Chapter 15 - morning shock

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I grip his hardness and jerk him off until i feel he's about to come and then i stop to ask again.

- What else would you like me to do to you?

- Can i be inside you, please? 'Money's cock asks me.

- Yes, i say, lay back and let him take me.

I love this playful 'Money', i think to myself as i feel him slowly enter me. He lasts about ten minutes before he collapses on top of me, but he's been played with and teased, so i don't really care how long he lasts.

-'re amazing, 'Money' says in a sleepy voice.

- Sleepy, baby? i ask.

- Hm, 'Money' mumbles.

- If you want to sleep, you'd better let me be sleeping on your chest, i say.

- Mm...sleep on me, 'Money' says.

He adjusts himself in bed, pulls me to him and  falls asleep with his arms around me. As i lay in his arms I'm starting to feel up to some mischief....i slide out of his tight hold and go down on him again, and just as he wakes up from it, i stop and act like I'm just sleeping on his stomach in stand of on his chest.

- Mm.. baby... 'Money' mumbles in his sleep.

He probably thinks he was dreaming, i think to myself as i do it all again.

'Money' opens his eyes and sees me riding him like a wild stallion.

*So it wasn't a dream* he thinks. *She really did have me while i was sleeping*

- Hi, baby, i say and look at my man.

- Did you really blow me...or did i dream that? 'Money' asks me a couple hours later.

- You didn't just dream that, i say.

- And did you really ride me too? 'Money' asks.

- I really did ride you, i say.

- Wow, 'Money' says.

- Jacob... i think we might have a baby on the way, i say.

- What? 'Money' says, chocked.

- I think we might be expecting another baby, i say.

- There are a couple digital pregnancy tests in the bathroom, i'll get you one so you can be sure, 'Money' says.

- Thanks, baby, i say as he gets out of bed to go get me the test.

He comes back after a couple minutes with the test that he hands me. I take the test and stare at the result...

- Baby, what's wrong? 'Money' asks.

I hold up my free hand to silence him.

- Jacob, you're gonna be a dad again, i say. I'm three weeks pregnant.

- Wow, well, it was bound to happen again, with all that unprotected kinky fuckery we've been getting in to, what do think we're getting this time, a third boy or a second girl? 'Money' says.

- I don't know, it's not like it matters, i say, hugging my man.

- I do wamt another daughter though, 'Money' says.

His words shock me and i look at him curious.

- Are you sure? i ask him.

- Yes, and i've already checked out a guy for her, just in case we're actually having a daughter, 'Money' says.

- What?! i ask, shocked.

- Yeah, Jackson and his girlfriend are having a baby too, its a boy, 'Money' says.

- You're not selling our daughter like some broodmare, you already tried that with Ana, and we both know ho that went, i say.

- Baby, easy, it was just an idea, 'Money' says.

- And what if its a boy? i ask.

- Then he'll be in Cash's gang, if Cash will allow it, 'Money' says. I really hope its a girl, though, he continues.

- That's new, that you hope for a daughter, i say.

- Well, you know how much i love having a daughter, and that i really do want another one, 'Money' says.

- Mm, baby, what time is it? i ask.

- 7:30 am, let me fix you breakfast in bed and then i'll take the kids to school, 'Money' says.

- You are amazing, baby, thank you, i say.

- What would you like? 'Money' asks. Pancakes, bacon, cheese scones, coffee, some juice and something for your heartburn?

- I love you, baby, i say.

'Money' pulls on his jeans commando and grabs a t-shirt that he pulls on before he goes to wake the kids and make me breakfast. After about fifteen minutes i hear the kids get breakfast for themselves while their father makes my breakfast.

- I'll just take this to mum and then we'll go, alright guys, 'Money' says and takes the breakfast tray and brings it to me in bed along with a side soda to help with my heartburn.

He comes in to me in the bedroom with the breakfast.

- Good morning, my love, here comes breakfast, 'Money' says and puts the trey down on his side of the bed. Bacon, pancakes, apple juice, coffee, cheese scones and a Pepsi on the side.

- Pepsi for breakfast? i ask in disbelief.

- To help with your heartburn, just like you asked me, you just eat in peace and i'll get our cubs to school, want me to pick anything up on the way home? 'Money' says.

- Your are so sweet, can you get me some ice cream and more of this *holds up the soda can* on the way home, i say.

- Sure, babe, now you dig in to that breakfast and i'll be home before you know it, 'Money' says, leaving the bedroom.

-'Money'? i say was as a question and stop him halfway out the door.

- Yeah, baby, he says, walking back in.

- Can you get me some chocolate while you're out? i ask.

- Sure, babe, i know what you like, so you don't even have to tell me me, 'Money' says. Want me to get you some Oreo's too?

- Yes, please, baby, i say. I think you know what i like when it comes to those too.

- Yeah, i think i do...'Money' says.

Right before he leaves the bedroom he steals a piece of my bacon.

- Hey! My bacon! I give my man a playful slap on the hand.

- This bacon is almost as tasty as your bacon, 'Money' says as he leaves the bedroom. By the way, baby, can we borrow your Cadillac?

- Sure, baby, the keys are in my handbag, i say. And by the way, your bacon is quite tasty too.

I finish the breakfast, all but the Pepsi which leave on the night table and take the plate to the kitchen just as 'Money' comes home.

- Hey, you should be in bed, he says when he sees me and puts the bags from the store down. Get back to bed and i'll come lay down with you...

The next day.

I wake with a scream, as i get up out of bed i see something that has me screaming even louder....

- Jacob!! I scream and jolts him awake.

- What is...he doesn't finish his sentence, cause he sees it right away, the blood, its in the bed, on me...and its still flooding out of me. No!

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