The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 18

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Satomi P.O.V.

"I'm ready to become a chunin, dattebayo!" Naruto cheers beside me, pumping his fist in the air excitedly. Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and I were standing in front of the academy, preparing to enter for the start of the chunin exams.

Glancing over at Sakura, she was looking at her feet, seemingly conflicted. Smiling, I place a hand on her shoulder gently, causing her to look up at me.

"Don't worry Sakura... you're ready. We're ready," I reassure. Her mood seems to lighten, as she relaxes and nods to herself, clenching a fist confidently.

"Shall we go in?" Sasuke suggests, gesturing towards the building eagerly. I smile and nod, jogging up beside him as our team enters the building, heading towards the third floor.

There was no turning back now.


"You're just a bunch of weaklings, you think that we will just let you pass without a fight? Not a chance!" a young boy states confidently, kicking another boy in a green jumpsuit in the face. My team and I step up, ready to defend the boy and end the poorly made genjutsu.

"Cut it out, you're blocking the way," Sasuke grunts, addressing the pair of boys preventing the genin from entering. I nod and step up beside Sasuke.

"There is no need to be so violent. Also... could you please release the genjutsu? It's not fair to keep certain people from participating..." I say quietly, although there was a hard edge in my eyes. The boys scoff and turn to Sasuke and me, trying to intimidate us. We glare in return, not afraid to stand up to a couple of kids who think they are strong because they can keep some people at bay.

"So you saw through the genjutsu, eh?" A boy says, releasing the genjutsu around the room number.

"Well, of course. It was not very conspicuous, seeing as this is the second floor, so all of the other room numbers have twos on them," I say. One of the boys steps up, cracking his knuckles.

"So you're a wiseass, eh? Time to teach you a lesson!" he declares, throwing his leg out to kick me. Sasuke growls and pushes me back, moving to return the kick. Before they collide, however, the boy who was kicked earlier gets up and in between the kicks, blocking both of them.

My eyes narrow at him, his skill exceeding what I previously thought. He was just as fast as Sasuke and was able to block two kicks at the same time.

"Lee, what are you doing? I thought you were the one who suggested to keep a low profile," another boy says, walking up behind Lee with a scowl. His eyes were pale, indicating that he was a Hyuga. Most likely someone to watch out for.

"Yes... but I felt the need to intervene," Lee defends, standing up to his full height confidently. Glimpsing at Sakura, he walks in front of her, staring at her unnervingly.

"You are Sakura Haruno, correct?" He asks. Sakura nods unflinchingly, staring right back. Unexpectedly, Lee smiles brightly, a sparkle in his eyes, as he offers her a thumbs up.

"I am Rock Lee! Will you please be my girlfriend?" He asks. Sakura's face twists in confusion and mild disgust as she backs away from him.

"Yeah... no," She responds quickly. Rock Lee deflates wistfully, retreating back to his team.

"You two... what are your names?" The Hyuga demands, staring Sasuke and I up and down. Sasuke glares at him, turning his body away rudely.

"It's common courtesy to give your name first," Sasuke states stubbornly. I sigh and stomp on his foot, making him grunt in pain, although he tries to mask it.

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