Argument in Winterfell

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She was angry with her husband that evening. Jon had overreacted and unleashed his fury upon her precious babies. And he did it so publicly in the Great Hall. Daenerys didn’t approve of it. She wouldn’t put up with it either. For Jon to lose his temper and to scream at the boys. It boils her blood. Her boys, her precious sweet boys. She keep thinking of their faces. Her Darling Daeron and her Sweet Aemon. Her Dragon Princes. What wrong did they do? All they wanted was to see The Wall. Dragons are often curious by nature. Not meant to be chained down. And now their mother is angry. She had always been fiercely protective of her children. They don’t call her The Mother of Dragons for nothing.

“I don’t approve of it…” Daenerys said coldly to him.

“You don’t approve?” Jon asked, almost gaping at her. He hadn’t had his Kingly authority challenged in a long while.

“They are your sons Jon. Not servant boys that you can scream at. They are my precious children. My princes.”

“They need to understand the consequences of their actions Dany,” He sighed.

“They can’t be going to the Wall, on their own, in the middle of the night. Anything could have happened to them. They could have been robbed or killed or fallen off their horses. The boys don’t know the woods around here…” 

Jon looked at her and she still had her arms crossed.

“I admit I may have overreacted.” Jon said but Daenerys still wouldn’t budge.

“I don’t want you to raise your voice to them ever again.” She said and Jon grew quiet.

“You coddle them too much,” He said after a while and Daenerys stared at him.

“They won’t be boys anymore and the world is not an easy place! It’s a shit place! You and I both know it! They can’t always run to their mother and hide in her bosom!“

“They are my children and I will protect them as I see fit!” She shouted, violet eyes flashing angrily.

“And they are my sons and I will raise them to be men not soft boys who will wither when you yell at them!” Jon argued back. 

His tone reminded her of the first time they met in Dragonstone and how infuriating and rude he was to her. And she remembered how she hated him then.

I mean no offence Your Grace but I don’t know you…

“I hate you…” She said angrily to him and turned away.

“Take it back…” Jon told her and grabbed her arm pulling her back to him

Daenerys only stared at him, surprised that he would grab her in that manner.

“You don’t hate me Dany. Take it back…” Jon said, his dark eyes staring at hers and Daenerys lips trembled in anger, bold violet eyes meeting his gaze.

How dare he? How dare he thinks that he can tell me what to do? And how to raise my sons? How dare he thinks he can touch me after making me angry? I am the Blood of the Dragon not some sweet Northern lass who will be an obedient wife to him.

“I hate you….” Daenerys said it again, punctuating every word deliberately. 

There was a cruelty to her tone and she saw the flash of pain in Jon’s eyes. He deserved it, she thought. For thinking he could ever speak to her that way. After everything… After everything she had given him. Everything she had given up for him. Past hurts and resentments started to bubble up inside of her, threatening to boil over. 

Jon still hadn’t let her go and pulled her closer even, his dark hooded eyes never leaving hers and Daenerys was shocked when his lips found hers and kissed her hungrily. She was still angry but kissed him anyway, wrapping her arms around him. He pulled her smallclothes down and pushed her on the desk, hiking her dress up. She moaned when she felt his fingers penetrating her, his thumb circling her nub.

Oh Yesss…Make me come…Make me come! She wanted to scream

“Tell me you love me…” Jon whispered in her ear as his fingers moved in and out of her. Daenerys didn’t want to. She wanted to punish him. She should just be cold and shut him out like he did to her years ago when he found out the truth of their relations. She should return the favour. Give Jon Snow back a taste of his own bitter medicine.

Let his heart break like mine did…let him feel my pain. My despair, why should I be the only one who suffer? Because I’m a woman? I should be the one with a broken heart?

Daenerys spread her legs wider, giving him more access. He entered her in one long stroke and started fucking her hard, she met his every thrust, raising her hips, bucking it against his, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist as she felt him moving inside her.

“I love you Dany…” Jon told her softly, kissing and nibbling her neck. She turned away, not wanting to look him in the face but Jon held her face so he can look deep in her eyes.

“I love you so much.” Jon told her, there was this fierceness in his voice and he started moving faster, rutting harder and she moaned in pleasure. It felt so good what he was doing, she knew she would reach her peak soon and Daenerys never wanted him to stop.

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