Chapter 32 - baby talk at the hospital

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The next day, our kids come to the hospital with their uncle to see us.

- Are you okey? Ana asks.

- Yeah, we're okey, baby, 'Money' says.

- And the baby? 'Cash' asks.

-The baby is fine, i say.

- How far along are you now, mum? Nick asks.

- About 7 1/2, 8 months, i say. The doctor warned me that this might put me in labor prematurely, but i hope not.

- Yeah, that wouldn't be good, Ana says.

- What the fuck did you get yourself into, sis? Danny asks me.

- Car sex, or to be exact...blowjob in a car...while 'Money' was driving, i say. I need you to look over the Cadillac

- You two are crazy, do you know that? Danny says with a little smile. And sure i'll look it over for you, so typically you, Jacks, being in a car accident and being more worried about the car being hurt than yourself getting hurt.

- I've heard rumors of my insanity, yes...i say. And i love that car, you know that, D.

- How badly hurt are you? 'Cash' asks.

- I have a couple brused ribs, broken ankle, broken wrist and brused collarbone, i say. Your father has three broken ribs, broken wrist, broken ankle, a dislocated shoulder and a broken collarbone.

- Ouch...Nick says, as a college football player, he knows exactly what all those injuries feels like. Dislocated shoulder hurts like a bitch.

- All those hurts like a bitch, buddy, 'Money' says looking at our son. At least your mom didn't bite my cock off when she blew me, my climax was the reason we crashed.

- Why does it always have to be sex when something happens with you two?! Ana asks. Jesus, and why did you have to be driving while getting a blowjob?

- That was my fault, i say. I wanted your father so bad that i didn't care that we were in the middle of traffic, how is my grandchild, by the way.

- She's fine, mom, still cooking, and we might have our babies at the same time, imagine that, i might have a child and a sibling the same day, and you and dad would become parents and grandparents the same day.

- That would be wonderful, darling, i say.

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