grace…”

“Father Come on…” Daeron called him and Daenerys shook her head.

“You did promise to bring the boys hunting although I did warn you that they are too young.” She said to him and Jon only grinned.

He pulled her in and kissed her again, not caring that there were people there. The courtiers and servants would look away anyway. The court had gotten used the royal couple’s affectionate nature as the years went by. Daenerys remembered how embarrassed she was initially but Jon never did care what anyone thinks.

“Stop kissing her Father!” The prince whined. “We have to go…”

“The boy’s getting too excited,” Jon commented.

He kissed her again and held her face tenderly as she looked at him. I love you, he mouthed and Daenerys did the same. Jon walked away to where their sons were standing with a few courtiers and palace servants carrying spears and quivers filled with arrows.

Daenerys smiled, watching as they got on their horses and rode away. The palace servants had already set up the tents before the royal family arrived. Daenerys and her handmaidens as well as some court ladies could lounge in comfort while they wait for the men to return from the hunt. The nanny carrying Lyanna walked to her and Lyanna opened her arms wanting her mother to carry her. Daenerys took her little daughter into her arms, feeling the weight on her hips.

“You’re getting too heavy Sweetling…” She said and she kissed her daughter’s raven head as Lyanna clung to her, her small arms on her mother’s neck.

“I’m not heavy Mama, I am three…” The princess told her with a pout and Daenerys laughed softly. Don’t grow up so fast my Darling. Let me hold you a bit longer…

She held her daughter and remembered when her dragons were little, how they wanted to cling to her all the time. Tears started to fall when she thought of Viserion and Rhaegal. At least Drogon was alright, safe and growing larger and more formidable everyday.

“Don’t cry Mama…” Lyanna said and touched her mother’s eyes with her fingers. She kissed her mother’s cheek and Daenerys felt better. She had her family, she had Jon and her precious children. All is well.


My mother refuses to eat much. Her grief for my brother has worn her down. She has lost too much weight and the color seems to drain from her once lively violet eyes. She would either lie in her chambers or be in Daeron’s old rooms during the day. Rhaelle and I would keep her company, trying our best to console her. My sister plays the harp to soothe Mama while I embroider dragons and flowers or paint cherubic baby angels for her. She said one of them looked like Daeron and that made her cry even more. At night my father will carry her back into his room where they will console each other.

I haven’t seen my father, His Grace in so long. He retreats to his chamber and solar, not allowing anybody in except for the Hand or my mother and the palace servants of course, but not even me. I miss my father terribly. Sometimes it feels as if I’m left an orphan when Daeron died. Father isn’t around and my mother is not herself. Aemon is always angry these days. My father hasn’t said anything about Aemon’s decision to remain Prince of Summerhall. My father hasn’t said much of anything. And because of that by law, Aemon is the next in line. Since my father, the King isn’t holding court or wanting to rule, as heir, Aemon has the highest authority in the lands and he had recently sought to exercise that authority.

He found out that the Master of Coin had embezzled a vast amount of gold that belongs to the Royal Treasury. Aemon is not a tyrant. But he does value justice greatly. Justice and the law demands for the man to be hanged, drawn, and quartered as stealing from the Crown is akin to Treason, by betraying the King’s trust. So Aemon executed the man as the law demands. Lord Tyrion thought a clean beheading would suffice but Aemon pointed out that the law is the law so the Master of Coin suffered a horrible death and his surviving family stripped off their lands, titles and estates. My father was told about it and he didn’t say anything. I heard from his valet that my father mostly sits by the fire in his robe and stares at it. 

I overheard one of the courtiers speaking to another that a curse has befallen our family. The Seven is punishing my parents and our family for the incest committed by House Targaryen. I don’t know what to believe anymore, what is true and what is not. Maybe we are being punished. Maybe we were just too happy as a family. And happiness isn’t supposed to last. But sorrow won’t last either. I squeeze my mother’s hand as she stares out the window, probably thinking of the son she has lost. I want to tell her that I’m here. That although Daeron is gone, she still has three children alive and who need her.

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