The Two Dragon Princes

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Tyrion - on Prince Aemon

The young Prince Aemon is rather melancholic. Tyrion had realized that, ever since the prince was a little boy. He tends to brood a lot like his father and maybe even his grandfather before him. But one wonders what Aemon Targaryen, Prince of Summerhall has to be sad about. He wasn’t brought up as a Bastard like his father had been or had to suffer being an exiled princess in foreign lands like his mother. Still, maybe melancholy really was an inheritable condition for Aemon rarely smiles. Aemon does not look like father, favouring his mother’s Valyrian looks with his pale gold hair and dark violet eyes but he is every bit his father’s son. A serious, quiet man loyal to his brother. He would always be by the Crown Prince’s side. Tyrion watched as Aemon stood next to his brother. The Prince of Dragonstone was all smiles of course as it was his 20th Name Day.

There are still whispers of the horrible rumour that Aemon may have been a secret Lannister due to his gold hair. That the Queen might have had an affair with her Hand or Jaime Lannister or even both of them. It was all nonsense and Tyrion had dismissed it several times. The Queen had been too wrapped up in her beloved husband, King Jon to even glance at another man admiringly. And it hasn’t always been gold. Aemon’s hair was silvery gold at birth and with the amount of time spent outdoors, riding, hunting and having sparring lessons, the sun had made his silvery gold locks darker. The prince used to be bothered by the rumours but he had learned to ignore them as advised by the Hand. 

A dragon should never concern himself with the opinions of a sheep.

Tyrion - on the Prince of Dragonstone.

Crown Prince Daeron is a mystery, how can King Jon the Great, known to be a broody serious man, had a son and heir who was boisterous and happy? So different from his father and yet he has inherited his father’s looks, the dark hair and eyes. Not the height though. He is tall like Rhaegar had been, towering over his father since he had turned twelve. The prince was a smiling babe the day he came into the world on a cold winter’s night, during a snowstorm no less. 

Tyrion remembered the disgusting wine he had forced himself to drink while he waited patiently at Winterfell’s Great Hall. Varys was there so was Davos, the Starks and Gendry Waters. Missandei and Sansa were inside with the Queen along with the Maester and midwives. King Jon was in there as well not wanting to leave his wife’s side. It was unheard of for the father to be present in the birthing chamber but Jon Snow didn’t care. Of course Daenerys Stormborn would give birth to her son and heir during one of the worst snowstorms of the season. The gods were being cunts as usual. Tyrion had thought while he drank down the bitter wine. How he missed the fine Arbor wines that were abundant in Red Keep during his time as Hand there.

The prince didn’t cry much and by all accounts, all his wetnurses and nannies had said that the prince was a good natured baby. What a delight he was to his parents who fell in love with him the moment they saw him and held him in their arms. He held all the hopes for a bright and better future after the Long Night and the Great War and they poured all of their own hopes and dreams into him. They coddled and spoiled him silly but he didn’t grow up to be selfish or be a horrible, psychotic brat like Joffrey did. Tyrion felt it was probably the King’s influence and that unflinching sense of honour and doing what was right and good that he had instilled in all of his children.

The Queen would have given Daeron the sun and moon and he need only asked. It was obvious to many, Queen Daenerys favoured Daeron among all his siblings. He is a Momma’s Boy as they say. He was happy as a child and a man happier still. Daeron grew up adored and loved and never had a bad thing said or done to him and never needed to care for much, being a prince and heir. 

The Hound had once said, “The Prince of Dragonstone is a rich, pretty boy but he is no Cunt.” He treated everyone with respect from the highest noble to the lowly peasant and had perfect manners. The Crown Prince probably thought that the whole world would fall at his feet and throw flower petals in his hair. One who was used to being loved and adored could end up shrinking in a harsh environment.

And that worried the Lord Hand. A future King shouldn’t sit easy and Daeron has a tendency to be complacent being one not to take anything seriously. He is a skilled warrior though, trained by the best swords masters in all the lands. He loves riding, hunting and the ladies. All the court ladies swoon and fell for his charms and easy smiles. Varys once whispered that Daeron was like a taller, more handsome version of Robert Baratheon and King Robert didn’t turn out too well for the kingdoms. But Robert didn’t have it easy either. He started a rebellion and fought a war for the Iron Throne while Daeron Targaryen had the privilege of being born into it. A seer had once said that the prince was born under a lucky star. He’d have nothing but good fortune shining down on him. The Queen was pleased when she heard it but Tyrion had been skeptical. He was never one for prophecies.

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