The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 45

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Satomi P.O.V.

"Watch out!"

I gasp in surprise as a harsh kick is delivered to the side of my head, sending me tumbling across the ground. 

"Satomi!" Idate calls out weakly, watching as I helplessly tremble on the ground. Scowling, I shakily push myself to my feet, glaring at Aoi, who was smirking at me from across the clearing.

"Idate, you need to begin running to Modoroki Shrine. I can only hold him here until the rest of my team arrives," I instruct, activating my sharingan to show that I would be fighting again.


"Stop talking back and just go! I'll be fine, but you need to continue the race!" I scream, charging towards Aoi recklessly. Idate doesn't move, merely watching as I make my best attempt to subdue Aoi.

"You really are persistent, aren't you, little girl?" Aoi sighs, punching my stomach. The breath leaves me as I dry heave, falling to my knees and clutching my chest.

"Idate! I can't beat him with you here, you need to go!" I say desperately, shakily rising to my feet as Aoi begins to approach Idate.

"You really are a pain, you know?" Aoi sighs, sending a senbon into Idate's shoulder. My eyes widen as I realize I'm too late. Idate was poisoned.

"And as for you," Aoi says, referring to me, "You should be down by now. Perhaps you just need a little more of a push!"

Aoi turns around, kicking me once again and sending me to the ground. I pant heavily, watching through heavy eyes as Aoi approaches Idate once again.

"Idate... run..."


3rd Person P.O.V.

Upon arriving in the clearing, Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto spot an unconscious Satomi laying not far away from Aoi, who was about to attack Idate.

"Who the hell are you?!" Naruto demands, pointing accusingly at Aoi, who merely sighed at his presence. 

"The name's Aoi, but it doesn't matter since I'm done here," he taunts, sending a small barrage of senbon towards Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura before disappearing without a trace. They each take a hit, the poison traveling through their blood.

"Naruto, Sakura, go check on Idate," Sasuke demands, making his way over to his sister, who was crumpled on the ground. He scowls when he notices a few cuts, as well as some bruises beginning to appear on her cheek.

"Satomi has been poisoned," Sasuke informs his teammates, carefully picking her up and approaching the two near Idate. He was still awake, but just barely as he stares at Satomi with regret swimming in his eyes.

"Idate says that the guy from before attacked them and that Satomi tried to protect the two of them before she was overwhelmed by the poison," Sakura explains, helping Naruto pick Idate up from the ground.

"We need to find shelter so we can get this poison out of our system," Sasuke instructs, beginning his trek through the woods to find somewhere safe.

Naruto and Sakura follow suit, listening solemnly as cheers roar in the distance from their opponent making it to Modoroki Shrine.


Satomi P.O.V.

Groaning, my eyes flutter open only to find shadows of a fire dancing over the walls of a cave. My body was sore, but I was surprised to find that I wasn't completely exhausted like I was earlier.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Sakura asks, helping me sit up as I rub my head. Sighing, I crack my neck and stretch out my arms, getting a feel for how injured I am.

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