chapter thirteen - to kill a beast part two/it hurts so good

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Jackie is half asleep when 'Money' comes in to the bedroom.

- Uh, what a fucking night! 'Money' grunts and goes up in Jackie from behind.

- Jacob, you're drunk...Jackie says.

- That I am, very...'Money' mumbles. I can still fuck...

- Why are you bloody? Jackie asks.

- I...I killed Paul...he said he would force himself on you, I did it to protect you, 'Money' says.

- Our daughter is dating one of his sons...what the fuck will they say when they find out what you did? I ask.

- His son is in our son's gang, he knows the drill...he knows what has to happen if someone tries anything with the leader's wife or girlfriend, 'Money' says. 'Cash' would have to do the same if someone tried to get with his girl.

- But baby, our daughter is dating his son, what will she say when she hears about this? i say.

- I know that very well, thank you...Ana knows the drill too, and she looks like you, so she'll hook that young man anyway, she wouldn't even have to spread for him, 'Money' says.

- 'Money'! I roar at my husband.

- Yes, darling, he says innocently.

- Don't speak of our daughter that way, I say.

- Okey...that was wrong of me, I shouldn't have done that, he says boyishly. Can I have a blowjob...please?

He tilts his head to the side and looks playfully at me, until I can't keep from laughing at him.

- You're crazy, do you know that? I say.

- Crazy for you, he says, kissing me passionately.

I smile at him but say nothing.

- How about that blowjob...can I have it? 'Money' asks me, all playful and sexy.

- Lay back and get comfy, baby, I say and let him get comfortable before i wrap my lips around him.

I suck his cock for hours, until he begs me to stop, he claims it's about to fall off and that his fifth load is near.

- Give me that fifth load and i'll stop, I say.

'Money' or machine...coming five times in a row and I'm not even half done with that cock, not by a long shot, i think to myself.

He comes for the fifth time and thinks I'm gonna stop but as he tries to pull away, I grab his hips and pull him to me and keep sucking til I've drained him dry for the following 10 days.

- How do you even do that? 'Money' asks while we after cuddle.

- Do you want more? I ask.

- More? Baby, I think I'm all set for days now, 'Money' says and cuddles me.

After less than two hours, as I've just fallen asleep, I feel 'Money' gently waking me by pushing his rock hard cock against me.

- Jackie? Baby? Are you awake? he says.

- Piss off, 'Money', I'm sleeping, I mumble.

- But I'm horny...he whines.

- You're always horny, jerk off, figure out how to blow yourself, I don't care, but you're not putting that in me while I'm sleeping, I say.

'Money' puts his cock in me from behind anyway, pulls me close to him and starts playing with me as he fucks me.

- Ah, you feel so good, baby, he moans.

- Oh 'Money', I moan as I feel him playing with my clit.

- I love this, 'Money' mumbles to my neck as he gently tugs at my pubic hair. Keep a triangle of this for me next time you shave or wax.

- I usually wax...I say. And I'll keep a triangle for you.

- If you let me... I can help you with that wax, you might need my help, 'Money' says.

- Yeah, I'll need your help with that wax, I say.

- Then I'll help you, 'Money' says.

I jump up and wrap my arms and leg around my man and kiss his neck, below his right ear.

- Let's go take care of that pubic hair, should we? 'Money' says and takes me with him in to the bathroom,

'Money' takes me in to the bathroom, takes out the stuff for shaving and waxing before kneels in front of me starts working his magic.

- If it hurts too bad, you may dig your nails in to me, 'Money' says and aplies the gel like wax.

- Ah, fuck me sideways! I scream as the hair on my playground, is ripped off by the man I love.

- I know, I know it hurts, 'Money' says unhelpfully.

- You don't even shave, so you know nothing, I snap at him.

- Almost done, baby, 'Money' says like he didn't even hear my comment.

- Jacob...I say.

- Yes, baby, 'Money' says.

- Let me wax you...

- Where? 'Money' asks, unsure.

- Your pubes, I want a triangle of joy too, I say simply.

- Oh hell no, you may shave me, but there is no way in hell I'll let you wax me, 'Money' says.

- Fine, from now on you'll be snacking on something like 1975 when you go down on me, I snap while my mind starts working on a plan for revenge....

As we're about to go to bed that night, I slip 'Money' a sleeping pill in to the last of his beer, strong enough to knock out a small horse...or 'Beast' when he lived. When I'm absolutely sure that he sleeps, I get to work, I'm getting that triangle...

- Mm, Jackie, he moans in his sleep.

- Yes, baby, your Jackie is here...taking what she wants, I say.

When I'm done waxing him I'm almost amazed he didn't even move.

- And now we wait for him to wake up and for hell to break loose, I think to myself as I put the things for waxing back where I keep them and go back to bed.

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