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Something has happened. I can feel it in my bones. The wind is howling and I wake up from my bed except I know that I am still sleeping. This is another one of my dreams. It feels like one of grave portent. I walk down the halls of Red Keep and there is a strange silence filling the air, an eerie kind and it brings a shiver down my spine. At the Throne Room lies a sarcophagus and my heart drops. Tears start streaming down my cheeks. A death is coming. A great death. I see the faces of courtiers all dressed in black, looking solemn as they pay their respects.

I walk down and see my sister wearing a black veil and dressed in a black gown. Lyanna has been crying and she is holding my mother’s hand tightly while Mama sobs uncontrollably and my face falls. Is it Father? Has he died? No…

“Your Grace…” I hear Lord Tyrion’s voice. But he isn’t addressing my mother. 

I look up and see my father, the King standing stoically by the sarcophagus. His face shows nothing but pain and heartbreak. But there are no tears in his eyes. Father places his hand on top of it. And I see the crown, on the stone. A black crown with red rubies that belongs to the Prince of Dragonstone.

“No!!!” I scream. “No!”

No one could hear me of course. They are all silent. I need to tell them! I need to warn my parents! I need to tell someone!

“You can’t Rhaelle…” 

I turn and saw Uncle Bran standing there. He gives me a sad look and shook his head.

“It has already been written. The ink is dry. You know this.” He says. I keep shaking my head, refusing to hear and accept whatever Uncle Bran is saying. No it’s not. It’s just not. There must be a way to change this. To stop it from happening. I can’t just stand idly by.

“No it is not! It hasn’t happened yet! I can stop this! I can save my brother. I have to! Else what is the point of all this?! What is the point of seeing things and not doing a damned thing about them?!” I cry, tears streaming down my face like torrents of rain during a summer storm.

“We are just keepers of time.” Uncle Bran tells me. “We do not change the fates of men.”

“But if I helped to stop the Night King. I can do this too. I can help to stop my brother’s death.”

“He wasn’t meant to live long. He has brought joy in your parents’ lives and lived a good and happy life. He is loved and adored and he will be greatly missed. It is just his time.” Uncle Bran tells me, his voice calm as if he is talking to a child.

“Look at them!” I scream as I point at my parents. “They will never know joy again! They won’t!”

My mother is overwrought with grief, almost falling over even but Aemon moves and pulls her into his arms and she sobs brokenly. Aemon’s melancholic face looks even sadder and there are tears welling up in his eyes. He has lost his brother, his bestfriend and confidante, his own half even. My father stands still but he looks heartbroken, for a father to bury his own son, goes against the laws of nature.

If a child who loses his parents is called an orphan. What do you call someone who loses a child? And Father has already lost too many people who he loves. Mama too. She has lost far too many children than a mother should. This is too cruel. Even for the gods to inflict this unto my parents and my family. Just too cruel…


Spring had finally came after a long winter and Jon was pleased. He smiled as his three children were playing in the gardens in the courtyard of Red Keep. The boys were kicking a ball in the grass while little Lyanna was riding on her small white pony, a gift from the Dothraki which the princess loved. She had wanted her own magical unicorn and her mother, the Queen added a horn made out of clay. Lyanna was squealing in delight as the handmaiden held the reins and let the pony trot slowly around.

“They look so happy…” Daenerys said with a contented sigh. 

Jon looked at his wife and pulled her close, kissing her lips. They were sitting on a settee under the shade, watching their little ones.

“They should be…” Jon told her. “They should know nothing but happiness. That is my wish for them.”

Daenerys smiled at him and cuddled closer in his arms. The King felt at peace, winter has gone and his children are growing strong and healthy. The country is beginning to recover and he has his beloved wife by his side. He couldn’t ask for anything more. Jon never thought he could ever feel any more pure bliss than he had at that moment. Even the way the sun shone gently, in warm streams had a golden effect as he watched his children playing happily and hear the peals of their laughter.

“I never thought I’d ever have this. That we would have this.” Daenerys said softly and held his hand, curling it with hers. She brought it to her lips and kissed it firmly.

“None shall take it from us Jon…” She said and turned to look at him. “Promise me.” 

He looked at his wife, seeing all the love and happiness shining in her violet eyes. He knew he would fight the whole world to see it there. 

My Love….I’d go through the fires of hell and even stay there just to make sure you’re safe and happy. That’s all I ever want.

Jon nodded and kissed her lips again, silently promising promises he never knew were hard to keep. But it was a happy, carefree Spring day after a long, hard winter. Spring was when everything was possible and the cycle of life and birth had just started. A promise of good things to come.

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