The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 2

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3rd Person P.O.V.

"Onii-chan! Will you help me train?" Satomi whines, grabbing onto Itachi's sleeve and pulling him. He doesn't budge, but does peer down at the young girl with a frown. Satomi pouts at her brother under his calculating gaze. Itachi sighs and drops down to Satomi's level, gently poking her forehead with two fingers.

"Sorry, Satomi-chan. I have a mission today. Perhaps otou-san would want to train you?" Itachi suggests, slipping on his sandals. Satomi sighs and sits down on the step next to Itachi, a forlorn look in her onyx eyes.

"What's wrong, Satomi-chan?" Itachi questions gently. Satomi looks the opposite way of Itachi, clenching her small fists. Satomi sniffles and glances at her older brother with tears billowing in her shining eyes.

"Otou-san doesn't care about me! Ever since you unlocked your sharingan 2 years ago, otou-san has only been focused on you being better! He even let Sasuke enter the academy before me because he thought I wasn't ready. It isn't fair, onii-chan!" Satomi cries, whimpering into her hands pitifully. Itachi frowns and places a comforting hand on Satomi's shoulder, causing her to look up.

"Satomi-chan... I believe you will prove otou-san wrong," Itachi states firmly, "even though Sasuke-kun is in the academy right now, that just gives you extra time to train one on one with someone. I'll tell you what... I'll ask Shisui to come over and train you today. Who knows, maybe he can train you some more tomorrow, too. How does that sound, Satomi-chan?"

"Will Shisui-kun really train me, onii-chan?" Satomi sniffles, looking at Itachi with wide eyes. Itachi smiles fondly and places a hand on her head affectionately.

"I'm sure of it. In fact, let's go find him right now," Itachi says, standing up with Satomi to go find Shisui. After wandering around the compound for a few minutes, the two siblings find Shisui sharpening a kunai under a tree.

"Shisui, can I ask you for a favor?" Itachi asks, walking up to Shisui with Satomi by his side. Shisui looks up from his kunai, a large grin spreading across his face.

"Itachi-kun! Satomi-chan! Anything for you two! What can I help you with?" Shisui cheers, standing up and placing his hands on his hips in a friendly fashion. Itachi sighs and looks down at Satomi.

"I was wondering if you were willing to help Satomi-chan train. I am about to go on a mission and no one else is available to help her, but if you weren't busy I was hoping you could spare some time to train with her," Itachi discloses. Shisui chuckles to himself, and places a hand on Satomi's head with a grin.

"Of course! I bet she could learn a lot from me, ne, Satomi-chan?" Shisui responds, peering at Satomi with a playful gaze. She blushes and smiles wide, closing her eyes and tilting her head in a cute fashion.

"Definitely, Shisui-kun! When can we get started?!" She exclaims, bouncing up and down excitedly. Shisui laughs and grabs her hand in a brotherly fashion, leading her towards a nearby training ground.


"So, Satomi-chan, how much chakra do you think you have?" Shisui asks right off the bat. Satomi brings a hand to her chin in thought before perking up with a smile.

"Onii-chan said that I have more than he expected from a 5 year old!" Satomi cheers, a wide grin spread across her delicate face. Shisui nods his head in understanding, having sensed for her chakra reserve before-hand. She indeed did have more than expected, but it still wasn't a lot. Maybe close to low-rank genin level.

"Itachi-kun was right, you do have a lot of chakra! Do you know how to control it, Satomi-chan?" He questions next. Satomi frowns and shakes her head.

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