The Children

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The Hand was annoyed. Varys had reported on what had happened in the Throne Room a few nights ago. Except it wasn’t even night when it happened. The sun hadn’t set yet when the King and Queen were heard groaning and grunting, fucking like rabbits on the Iron Throne. They could have been caught and indeed, one of the servant girls accidentally had a peep and she was threatened and bribed not to even make a squeak about it to anyone.

“Even my sister never did something sooo…” Tyrion tried to find the right word for it that wouldn’t sound too outrageous.

“Scandalous?” Varys added and Tyrion shook his head. The Hand poured himself some of the Arbor red and drank his wine.

“If the Queen could get pregnant again, she probably would have, twice over but the Grand Maester has said that it is impossible now…” Varys said and sighed. 

Tyrion grew quiet. After Princess Rhaelle’s difficult birth, the Queen’s womb just couldn’t carry anymore children. The royal couple tried vigorously to conceive again but nothing came out of it.

Varys then looked at the Hand. “Are you going to tell him?”

“He is King, he won’t listen to me telling him not to fuck his wife on the Iron Throne…” Tyrion lamented. 

Besides…I’m not going to be the one to take away his only form of indulgence, his only vice, if fucking one’s wife so passionately can be seen as one…The Hand thought to himself

“Yes…” Varys nodded. “He can be very stubborn. Starks often are….”

“He is not a Stark.” Tyrion corrected his old friend.

“The King still wears his Northern clothes and armour, he had a weirwood tree brought down all the way from the North to worship the Old gods. He teaches the royal princes the Old Ways and you say he’s not a Stark…” Varys spoke and shook his head.

They heard the children playing in the courtyard and they looked down. Prince Daeron was pushing both his sisters on the large swing that hung from the tree branch. Tyrion smiled seeing that. The children were happy, even the often brooding golden haired Prince Aemon was smiling. 

“I never thought I would hear children’s laughter in the palace again after your sister’s children.” Varys commented. 

“They won’t be children for long. They’ll grow up and things will change.” Tyrion sighed. 

But that would take years. For now, let the children have their joy, The Hand thought. The innocence of childhood was just too precious. He suddenly remembered his niece and nephews when they were children. How he had loved and adored them. Well except for Joffrey. No one could love Joffrey other than his own mother.


My brother Aemon is to wed our cousin Catelyn Hornwood Stark. I always find it strange that Lynnie carries her mother’s family name instead of her father’s but Aunt Sansa is a Lady of a Great House and the Hornwoods are loyal vassals to the Starks. Her husband, Evan Hornwood is a handsome, kind and gentle man. He doesn’t talk much and seems happy spending his days carving wood in his workshop. He made beautifully carved bows for my brothers and even carved the baby bassinet for Rhaelle when she was born, a gift sent from Winterfell. 

Lynnie is different from her mother and takes after her father’s joyful nature. She’s always smiling and laughing while Aunt Sansa is serious and contemplative. I admire my aunt as a child. She is a great Lady and she rules The North for my father as its Wardeness. I know that Aunt Sansa was instrumental in winning the Battle of Winterfell when she called the Knights of the Vale to fight for her. 

My brother’s wedding will take place soon and yet my parents have absconded to Dragonstone. I hadn’t seen my father except when he was leaving the palace, heading to Winterfell. I looked out my window and watched him as he helped Mama up the carriage. They rode to the fields outside the city walls where Drogon would swoop down from the sky and carry them North. Father turned and looked at me and I waved at him. I saw a small smile on his face and that had made me happy for days. Aemon’s wedding will be a subdued affair. It has been six months since Daeron’s funeral. The marriage ceremony will be done in front of the heart tree in Red Keep’s godswood. Father wanted it done through the Old Ways.

Aemon was shocked when he found out that he is to marry. I know my brother. He hates it when he feels that things are being dictated to him. He always wanted to live life on his own terms. But what could Aemon do? My father is still King. His Grace doesn’t have to sit on the Throne or even make his presence in court. His word still stands. I suppose Aemon has made peace with his betrothal as the days passed. He has been spending a lot of time with Lynnie and I see that he’s falling in love with her. He smiles more and even laughs when they talk. Lynnie will be a beautiful Queen. She is kind, gracious, cheerful and she will be a good balance to my otherwise brooding and dour brother. I can’t say the same about her brother Robbie.

He stares at me too much that it is seen as rude and I find him boorish. The loud way he laughs with his Northern friends and relatives who came to the Capital with him. I suppose many in court will find him handsome with his striking height, his reddish brown hair and amber eyes. I know that he will be Lord of Winterfell one day and there are so many unmarried court ladies who will want to win his favour to be the future Lady Stark. 

When I was a child I didn’t like Robbie much. He called me a spoilt Southern princess but he would never do so in front of my brothers. It was so long ago but I was about seven when we visited the Starks in Winterfell. I wanted to follow the boys as they roamed out to the Wolf’s Wood. Daeron and Aemon wanted to venture further. Robbie was around Aemon’s age and he followed them too.

“I’m going to tell Father…” I said to them.

“No you won’t,” Daeron turned and said to me. 

“You’re not supposed to go out too far! Father says its dangerous.” I told him.

“Shut it…” Robbie hissed, annoyed with me.

“I’m going back now. And I’m telling Father! He’s going to be wroth with you…” I said and turned around heading to the castle.

“Robbie get her…” Daeron called. I saw Robbie running to me and I yelped then I fell to the ground, tripping on some fallen tree branches. He looked down at me and shook his head.

“Spoilt Southern Princess…” Robbie said with a sigh. He didn’t even bother to extend his hand to pull me up or help me.

Daeron came running and pulled me up. He was tall at twelve and he carried me in his arms. 

“Are you alright Lyanna?” My big brother asked me. Daeron looked so concerned.

I only cried and wrapped my arms around him. Daeron sighed and carried me all the way back to the castle. Aemon and Robbie following him. His plans to venture out of Winterfell had been stalled.

“I’m still telling Father…” I said to Daeron.

“Of course you will…” My brother said with a smile.

I don’t realise tears are falling untill someone hands me a handkerchief. Old memories of Daeron comes back sometimes. I miss my smiling, older brother so much. I dab the handkerchief on my eyes and softly steady myself. A princess shouldn’t cry in public.

“Thank you,” I say to the person and his bright amber eyes shines.

“My pleasure Princess…” Robbie replies and that makes me scowl. 

I move away and I hear him chuckling. He probably thinks I’m still the same silly young girl who had fallen down in front of him in the Wolf’s Wood. Now that his sister will marry Aemon, I will probably see more of him in court and I know I won’t like it.

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