chapter six - the twins

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- What were you laughing about? I ask him while we cuddle after he's pulled out.

- You were so fucking angry with me, I thought you didn't love me and didn't want me anymore, but then when I heard you howling my name like a lonely wolf in need of company, I knew you love me and want me still, 'Money' says, playing with my hair.

- 'Money', I...I begin. I love you, you know I do...but you make me so angry sometimes, I say.

- I know...and even though some parts of me grew up in prison, other parts of me didn't, 'Money' says. At heart I'm still a little boy.

- My little grown up teenager, I say, playing with his thick chest hair. You fuck like a 20 year old, by the way, stamina wise...

- Mmm...thanks, I work out, 'Money' says and I giggle. I love hearing that sound.

- Can I have more? I ask after a while.

- What is it with women and this cock, they are crazy for it, or maybe it's just you that go wild for it, cause you're the only woman who's had it, 'Money' says. Make me hard.

*makes him hard*

- What hole do you want me in? 'Money' asks.

- Back there, I say, shocking him.

- Are you sure? ' Money' asks.

- Yeah, put on a condom and get in there, I say.

- Okey, baby, 'Money' says, puzzled, but does as I ask of him.

*can't believe I'm finally getting to put it there* he thinks to himself as he lubes himself up as he's put the condom on. This might hurt, he warms me.

- I've given birth, 'Money', do you think it was painless to push your son out? I say. I can handle getting your cock in my ass, I want you to be rough with me, I moan as he enters.

- No! Not back here, here I'll be gentle, 'Money' says. And I won't be in here long, only a couple minutes.

- Alright then, are you gonna put the rest in or is it just gonna be the head? I ask.

He pushes in the rest of it.

- Oh god, I moan.

After almost three hours of intense wild sex, in every hole, 'Money' pulls out and lays back on the bed.

- Let me hold you, did I hurt you, that was some real wild sexing we got in to, baby, he says, puling me close.

- I'm ok, 'Money', I say and curl up in his arms after he's taken off the condom.

- Can I do that again some time? he asks and wraps his arms around me.

- What is it with men and getting to do it in the ass that turns them in to sugar addicted children, just wanting more? But yeah, you can do that again sometime, I say.

- It's cause we like it there, don't know why, we just do, 'Money' says.

- Would you like me to do it to you? I ask curiously.

- Yeah, but only with your fingers, anything bigger makes me feel like a submissive, which I'm not, 'Money' says.

- Then we do it that way, when ever you want, I say.

- By the way, baby, I've booked an appointment with Theo to get my baby boy's name tattooed on me, 'Money' says.

- Really? I say.

- Yeah, and when my little princess in your belly is born, I'll get her name tattooed on me too, I already have yours, so... 'Money' says.

- Speaking of our baby boy, I think he's home soon, I say and move over to get out of bed.

We get out of bed, go to wash off, get back in to our bedroom to dress and go to the kitchen to, together, make some food before our son comes home.

As the table is set, the front door opens and Jacob comes in with Paul's twin boys Derek and Tom in tow and Paul a short distance behind them.

- Mummy, daddy, I'm home, Jacob calls out to us.

- In the kitchen, darling, I call to him.

As Jacob comes running, 'Money' picks him up and swings him around until the little boy howls with laughter.

- Hey, look at that, daddy's little Jakey is home, did you have fun with Derek, Tom and uncle Paul? 'Money' asks.

- Yeah, dad, we had so much fun, Jacob says.

- The dinner is almost ready, me and mum have something to tell you too, 'Money' says. Paul, do you and your little ones want to have dinner with us?

*pregnant?* 'Beast' mouths and 'Money blinks at him. - And I don't know, man, can we?

- Please, uncle Paulie, can't you three have dinner with us, they can, right, dad, you said they can, Jacob pleads with the two huge ex cons, one being his father.

- If you say so, Jakey, we'll have dinner with you guys, 'Beast' says.

- Great, 'Money' says.

- What are we having? 'Beast' asks.

- We're having...chicken pot pie, I say.

- Yum, 'Beast says.

- Yeah, Jacob makes a mean chicken pot pie, I say.

As we sit at the table, me and 'Money' decide it's time to tell the good news.

- Jake, we have something to tell you...I say and look at my son.

- What, mummy? he asks.

- You're gonna be a big brother, me and daddy are having a baby, I say.

- Really? Jacob asks me.

- Yeah, really, you're gonna have a little sister or brother, I say.

- Wow, Jacob says.

- Just tell him, 'Money' says. Buddy, you're gonna have a sister.

- Wow, Jacob says. I'll protect her like dad protects mum.

- That's my boy! 'Money' says proudly. Us men gotta protect our girls.

7 months later...

'Money' and I are out having lunch with 'Beast' and his girlfriend Sarah when I feel my water break.

- Baby, it's time, I say with a sigh.

- Really? 'Money' says.

- Yeah, I say.

- 'Beast', can you and Sarah watch our son for a couple hours? It's time for my daughter to be born, 'Money' says. Danny is there now babysitting his nephew, but he could only stay for an hour.

- Sure, brother man, no problem, we'll go right away, 'Beast' says. Uncle Paulie to the rescue.

- Thank you, brother, 'Money' says and gives a set of spare keys to 'Beast'.

'Money' pays our lunch and helps me out to the car and takes me to the hospital while 'Beast' pays for himself and Sarah before they go to get their kids and then go home to me and 'Money' to babysit our son.

At the hospital we get help right away and I'm taken to the delivery room.

- Mrs Harlon, did you know you where having twins? the nurse asks me.

- What? 'Money' says, surprised.

- Your wife is having twins, sir, says the nurse.

- Holy shit, there's two? 'Money' asks.

- Yes, sir, there's two, the nurse says.

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