The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 42

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Satomi P.O.V.

"Hey, Sakura-chan, long time no see," I greet as I walk in the door. We had just returned from the mission, and I decided to pay my brother a visit in the hospital. Upon seeing me, Sakura's entire demeanor lightens as she stands up from her seat beside Sasuke. 

"Satomi! Did you and Naruto find Tsunade?" she asks eagerly, taking my hand in hers. I offer a small smile, nodding lightly to her. She gasps in hopefulness, tears brimming her eyes.

"She has to take care of a few things first since she is the Fifth Hokage now, but I'm sure Naruto-kun will drag her over here sooner or later," I say, pulling up a chair to sit next to Sasuke's bed as she takes her seat once again. 

"How has he been while we were gone?" I ask quietly, taking in his pitiful appearance. He was sickly pale, and the bags under his eyes were a dead giveaway that he wasn't resting comfortably, most likely because of the genjutsu Itachi had placed on him.

"He hasn't woken up at all..." Sakura reveals solemnly, clenching her hands over her knees. I hum in acknowledgment, moving a piece of Sasuke's hair out of his face.

In truth, I'm scared to know what he'll do when he wakes up.


"Is this Sasuke Uchiha's room?" a familiar voice asks, grabbing the attention of Sakura and I. Upon seeing Lady Tsunade's face, a small smile is brought to my lips. 

"Indeed, Lady Tsunade. This is my brother, Sasuke, and our other teammate, Sakura," I introduce pleasantly. Sakura stands up and bows respectfully to Lady Tsunade, beginning to tear up at the thought of Sasuke waking up.

"Thank you for coming, Lady Tsunade," she thanks gratefully. Lady Tsunade smiles before walking past her over to Sasuke's bedside, right as Naruto dashes in the door.

"Hey, Sakura-chan! Grandma Tsunade here is going to make everything alright again!" he cheers. I smile wistfully at that, a hard edge in my eyes. Even if Sasuke is going to be healed, he might not be the same as before. I'm sure Itachi's appearance really hurt him emotionally.

Lady Tsunade places her hand over Sasuke's forehead, her caramel eyes flickering over to Sakura who was hovering on Sasuke's other side. I stand next to her, while Naruto places himself next to Lady Tsunade.

Moments later, Sasuke groans, his face twisting as he wakes up for the first time in over a month. Sakura throws herself on top of Sasuke, tears streaming down her face at his awakening. I clasp my hands together, a smile appearing on my face as Sasuke starts to make sense of what's going around him.

"Thank you, Lady Tsunade," I say quietly, offering her a small nod in thanks. She returns the nod, glancing down at Naruto, who was watching sadly as Sakura expresses her feelings for Sasuke blatantly.

"Thank you, too, Naruto," I say, "You never cease to amaze me, that's for certain."

Naruto gives me a wide grin, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. Lady Tsunade hums, having noticed that I said that for Naruto's sake. However, what I said was the absolute truth. Naruto's an idiot, but at the same time you can't help but be impressed by the kid. He makes the impossible possible.

"Alright! Now that Sasuke's healed, we can move on to Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto cheers, pushing Lady Tsunade out of the room impatiently. I chuckle at his antics, as well as Lady Tsunade's grumbling about how she's going to teach him a lesson.

"Give Kakashi-sensei my regards, Naruto," I call, to which Naruto gives me a thumbs up. Sighing, I return my attention to Sasuke, who was being bombarded by Sakura. 

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