The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 7

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Satomi P.O.V.

"It was a pleasure to have all of you as students! I wish you luck in the future," Iruka-sensei congratulates. It was the day of graduation and many students were sitting in their seats, confidently watching Iruka-sensei. Sasuke was still ignoring me, and it was really getting old. He's all I have left and I sure as hell am not gonna let him drift away from me.

"When we call you, come into the room next door. Now, first up is Shino Aburame," Iruka-sensei lists off, walking out of the room with Shino in tow. The whole time Sasuke and I sat in our seats, not talking to each other. The list continued on until it was finally Sasuke's turn.

"Good luck, Sasuke," I declare as Sasuke gets up. He doesn't spare me a glance. I sigh and look down at my hands. Is this what my life has come to? After training hard to protect my family, I'm just left with my twin who didn't even acknowledge me anymore?

"Satomi Uchiha," I was called, making me stiffly walk towards the exam room. I was confident I could pass. Walking in, I'm faced with Iruka-sensei and a man I've never seen before.

"Alright, Satomi," Iruka-sensei starts cheerfully, "All you need to do is make 3 clones of yourself and you pass!"

I nod and perform the jutsu with little difficulty, letting my clones pop out of existence after they were approved by both senseis.

"Congratulations, Satomi-chan! You pass!" Iruka-sensei exclaims, holding out a navy blue headband. I take it silently, bowing to both Iruka-sensei and the stranger. Walking out of the academy, the clearing is flooded with parents and children who had successfully graduated.

Sasuke, however, wasn't anywhere in sight. After getting his headband, he probably went home like the stubborn jerk he is. As I'm about to exit the gates, I notice Naruto sitting alone on a swing, watching dutifully as every other kid gets praise from their parents. He had no one to console him for not graduating.

I decided to make my way over to Naruto, bending down beside him to gain his attention. He blinks at me, confusion swimming in his cerulean eyes.

"Clone Jutsu isn't your thing, right?" I ask quietly, sitting down on the grass beside his swing. He glances over at me and shakes his head no.

"That's really a shame. I feel like you should've passed anyway," I inform, gauging his reaction. He seems shocked, whipping his head to look at me.

"Either way, I'm sure we will be seeing more of each other. I'm positive you'll be a shinobi soon enough, and when that happens I have a feeling you'll be someone... important," I state, getting up to my feet. Naruto watches, mouth agape, as I walk out of the academy gates towards home, where Sasuke is waiting for me.


"Sasuke, are you home?" I call softly, placing my shoes by the door. I receive no answer, however I catch sight of Sasuke speed walking towards his room. My eyebrows furrow in anger and I stomp up to him before he can get far.

"Stop it right there, Sasuke! You need to talk to me, right here, right now. You're not acting like yourself," I demand, clenching his shoulder tightly. He scowls and shoves my hand off with more force than what should be used.

"You wanna know why I'm acting like this?! It's because of YOU!" Sasuke retaliates, glaring at me. I wasn't expecting this, and end up backing up a few steps, a hurt expression crossing my face which I quickly mask.

"You act so nonchalant about everything, it's infuriating! It's like you don't even care that Itachi killed the clan!" he shouts, getting in my face. I keep my blank face, although I can feel my mouth wavering into a frown ever so slightly.

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