The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 22

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Satomi P.O.V.

"Naruto, watch out!" Sakura calls, as the Kusa kunoichi's tongue wraps around his torso, lifting him up in the air.

"Hang on, Naruto! I'm coming!" I assure, using chakra to power my jump into the air. I pull out a kunai and latch my hand on her tongue, slicing my kunai down. However, it has no effect, leaving me dangling uselessly from her tongue.

She sighs, extending her arm and grabbing my neck, pulling me to her face. I cough and scratch at her wrist, trying to get her to let me go so I could breathe again. She squeezes harder, causing me to choke, my strength diminishing.

"Satomi! Sasuke, do something! That's your sister!" Sakura demands, trying to get Sasuke's attention. He merely stares at me, too paralyzed with fear to move.

Reaching into my weapons pouch, she pulls out the heaven scroll, watching as my face morphs into one of disbelief.

"Your heaven scroll pairs nicely with my earth scroll... however, I have no need for it," she states, burning the scroll right in front of me. Once it is gone, she throws me down, but with no strength left all I can do is gasp for air and wait until I hit something.

Surely enough, I slam into a branch, causing blood to come out of my mouth. I lay there and gasp for air. Had she let go any later, I would have died.

As soon as she lets me go, the Kusa girl brings Naruto closer to her, lifting up his jacket to reveal his seal for the Nine-Tailed Fox. Naruto struggles to get away, but it was too late. She had lit her fingers up with some kind of jutsu and shoved them in his seal, no doubt disrupting something important.

Naruto's power slowly drained away, and when she was done with him, she merely throws him away like he's nothing. Sakura, thankfully, throws a kunai that catches Naruto's jacket before he can hit the ground.

Slowly sitting up, I manage to get to my feet while Sasuke keeps the Kusa ninja busy. Using the new chakra technique Kakashi-sensei taught us, I walk over to Naruto's tree and bring him over to Sakura, making sure not to waste my chakra on body flickering when we were still battling.

"Watch over him... I have to help Sasuke," I instruct Sakura, jumping over to Sasuke's battle. The Kusa girl had just knocked him down, and he was just laying there, however, I could see the small bombs near the bottom of her robe.

As I land on the branch, the bombs explode, so I make my move. Charging forward, I throw a handful of shuriken forward, to which she dodges, as I expected. Body flickering to the place she dodged, I spray a barrage of kicks and punches, pushing her back farther against the tree branch.

She scoffs and sweeps her leg out, tripping me up. I fall on my back and she pulls back for a punch. As she throws it, I move my head last minute and activate my sharingan, grabbing onto her arm.

Casting my best genjutsu on her, I have only a few seconds to back away while Sasuke throws shuriken with wires attached to them, pulling her back against the trunk.

"Let's do this together, Sasuke," I suggest, performing swift hand signs.


"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!" we shout, creating two large fireballs that incinerate the Kusa kunoichi. Panting, Sasuke and I look at our work proudly. We beat her.

"Sasuke! Satomi! You did it, you beat her!" Sakura cheers, running up to the two of us. I smile exhaustedly, looking up into the sky.

"Yeah. We di-"

The sound of wires snapping catches our attention as the Kusa girl walks away as if she weren't at all affected by the attacks she was just hit by. Not only that... but her face was melting off, revealing another, paler face under that, with sickly snake eyes.

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