chapter three - meeting the folks

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Sunday morning, 8:00 am.

*today my parents will meet 'Money', oh god, hope it goes well*

I watch 'Money' sleep and touch his hair.

- Hmm, 'Money' mumbles in his sleep.

- Baby, wake up.

- Hmm, 'Money mumbles again.

- 'Money', we have lunch with my folks at 1...and I wanna fuck you at least twice before we have to go.

- Can I sleep while you fuck me? Or give me oral, please, you know how awake I get then.

-*leans down to blow him* when I'm done, you better be awake.

*five minutes later*

- Alright, I'm awake! Let's go have a shower...don't EVER bite my foreskin when you blow me.

*it worked, so why not* I think to myself as I feel him washing my hair*

- It worked, didn't it, I say in triumph.

- You nearly circumcised me with your teeth! 'Money' says, in shock.

- Sorry, baby, is he alright?

- *pouting* Your hand might make it better.

- *grabs his cock and jerks him off* Does this make you feel better, 'Money', baby?

- *sighs* Yes, thank you, baby.

- I think I better let you come again, so you're sweet when we meet my parents.

- Mm...yes, that might be best, othervise I might spank you in their guest bedroom for what you did to my foreskin, and we don't want that, do we?

He starts fucking me standing up against the wall.

35 minutes later...

- Baby, we better get out of here and get dressed...what should I wear to meet your parents? Long sleeve shirt? T-shirt?

- How about a tight t-shirt to show off your toned abs, with an open long sleeve shirt over, to hide at least some of your ink, my parents are quite old-fashioned when it comes to tattoos, and wear those tight jeans, you know the ones...

- The ones you love me in? Alright, with the big belt buckle, the one that makes me look even more hung than I am?

- You're reading my mind here, baby.

*look at clothes in my own wardrobe*

- Ah, what should I wear?! 'Money', help me pick something out!

*comes over and picks out leggings, a slutty short dress and high heels*

- We're going to lunch with my parents, not out with your guys, please pick another dress!

- Okey, baby *picks out a tighter, slightly longer dress* better?

- Yeah, that's better, thank you.

- If we WERE to go out with the guys, I'd have you in an even shorter dress than the one I picked out, I'd have you in just your sexiest underwear even, or even better... in my jacket, with nothing under, and sky high heels, or just heels.

- Give me back that fucking short dress, I'm yours, the only one to have any say in what I wear should be you, baby.

*stares at me like I've just grown an extra head*

- Are you sure...would you do that for me...would you wear that for me, I used to love seeing you in that dress, you know.

*doing my makeup while 'Money' fixes his hair by roughing it up a bit*

- Damn, you look so hot, it's almost a pity we have to go out.

When I'm done we go out to my car, I turn to 'Money'.

- You drive, I cant drive in these heals.

- Alright, just tell me where to.

I lean over and type in the adress in the GPS system, one of two modern things in this old car, the other being the massive stereo.

- Ah, I love this song! 'Money' says happily and we both start singing along to the Volbeat song "Radio Girl", playing via an iPod hooked up to Spotify.

- Turn left here, I say when the GPS no longer tells us how to drive to get to our goal. There it is, up the driveway, there, park there, I point and 'Money' parks the car...

I can see my mother basically flying out of the house as she sees my car.

- Darling! I'm so glad to see you, and who is this handsome young man?

- Mum, this is Jacob, Jacob, this is my mum *and she's just as insane as the rest of them*, I say, the last thing, from the corner of my mouth.

- Welcome, Jacob, my mum says, blushing like a schoolgirl at my bad boy boyfriend. Come in, you two.

Later, at the dinner table...

- So, how did the two of you meet? my mum asks.

- Prison, 'Money' says, looking playfully serious.

- He's actually serious, I say, we did meet in prison, cause he's been in prison.

Mum looks shocked, that this nice young man her daughter brought to dinner and whom she seems to love very much, is a criminal.

- And one more thing, mum...I'm having his baby, so you're gonna be a grandma.

Mum now looks like she's gonna faint.

- A baby, but thats wonderful, darling, she says in a high pitched voice.

- My daughter is having your baby? my father says, staring at 'Money' in disbelief, like there'd be no way in hell his daughter would have a baby with such a man, an ex con with tattoos all over, oh yeah, dad sees them all right, through the thin fabric of 'Money's white, not completely done up, shirt.

- Yes, sir, she is having my baby, 'Money' says simply.

- I'm telling you both what I told Danny, I love Jacob and I'm keeping his baby, I'm not gonna let something like him being an ex-con stop me from letting myself be happy with him, I say, giving both my parents a dead stare.

- But the mum starts.

- Will have two loving parents and it won't matter that his/her father is an ex-con, Jacob will be a wonderful father, I say calmly.

- He's killed people, sis, Danny says under his breath as he walks in the dining room and sits down next to dad. Sorry I'm late, by the way.

- So have I! I snap, wanting to rip my brother's head off. Why are you even here, D?

- Who did you kill? 'Money' asks curiously.

- That guy who was all over me on the dance floor that night you got out, I stabbed him with a switchblade in the parking lot when he followed me when I went out to have a smoke.

- I'm so proud of you, 'Money' says.

- Ain't no one touching 'Money's girl but 'Money', I say simply, kissing him.

- You're making me so hard right now, 'Money' whispers in my ear.

- He said "I don't care that you're 'Money's girl, 'Money' aint here, is he...", then he grabbed my ass, I slapped him, he laughed and said 'no wonder he likes you, I hear he likes it rough, do you fight back like this with him, too, I bet you do and I bet it makes him soo hard', then he tried to grab me again and as he leaned forward to touch me, I whipped out the switchblade from my backpocket and stabbed him in the throat, I say and see 'Money's bright blue eyes light up with pride.

- That's my girl, way to go, baby, 'Money' says proudly.

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