The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 34

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Satomi P.O.V.

I walk in sync with Sasuke, side by side as we make our way towards the point where we would meet with Naruto and Sakura. The sky was downcast, a fitting scene for the mood of the village.

The day of the attack was the same day Orochimaru killed the Third Hokage.

Today was his funeral, as well as a funeral for all of those Leaf Shinobi who gave their lives protecting the village against the Oto and Suna ninjas. My black kimono was wrapped around me, one of the rare occasions it is used.

I haven't worn black like this since the day the clan was slaughtered.

Approaching Sakura and Naruto, Sasuke and I don't stop our pace, fully expecting our teammates to follow after us. They do, and we walk to the funeral in a comfortable silence.

Shinobi of all ranks make their way to the funeral as well, passing by us every so often as we climb the stairs to the roof of the Hokage tower, where it was being held. I recognized many people there, Team 8 and 10, Team Guy, as well as a few chunin and jonin like Iruka-sensei and Ibiki Morino.

Today we were all just shinobi. The shinobi of a village who lost their leader.

"We are gathered here today to honor the loss of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage of Konohagakure, as well as all of the shinobi who unfortunately lost their lives while defending the village from the enemy."

It begins to rain in the middle of the ceremony, as if the heavens were crying at the loss of all who had died the tragic day Orochimaru attacked. Sighing lightly, I glance at Sasuke, who was looking down at the ground solemnly.

"Somehow... I'm not sad at the loss of Lord Hokage," I say, catching Sasuke's attention. He raises an eyebrow in confusion, definitely not expecting such a sentence to come out of my mouth on such a grievous day.

"It may sting a bit to know I'll never meet him again... but it just feels like it was his time. They say he died with a smile on his face, and whether or not that's true, it makes me feel like this is what he wanted. So, I'm not sad he's gone. This gives us Leaf shinobi a chance to prove that his life was not given in vain and that we will pull through this, just like we always have."

Sasuke blinks at my statement, slowly digesting what I thought of the situation. People may not agree with me, but I feel in my heart that he wouldn't want us to be sad. He would want us to move on with life and continue to prosper as proud members of Konohagakure.

"I see," Sasuke says simply, bringing his head up to look at the memorial before us. People were getting in line to place a flower in front of Lord Hokage's picture, so Sasuke and I follow suit. We stand side by side with our flowers, placing them down simultaneously in thanks for all of his efforts. 

All of his smiles.

All of his teachings.

All of his love.


"I want to be alone for a bit... I'll see you at home later, though," Sasuke says, breaking the silence. We were walking around the village, no destination in mind. It was nice to just spend some time with my brother, no matter how brief.

"Of course, Sasuke. Take your time, but don't be back too late," I respond quietly, not looking back as he turns around and walks away. I sigh to myself looking up at the sky. The attack is over and we won, but I feel like I didn't do enough for the village. I could've done more, if only I were stronger.

I bite my lip as my mind drifts to the curse mark on my shoulder, subconsciously bringing a hand up to it as if it were paining me. Orochimaru... he was the one who planned the attack on the village. He was the one who ultimately killed Lord Hokage.

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