The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 3

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Almost a week has gone by, with Sasuke enjoying himself at the academy and Satomi secretly training herself while Shisui was gone on his mission. The dinner table in the Uchiha main family household was filled with many dishes, each member of the family seated at their designated places.

"How was your first week at the academy, Sasuke?" Fugaku asks. Everyone looks up at said man in surprise, since it was not every day that he took an interest in anyone's shinobi life other than his eldest son, Itachi's.

"It's a lot of fun! I'm learning a lot of cool new things and I'm doing very well so far! It's pretty lonely without Satomi-chan, though," Sasuke says. Fugaku seems to ignore the part about him wanting Satomi with him at the academy.

"Keep your grades up. We don't want you to be a disgrace to the Uchiha name," he asserts, taking another bite of his meal. Everyone stays silent for the rest of dinner, deciding to enjoy each other's company rather than talk amongst themselves.

After dinner, Mikoto cleans up the mess, Fugaku heads to his room, and the children wash up before bed, just like every other night. Whilst Sasuke is in the shower, Satomi decides to meditate on her bed, just like Shisui had instructed her to do. Every day since Shisui's mission, Satomi had snuck out to the training grounds while everyone in her house was gone, and done her physical training.

"Are you gonna shower, Satomi-chan?" Sasuke asks, walking into the room as soon as Satomi finishes up her meditating. Satomi smiles and scratches the back of her head, almost apologetically.

"I showered earlier when you were at the academy, Sasuke-kun. I don't need to shower again," she reveals. Sasuke nods his head and gets changed into pajamas, Satomi doing the same.

"I'm pretty tired, so I'm gonna go to sleep, Satomi-chan. You can stay up to read if you want to," Sasuke says, climbing into his bed. Satomi shakes her head and climbs into her own, turning off the light beforehand.

"I'm pretty tired myself, Sasuke-kun, so I'll go to bed too. Goodnight," Satomi whispers out, turning on her side and closing her onyx eyes.


A cold chill wakes Satomi up, causing her to groggily sit up in bed and look around the room. It was the middle of the night, but apparently, Sasuke had gotten warm and opened the window. Sighing, Satomi lightly gets up, careful to not make any noise, and places her hands on the window sill.

A foreign hand wraps around her mouth from the dark, a kunai drawn at her neck. Satomi's eyes widen as her hands begin to shake, a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Scream and you die," the voice connected to the hand hisses, "now let go of the window sill."

Satomi obliges, letting go of the window. As soon as this happens, the intruder wraps his other arm around her body, picking her up from the ground and heading out of the window which Sasuke definitely didn't open. The man closes the window behind him, not making a sound, before taking off with Satomi cradled in his arms.

He sprints to the woods, taking a previously cleared route to a small opening with three other men in it.

"Did you get the heiress?" A man whispers out venomously. Satomi begins shaking in the man's arms, as if an earthquake had erupted inside of her.

"Yeah, but she's shaking. We better get her back quick, before Konoha realizes she's been taken," the man holding her says. He looks down at Satomi, and under the moonlight, she can see the headband on his head. Kumogakure.

"I'm gonna take my hand off your mouth, but you better not scream or else," the kidnapper threatens, giving Satomi a daring glare. Satomi thought about her options carefully. She could not scream, and get taken away with the Kumo ninja quietly, with no guarantee of living once she gets to the cloud country.

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