The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 49

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Satomi P.O.V.

I felt betrayed.

After everything Naruto and I did... all of our efforts were for nothing. Nothing.

All I've done since Itachi murdered the clan was be by Sasuke's side through whatever he needed. I treasured him and treated him as if he were a king, figuring he's been through enough so why should I do anything less than give him all of my love, as the last of his family?

Perhaps it was just foolish of me to trust that he would act the same towards me.

My eyes were glazed over, staring endlessly at the blank wall in front of me. I hadn't moved in hours, nor have I eaten anything in two days. 

What point is there, now that I'm utterly alone?

"I heard what happened."

Blinking slowly, I flick my eyes to the corner of the room, where Ryouichi-sensei had just appeared. He was sitting in a chair, his arms crossed over his chest as his emerald eye watches me keenly. I don't respond to him, merely staring emotionlessly in his direction. There was nothing for me to say.

"You're not the Satomi I know," Ryouichi-sensei states, causing me to flinch away. Those were the exact words I had said to Sasuke. He takes note of my flinch, knowing he struck a chord with me.

"The Satomi I agreed to train wouldn't let this destroy her life. She would push through it, because she's a fighter. I refuse to continue training you until you show me that you really are Satomi Uchiha."

My lip quivers, tears flooding my eyes at his words. I know I'm not acting like myself, but I just couldn't help it. I need some time to mourn. Blinking away the tears, I let out a sigh and sit up fully, facing Ryouichi-sensei.

"I understand."

He sighs, shaking his head in disappointment as he stands up and glides over to the door, not turning back to look at me.

"Not yet, Satomi. But you'll understand soon enough. I have faith."


"Hey, Satomi-chan! How are you feeling?" Naruto's bright laughter causes me to lift my head, watching the door apprehensively as Naruto slips in and slides into a chair beside my bed.

"I've been better, but that's irrelevant. How are you doing, Naruto-kun?" I rebut, taking note of Naruto's hesitation before he gives me a wide grin.

It's fake.

"A little sore, but nothing I won't recover from," he admits, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. I give him a small nod, returning my gaze to my hands solemnly. There was no way I could face Naruto without flinching right now.

After all, I'm the reason he lost his best friend.

"Listen, Satomi-chan..." Naruto starts, sorrow bleeding through his voice, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... this is my fault."

Whipping my head to gaze at him, I notice the faraway look in his eyes as he stares at me. All that I could see was regret, guilt, and pain. Nothing that Naruto should be feeling right now.

"None of this is your fault, Naruto-kun. If anything, I should be the one to blame. I'm his sister, after all, I should've... no, I could've stopped him. But I didn't," I whisper lightly, tears invading my eyes as I squeeze his hand reassuringly.

"You did everything you could, Satomi-chan! Don't blame yourself for this..." he pleads, his hands beginning to tremble. My eyes meet his own, and it's enough to make me finally break.

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