The Strength of the Weak - Chapter 31

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Satomi P.O.V.

"Kakashi-sensei, did you really have to be this late to the match? If you hadn't shown up by the time I finished mine, Sasuke would have been disqualified," I scold, although the smirk on my face shows that I wasn't really mad.

Kakashi-sensei rubs the back of his head sheepishly, his eyes closed in what I assume is an apology. I sigh, ready for his excuse this time...

"Sorry, Satomi. You see, Sasuke and I got lost on the path of life."

"Sure," I mutter sarcastically, turning myself towards Sasuke and placing my hands on his shoulders. He brings his eyes to mine, and I can see the confidence radiating out of him. Sasuke really changed over the past month...

"Sasuke, be careful. I know you're strong, I've seen it myself... but you can't get in over your head. This Gaara kid will not hesitate to kill you, understand? I know you can do this, Sasuke... I know it," I say to him. He nods in response, making me smile and step away. Dosu was already back up to the stands, so Kakashi-sensei and I had to go back as well.

"Let's go, Satomi," Kakashi-sensei instructs, walking towards the exit lazily. I follow after obediently, my hands clasped behind me as we waltz up the staircase side by side.

"I wouldn't worry about Sasuke. He's strong... and I taught him something that's sure to give him an advantage in the match," Kakashi-sensei reassures, pulling out his book from his weapons pouch. I hum in acknowledgment, although my worries still remain. That kid is dangerous... I can sense it.

"I can't go up to the participants area, so I'm gonna have to go this way. Good luck on your match, Satomi," Kakashi-sensei says, turning down the other hallway and waving behind him briskly.

"Thanks, Kakashi-sensei."

Sighing, I continue up the stairs towards the waiting area, until a few voices make me pause in my tracks. Peering over the railing, I see two shinobi confronting Gaara, who was heading down to the arena for his match with Sasuke.

"Hey, do us a favor and lose the match for us, alright? Gambling is a big thing and our Lord can't lose his money," one of the foreign ninjas asks casually. Gaara was merely staring at them, although I could see the gourd on his back trembling as if something were fighting to get out.

"What, not even gonna answer? How rude..." the other one hisses. I shake my head at them disapprovingly, despite the fact that they couldn't see me. Even if they are powerful enough to take Gaara on, I wouldn't try to mess with him or the system. Things could go wrong...

Suddenly, Gaara's gourd burst open at the top, a wave of sand toppling over the ninja on the left with ease. He screams in terror, being pulled towards Gaara mercilessly. My jaw drops at the pure evil emanating from Gaara, the bloodthirsty look in his eyes putting me on edge.

The other guy whimpers, turning around and running away while his friend his crushed to death by Gaara's sand. My eyes widen as Gaara's sand catches the other ninja, tripping him to the ground and pulling him by his ankle back towards Gaara.

He screams, scratching his nails against the ground in hopes that he could get away. I'm unable to move, the sight of Gaara's sand ripping away the life of two men before my very eyes paralyzing me.

Did Sasuke really have to go up against somebody like this...?

With a final scream, the man's suffering ends as Gaara's sand crushes him to death. I stand in the middle of the staircase as Gaara's footsteps approach me, beginning their descent towards the arena.

As he passes by me, I can smell the stench of blood radiating off of him as if it were meant to be there. Fear consumes me... although it isn't fear for my life.

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