Chapter nine - outback at the bar

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Danny steps back and give me room to get in front of 'Money'.

- Remember I had this? I say and show him the switchblade. Right now I'm trying to decide where to cut first. Maybe here...I say as I move the switchblade down to his groin.

- NO!!! 'Money' screams in fear.

- Why not? He caused this whole being here, you getting beaten up by Danny, me considering leaving you and taking the kids with me, me considering to end this pregnancy, I say calmly. D, could you be so kind as to pull down his pants, please?

Danny nods and does as I ask. I lean down and prick him ever so slightly right between his balls with the switchblade, I don't even break the skin, but it scars him.

- If you ever cheat on me again, I'll cut your balls off, I say sharply. Danny, help him dress, I'm not touching any of it.

As 'Money' is standing up, I floor him with a couple simple words over my shoulder.

- By the way, remember that eight hour fuck we had in your prison cell, I got pregnant with twins after that...but I had a miscarriage one of them about three months in to the pregnancy, the other I carried to full term, Jacob jr. was supposed to have had a twin brother, just thought you should know that we could have had four kids now if I hadn't lost it early on, I say.

- What?! 'Money' asks. And you didn't tell me this, why exactly?

- Because I knew this is how you would react, you always do, I say.

- But you should have told me, 'Money' says.

- I know I should have told you, but there was nothing you could do, I say. A miscarriage is something not even you can change, 'Money'. You should happy for the children we have.

He pouts like a little boy and looks at me, I ruffle his hair and kiss his pouting mouth.

- I'm still fucking mad at you for cheating on me, so don't think you're off the hook that easy, I say.

- I heard you stabbed Carla to death with a switchblade, I didn't even know you had one, 'Money' says. Well, not until you nearly cut my cock off for cheating on you with her.

- She touched something of mine...damn, she'd fucked something of mine, and she was bragging about it too, how she'd fucked the mighty 'Money' right under his pregnant wife's nose, ain't no way I was gonna listen to her talking like that about me and about my man, I say, simply.

- You sure are 'Money's girl, aren't you, baby? 'Money' says with a smile.

- I've always been your girl, 'Money', aint no cock hungry bitches gonna change that, I say and smile.

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