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The children were playing in the snow and he smiled seeing them laughing gaily. Three with their bright red hair and two with silver blonde heads. Who would have thought he'd have redheaded grandchildren of his own? Even Lyanna's children had the reddish hair of their father. Who would have thought he would even ever have grandchildren? It was something he would never dare dream of in his youth, while he was guarding The Wall.


Jon turned and smiled seeing his youngest. Ah Rhaelle, his sweet daughter Rhaelle. Quiet and unassuming, she never asked for anything and yet she was always there for him. Lyanna had married Robbie and now lived in Winterfell with a brood of kids. She wrote to her father everyday and promised to visit him soon. Rhaelle still stayed in Red Keep with her father, her brother Aemon and his family.

"I brought you your tea." She smiled as she carried a tray in.

"You didn't have to." Jon said. "I already drank some."

"Well...I thought maybe you'd like some more." Rhaelle said gently.

"You should find a nice man and settle down Rhaelle, have some children of your own." Jon said to his daughter.

"I am fine Father." She told him. "Being an auntie is far too much work."

"Your mother would want you to have a family." Jon said quietly.

"I already have a family..." Rhaelle said and hugged him as he sat on his chair and kissed his cheek firmly. The children were laughing again throwing snowballs.

"Aemon has fine children." Jon commented.

"Yes. All joyful like their mother," Rhaelle said.

"Your mother always thinks your brother broods too much." Jon said. "He takes after me, she says."

Rhaelle smiled and nodded. She took a soft woolen blanket and wrapped it around Jon's shoulder.

"So what are your plans today Father?" She asked him.

"Meet with the Hand," Jon sighed.

Alex Hightower is a smart lad but sometimes Jon missed his old Hand, Tyrion. He missed the sarcasm and dry wit of the Lannister man. But Tyrion passed away two years ago and Alex Hightower came highly recommended.

"You know he is still looking for a wife." Jon said to Rhaelle and she only laughed softly and shook her head.

"Do you want me to take you to the Throne Room?" Rhaelle asked him.

"No Ser Podrick will come by later and bring me there," Jon said.

"Alright Father," Rhaelle said and kissed his cheek. "I will see you later for supper."

Podrick Payne came into the King's chambers about an hour later and Jon was happy to see a familiar face. Like him, Podrick's hair had gone grey and he became one of Jon's most trusted advisor and a member of the Small Council. And as the years went by, Podrick became a good friend to the King.

"Your Grace..." Podrick bowed and Jon gave a nod.

They walked down the corridors and saw snow falling in the courtyard. Jon remembered many winters ago. The Long One. Ah, it was cold, so cold and yet it was alright, because his wife was there with him.

"The maesters said this winter won't be too long," Podrick spoke and Jon grew quiet. They went to the Throne Room and Podrick helped him up the stairs.

"I'm not that old..." Jon had grumbled and sat on his throne. They put thick furs on the seat to keep him warm.

"I know Your Grace." Podrick said. "The Hand will come soon. He's on his way from the Tower..."

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