The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 40

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Satomi P.O.V.

"Up ahead, I can see Tsunade and Orochimaru!" Jiraiya calls from in front of us, clearly having trouble in his current condition, since the drug had yet to wear off. My curse mark still throbbed faintly on my neck, but the seal on it was a lot stronger than before, thanks to Ryouichi-sensei.

"Seems like they are fighting," Ryouichi-sensei notes, taking in their battle stances cautiously. "Not only that, but there is someone beside Orochimaru as well. Backup, perhaps?"

Activating my sharingan, I can clearly see a familiar face beside Orochimaru, one that sends shivers up my spine.

"Kabuto is there," I inform everyone, my eyes narrowed in on the silver-haired man. Naruto gasps, a grin coming to his face. 

"You mean the one from the chunin exams?! Awesome!" he cheers, stars appearing in his eyes. I shake my head at him, a low growl escaping my throat.

"I wouldn't be cheering, Naruto. He's standing next to Orochimaru, so I'll let you draw your own conclusion from that," I say solemnly, watching as Naruto glances ahead in confusion. He didn't want to believe it.

How ironic.

"Satomi, I want you to stay close to either me, Jiraiya, or Shizune. With Orochimaru here, stakes are high and we can't let you fall into that snake's hands," Ryouichi-sensei instructs, to which I nod hastily. There is no way in hell I'm going to allow myself to go with that creep, so if I have to stay close to them you're damn sure I will.

"It seems Tsunade's in trouble," Ryouichi-sensei states, his eyes narrowed dangerously at the scuffle in front of us. Jiraiya fumbles his hand into his weapons pouch, pulling out a smoke bomb and holding it up.

"Might as well make a flashy entrance, ne?"

"He really is just like Naruto," I mumble to Ryouichi-sensei as he throws the bomb right before Kabuto could strike Tsunade.

"Jiraiya? Ryouichi? What the hell are you doing here?" Tsunade grumbles, eyes wide in surprise as the five of us appear in front of her protectively.

"Jiraiya and Ryouichi, what a surprise. How are you two, old friends?" Orochimaru sneers, his eyes flicking between the two sannin before he glances at me keenly.

"And it seems you brought the female Uchiha as well. Isn't this a delight?" he hisses out, a cynical smirk on his face. I scoff, activating my sharingan as a warning to back off.

"Kabuto? Why are you siding with this crazy guy?" Naruto asks weakly, a frown apparent as he addresses Kabuto. He, in turn, smirks and fiddles with his glasses, glaring at Naruto as if he were nothing more than a bug.

"It seems you're still as dense as ever, Naruto. I'm a spy for Otogakure. If Sasuke were here, I bet he would have figured it out already. Looks like you'll never amount to his potential," Kabuto taunts. Naruto growls, pulling up his sleeves as if he were about to attack.

"Why you-!"

"Naruto, don't listen to him. He's just trying to get you riled up. Keep your cool," I say lowly, placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder. He looks back at me in annoyance, before sighing and calming down.

"Out of the way! I can handle them myself!" Tsunade shouts, pushing aside Jiraiya as she mercilessly throws punch after punch at Kabuto, who merely dodges. Tsunade manages to trap him as his back hits a rock, dashing in for the final blow.

"I always knew I would never be able to take on three of the Legendary Sannin, so I might as well make it two!" he shouts, pulling out a kunai and stabbing it into his hand, much to everyone's surprise.

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