Chapter 36 - recovered and ready for home

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Jacob gets to bring our daughter home the next day, but me...well, i've got to stay in the hospital while the doctors runs all kinds of tests on me, but cant figure out what's wrong, so they bring in some specialist from California to run some more tests on me.

The specialist figures out what the fuck is wrong with me, i have a very low blood pressure along with a weakend immune system and it has induced this light coma like state.

I stay in the coma for four days before i wake up and are just like normal. The doctors makes me stay one extra day before they let me go home to my husband and new baby.

When i call Jacob to let him know Im alright and coming home, i can hear in his voice that he's fighting back tears of relief.
- I'll come and get you, baby, me and our baby daughter, she has missed her mum just as much as i have, Jacob says. What was wrong, did you find out?
- Low blood pressure and weakend immune system, i say. Due to the pregnancy.
- Oh shit, so maybe this lil girl was our last, or...did they say anything about that? Jacob asks.
- I didnt ask, but they adviced me against getting pregnant again, i say.
- I see, well...i might just go through with getting sterilized, then, Jacob says.
- You will do no such thing! i say sternly. And that's final!
- It's my body, Jacks, Jacob says calmly.
- It is also mine, i say. And i will hear no more of this "getting sterilized" bullshit.
- Alright, fine, Jacob says. When can i come and get you?
- I asked the doctor before i called you, she said you could come as soon as i wanted you to, i say.
- I'll be there soon then, Jacob says and we both hang up.
- Thank you, bring my daughter, i say before we hang up.
- I will, little Sarah is eager to finally get to meet her mom, Jacob says as we hang up.

Ten minutes later, just as Im ready to go, Jacob comes in with our little bundle of a daughter wrapped up in blanket in her car seat that can also be used as a basket to carry the child around.
- Hey, baby, Jacob says, kissing me. I have our little girl with me, say hi to mom, Sarah.

I lean down and pick up our daughter and hold her to me, her warm soft body feels so good to finally get to hold in my arms.
- Hi, Sarah, well, arent you a beauty, i say to the little blonde baby girl in my arms before i look up at her father. Aint no denying this one's yours, Jacob, she's a spitting image of her handsome daddy.

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