An Enviable Love

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I want a Love like what Mama and Father have. Theirs is an enviable Love. The kind of love story you hear in songs and fairytales. It isn’t always perfect but if two people really love each other, they will just try. No matter the odds, they’ll get through it together. The good times and the bad times. That was what Father had said before. Things are getting better now. My mother smiles more. Maybe she realises that life does go on after a tragic loss. She started eating more and indulges in her favourite foods.

Lynnie has been wonderful. She has such a big heart and she has already ingratiates herself well into our family. It is no wonder my brother fell in love with her so quickly and everyone knows that Aemon isn’t one to be sentimental. Lynnie spends time with my mother and tells her things. She’s good at making the Queen laugh and makes beautiful embroidery. Mama even tells Aemon to stay in Red Keep longer and postpone his move to Dragonstone and Aemon agrees. Like Father, Aemon knows how important it is for my mother to remain happy. He does not want our Mama to spiral back into despair.

My father has started attending court and does his Kingly duties although not as heavy and busy as before. I feel relieved that he has stopped retreating into his chambers and solar. He still needs his privacy and I respect that. It just feels wonderful to be able to have meals as a family again and talk about things, even laugh. It is nice to see my parents having their evening walks in the gardens as they just sit on the bench watching the sunset in Blackwater Rush and talk about everything and anything.

I am not romantic by nature. I know how in life one needs to be practical. But it must be nice to have a Love like that. To have a person look at me the way my father always looks at my mother as if she is the brightest star in the sky that he would give up his entire world for. I sigh as my parents kiss in the the terrace. It got quite passionate and I look away giving them their privacy even from afar.


It is Lynnie calling me and I smile at her. Then, I see Robbie walking behind and I want to roll my eyes. He’s looking at me again and that smile on his handsome face. I shouldn’t call it handsome but it is quite comely.

“Robbie will be leaving soon for Winterfell…” Lynnie tells me. She then gives me a bashful smile and I wonder why.

“Well I wish you good journey Cousin,” I tell him and Robbie smiles. I force myself to smile back at him.

I guess I will miss him and his rowdy guests. They do bring a little Northern provincial charm to court.

“You should come visit us in Winterfell Princess. We can go riding in the Wolf’s Woods.” Robbie tells me. I only keep quiet wishing that the conversation will just end.

“Oh…” Lynnie suddenly utters. Robbie and her exchange looks. “I should go. I promise Aemon that we’ll have supper together…”

She sounds rather awkward as she leaves. I am surprised Lynnie walks away rather quickly leaving me and Robbie at the courtyard. I am not alone with him. There are palace guards patrolling the area. Still it is not proper. I clear my throat hoping Robbie gets the hint and move on. I wonder where my sister Rhaelle is.

“Do you remember when you were little, you made me promise to kiss you when we’re older?” Robbie says.

I stare at him, flabbergasted. “I did no such thing…”

“You probably forgot about it. But you wrote me a note before you left Winterfell with your family…” He grins and handed me a note and I stare at it.

It is in my handwriting, at least how I used to write when I was little. I am embarrassed by the note and I didn’t know what else to say. But he kept it with him all these years. I groaned inwardly as I recall. I was rather infatuated with him years ago and I was upset that he was quite aloof about it. It makes perfect sense why he vexes me so and why he seems to get under my skin.

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