The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 47

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Satomi P.O.V.

My eyes open slowly, being greeted by the light cast from my window. A quiet yawn escapes my lips as I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I glance out of the window, a frown gracing my lips as I spot two damaged water towers from where Naruto and Sasuke had their little brawl yesterday.

Slipping out into the hallway, I make my way towards the kitchen to make breakfast for Sasuke and I. I'm sure making his favorite meal would lift his mood, if even a little. 

I hum as I cook the food, my mind drifting to what happened yesterday. Sasuke has never been so aggressive towards Naruto and it was concerning. Sure, they had a rivalry between them but I think Sasuke is taking it a little too seriously.

Sighing, I plate the food and set it on the table, trotting silently over to Sasuke's room. I knock on his door, forcing a smile on my face for him.

"Sasuke, I made us some breakfast if you would like some," I say, waiting for his response, but he doesn't respond. Biting my lip, I knock once again in hopes that he would at least let me know he was there.

"Are you mad at me about yesterday? I'm sorry, if that's what you want to hear. I know that I haven't been the best sister ever, but I'll try harder," I voice quietly. There is no response. I sigh, placing my hand on the doorknob and twisting it.

"I'm coming in, Sasuke, just to make sure you're alright," I state, opening the door. A gasp leaves my lips as I examine the room, which had no Sasuke in it. In fact, it looks like he hasn't come home at all.

Whipping around, I jog to my room to get dressed, quickly heading out towards the training grounds. He probably went there last night because he was frustrated and needed to blow off steam, but passed out.

Approaching the training grounds he usually goes to, I blink in surprise as I gaze across the clearing only to find no Sasuke once again. Worry seeps into my veins as I begin sprinting towards the tree I left Sasuke at yesterday, which was the last place I could think of for him to be.

I'm once again disappointed when I find that Sasuke was nowhere to be found. Although, I do notice faint signs of a fight, most likely between Sasuke and someone else. But who could it be?

Biting my lip, I use my chakra to run up the wall of a building, hopping across the rooftops to see if I could find anybody who might know where Sasuke is. It's not like him to not come home, and if he didn't he would almost always be at the training grounds. Had he left early, he would've left me a note to say where he was going. 

But there was no note.

Spotting a familiar head of pink hair, I jump down next to her, slightly panting from my panicking. She was sitting on a bench, merely looking at the ground, disheartened. Something definitely happened.

"Hey, Sakura-chan," I say, catching her attention. She lifts her head up, and my eyes widen when I spot the tears flowing endlessly down her cheeks. Time seems to stop as a gust of wind passes through us, realization coursing through me. 

"Where is Sasuke?" I whisper, my hands beginning to shake as Sakura's expression shatters, her lips quivering as she holds back a sob.

"S-Sasuke... h-he... he left the village for O-Orochimaru..." she hiccups, covering her mouth with her hands to keep from crying out. I let out a sound of pain subconsciously, gripping my heart with one of my hands as tears billow in my eyes.

But now is not the time to cry. I have to go after him.

Turning around, I sprint away without a word, heading straight for the Hokage tower. Lady Tsunade must know something.

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