The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 44

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Satomi P.O.V.


Idate takes off, taking a sharp left turn instead of heading for the boat like he was supposed to. 

After we had met Idate and he ran off again, we decided to just make our way to the destination for our mission. Surprisingly enough, the person we were supposed to escort for this race was Idate himself. The race had just started, and Idate was immediately going the wrong way.

"Hey, Idate! The boat is over here!" Naruto calls out in exasperation. We all chase after him, leaving the harbor behind as Idate scowls at our calls of protest.

"I think he has a plan," I state, keeping pace with my team when all I really wanted to do was catch up to Idate. Naruto growls from next to me, his patience with Idate running thin. He suddenly jumps down beside Idate, leaving Sasuke, Sakura, and I in the trees.

"I'm going to go down with him to make sure they don't get into another argument," I say, jumping down beside the two hot-heads. As I suspected, they were arguing over anything and everything.

"Naruto-kun, calm down. I assume Idate has a plan, right?" I ask, directing my question towards Idate. He smirks, glancing at me from the corner of his eyes. 

"At least someone on your team has brains," he grumbles mockingly. I sigh and shake my head as Naruto once again takes his bait. As we run, my eyes travel across the scenery to study where we are, however, I furrow my brows when I notice something peculiar. 

The scenery seemed to be repeating itself, meaning we were in a genjutsu. To confirm my suspicions, when I look up at the trees where Sasuke and Sakura should be following, I see nothing at all.

"Naruto-kun, we're tra-"

"Hang on a second, Satomi-chan, I'm about to teach this guy a lesson about manners!" Naruto shrieks angrily, continuing his rant to Idate about how he should learn a thing or two from him. Sighing in annoyance, I grab the backs of Naruto's and Idate's shirts, stopping them in their tracks. 

"We're in a genjutsu. Don't make any rash movements until it is dispelled," I instruct, watching as Idate releases the genjutsu around him. I sigh and activate my sharingan, the genjutsu surrounding me instantly fading away.

Although, my eyes narrow when I notice a second genjutsu also dispell, as well as Idate running straight for the edge of the cliff as if he didn't see it.

"Stop, don't go that way!" Sakura calls from the trees, giving me a pleading look when she notices Idate about to run off. I nod at her, grabbing Naruto's arm and releasing the genjutsu around him as we run.

"He's gonna run off! Naruto, dive after him, I'll keep you from falling!" I demand, watching as Idate and Naruto each dive off of the ledge. I had wrapped some wire around Naruto's torso after I released his genjutsu, having seen the imminent danger of Idate falling.

As Naruto grabs Idate's ankle, I pull on the wire, stopping their descent. Had I not focused chakra to the soles of my shoes, I would have fallen after them because of their sheer weight pulling on me.

Sasuke and Sakura soon come to my aid, helping me pull the two out of the ravine as they once again argued.

"You didn't have to save me, I would have been fine!" Idate scoffs, crossing his arms angrily at Naruto who had quite literally just jumped off of a cliff for him.

"Stop giving me attitude! I just saved your life!" Naruto shrieks, eyes blazing with the urge to punch Idate, no doubt. Idate growls, turning on his heel and crossing his arms childishly.

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